Thursday, August 15, 2013

Another Year of Dance

Sage started her 6th year of dance on Monday!  How is that possible?  This year, all 3 of her classes are on Mondays back to back.  Tap, ballet and jazz.  It's a long day, but it's OVER..or so we thought.  But when I went to buy new shoes, they invited her to a new company class that they are starting for juniors.  This helps stretch them and basically teaches them DANCE, not a routine.  She had her first class yesterday, and she LOVES it.  They require this for those that compete, but you don't have to compete to take it.  We're still a ways off from that.  We are obviously going the dance route, rather than cheer, so this is a great class for her.  Her teacher said that by Christmas, we will see a major difference.  I look forward to it.  So this year, she's doing well over 3 hours of dancing a week. 

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