Saturday, August 29, 2009

One for the Wall

Yep, it's on it's way in a 16x20.

Dior Baby

This outfit was in my basket of goodies from my friends at my shower, and it finally fits Jaggar. It says Dior all over it! Last night, I tried it on him with the hat and it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. It was so funny. I showed him to Travis, and he said, "Chef Boyardee." Either way, Dior or Chef Boyardee, I don't think you can deny how cute he is.
He was on the verge of going to sleep for the night, and I made Travis take pictures. This face is from the flash each time.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

His Favorite Person

aside from me is definitely Sage. He has actually laughed out loud a few times ALREADY, and it is ALWAYS at her. They are pretty sweet together.

She got props for this.She can always get him to smile.
He is just the cutest thing I've ever seen. This was his 3 month birthday by the way.
Aren't they adorable?

The Real Me

I'm really behind on pictures after our quick trip to Kentucky. I've got a ton, and they're all wonderful, but I just haven't had time to upload them. SO, I thought this post would be quick, easy and fun. While I was drying my hair one day in Louisville, Travis goes, "OH my gosh! I see your hair color." He's always asked me what it was, and frankly I wasn't really sure. Anyway, he took these pictures to show everyone what I REALLY am. :)

Now I will still argue that my hairdresser COLORS it darker underneath. She does...but why this appears to have not been touched at all....I'm not really sure.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Say What??!

I took this pic weeks ago and never posted it. The flash caught him off guard, but it still makes for a funny pic.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mr and Mrs Cool

Or Travis and Julie, whichever you prefer to call us. Either way, we finally put our plans to make Sage's playroom wall into a giant, magnetic chalkboard to reality. She LOVES it, and honestly, so do I. I mean REALLY, who doesn't love chalk?

Thank You, God and Chrissie

This is a picture of something we hadn't seen in weeks: Jaggar asleep without someone holding him. Even though it's my second baby, I still do certain things by the book, one of them being: "don't lay the baby on his stomach." Well guess what? He SLEEPS on his stomach. I had gone weeks with him falling asleep in my arms and waking up in less than 5 minutes after I laid him down. So I was telling Chrissie this, and she said, "You know what? Isacah did the same thing, but she'd sleep on her stomach. I just sat next to her." So, I gave it a shot, and praise His Holy Name, it worked! Now, he does NOT do this at night or when I can't watch him, but it's pretty sweet in the daytime. Isn't he an angel?
Note: He is in his bed at night, but when he's on his stomach, I put him in my bed so I can make sure he's breathing. :)

Letting Go

These days I haven't really written anything personal. And when I say "personal," I say that very loosely, meaning anything at all in regards to myself, but I feel that this deserves that. This may be comical to some, and actually, it is to me. But the other day it just occurred to me that I desperately needed to clean out my closet. For me, clothes and smells remind me of different times in my life. I probably won't remember the day, who went, or anything like that, but I could tell you what I was wearing and what kind of perfume I had on. Seriously.

In my closet, I have clothes sized 0-6. And when I say "clothes," think MASSIVE amounts. I had so many pairs of jeans and black pants that I really didn't know what I had. So I finally decided, "You know what? For me, the only place 0s and 2s belong are in my phone number, social security number, and street address." What's funny is that when I was that small, a lot of people that I knew then were a lot bigger than they are now. So we shall trade. I will enjoy food and life, and they can do whatever it is they are doing to keep themselves that small whether it be dieting or shots or cocaine. KIDDING. Congrats to them. One girl in particular is inheriting hundreds of dollars (no kidding) worth of wardrobe, but it's not doing me any good. What's also ironic is that the clothes I held onto that reminded me of certain times in my life were NOT good times! Isn't that crazy? Some of them were just things I did not wear the orange capri pants. Don't hate. :) I've actually seen these BACK at Express, which just goes to show you that they recycle all of their ideas, even the bad ones.

I feel good about this too. I was actually kind of ashamed at how much I had and how little I used and the fact that I STILL buy clothes. These days, all I'm wearing are things that can get spit up on, but it's okay. I am excited and thrilled with this time in my life. I couldn't be happier really. Is everything perfect? HECK no. But it's as close as it could ever be. I really do love my life and thank God for it everyday. Sooo, here's the evidence...

I also said "cleaned OUT" not "cleaned UP." Give me some time. The center and the entire right side--top and bottom--are my clothes that are STILL mine. Travis has the left corner, hahaha.
Even though these piles don' t look as big as they are, trust me, you couldn't lift them in one armful.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009