Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Slumber Party

This past Saturday, Sage's dream came true: Amber came to our house and spent the day and night. Jaggar had a blast, too. Amber's parents went to Ikea in Atlanta and asked if she could hang here. The girls had a blast and played so well together. Other than a 3:30 am call for donuts (serious), they were good as gold.

It didn't take them long at all to change into Sage's recital costumes.
Later that afternoon, we attended Grayson's birthday party. Of course, we had to listen to Radio Disney in the car. Amber is really shy, as you can see in this video.

When we got home, it was bath time.
And then they roasted marshmallows. With help. :)

Just Because

Our first morning in Ky (which is technically when we arrived), Nonni had "a little somethin'" for the kids just because they were there. :) Excuse the bluriness of some of the pics. Can you see what that is?
He does!
They made a barbie sized horse of Max, from "Tangled," and Mom found it being clearanced out at Meijer. She knew Jaggar had to have that. He was thrilled. He immediately tried to ride it.
Not to be outdone...she got...
Smurfette! I don't what it is about that Smurf movie, but kids all over absolutely loved it and fell in love with the smurfs. If you don't believe me, just go to your local toy section of any store and see all of the smurf items cleaned out. I took Sage to see it the day before school started, and it was cute. I didn't like all of the magic in it, but I grew up watching the smurfs and I remember NONE of that. I remember Kevin and I had the little figures and played with them all the time when we were little. She has now included Smurfette in her load of stuffed animals to sleep with at night. McDonalds had really cute Smurfs figures, but as I said, people went nuts over them and they sold out. I went to McDonalds from Alabama to Kentucky and back to find Smurfette with no luck. :(
Thank you, Nonni!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Last But Not Least...

These are my final pictures from our time at the fair. After we were practically melted from the extreme heat, we decided we needed food, drinks, and a/c. The a/c part was easy to find: that's where the animals are. So off we went to see my newest favorite: the mules. My mom has always loved them, but I really did this time, too.
I loved their eyes and big ears. Jaggar did, too.
They were huge. So huge, in fact, that they were intimidating at first, but they were so gentle. The owner said that they weighed around 1400 lbs. They also told us that they were very smart and could be trained.
Of course, he kept calling them "horse"

Then it was off to Jaggar's favorite thing, the cows.
This one was ready to go back outside and ride.
Mom got this snow cone to help cool off from the extreme heat.
I don't think mom actually got much of it herself.

This was earlier that morning. The pictures in my prior post were when Travis took Sage back out to ride while we stayed inside. But Jaggar discovered that water and didn't want to leave.
Notice Sage's pose in this and the above picture.
When we were trying to use up the last of the ride tickets, we met Travis and Sage back on the midway. It was CRAZY crowded. We were able to ride the ferris wheel with Jaggar.
I forget how much I hate the ferris wheel until I'm on it.
This picture is hysterical to me. Because Jason Aldean was in town, we saw TONS of girls in short dresses and skirts, shorter shorts, and cowboy boots. I couldn't figure why anyone would wear boots in that heat until I realized who the headliner was for the night. Anyway, Travis was like, "Wow, this is AWESOME!" with all of those half naked girls all around. Some did look really pretty. Then there were some fails. Check her out.
We had a wonderful time, and with traffic, we didn't get home until 1 am. Jaggar literally fell asleep the moment we put him in his seat. He never went to sleep on the ride up to Kentucky. He goes to bed at 7. It was 11, our time, when we arrived, and he was wide awake. Anyway, he didn't nap the entire visit in Kentucky. Then our 15 hour fair trip caused him to look like this as soon as we got in the car for the ride back to Alabama the next day. That's the sign of a good time. Thanks, Mom and Dad for having us!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ticket to Ride

No worries if you weren't able to attend the fair with us. We have 1200 pictures all for your viewing pleasure. It was SO hot on this day, but I remember being a kid and riding rides was my favorite part of the fair. However, I will say that even as a kid and especially as an adult, I have this fear that the ride that was probably thrown together in 45 minutes is going to break apart while I'm on it and kill me. :) Just a thought. I used to pray going up the hills on EVERY roller coaster. Got saved on each and every one. ;)

Midway, here we come.
The first thing that we rode was the swings. I always loved these when I was little, and I can still remember standing in the line with my brother when I was a kid. Coming back as an adult, they seemed to be so much smaller because they seemed to go SO high as a child.
Another reality would be that they ARE so much smaller. Ha ha. I barely fit in that seat and actually had some imprints on my legs from the side bars. #embarrassing
Jaggar waited patiently on the side with my parents while we rode the swings. When we got done, we wanted to do something that he could ride: the merry-go-round.
How sweet is that? And the nice man didn't charge ME a ticket to hold Jaggar on the ride. What a concept.

How sweet are they?

Okay, so this was the FIRST year that Sage was tall enough to ride some bigger rides. We were like, "YES!" We should have thought it through a little more because they were still too big for HER. The himalaya was always a favorite of mine. I thought, "This will be perfect for her. It's fast but that's about it." Um...not only was it fast, but this particular one was like elevated, and the cars swung out. It went forwards and backwards. It was a lot, even for me, and as she laid her head in my side asking when it would end, I knew I made a motherly fail. :( She got through it though.
Then Travis and Kevin rode a ride together.
And Travis had to move a seat over because he didn't want anyone thinking they were gay.
Meanwhile... ;)
Oh, Travis
Then there was another ride that Jaggar was able to ride: the big slide! I thought this was pretty big for him. When we were walking up the large amount of steps to get there, I started to get a bit nervous. I don't care for heights. That and the "thrown together in 45 minutes" combo just gets me. But Jaggar looked at me going up the steps and said, "This fun!" So cute.
And off we went! Travis got another "flip book" of pics that all turned out nicely of this.

I couldn't see his face so it was nice to be able to look back and see his sweet expression and know he enjoyed it.

Then Travis and Sage rode some bigger swings. Don't you love it when a random person looks like they're actually supposed to be in your picture too?

Then Mom took Jaggar over to some mechanical bears that were singing. She said that he wasn't so sure about it, but he didn't want to leave either.

Then the heat got to Mom. It was getting to all of us, but she had to sit for a few. By that time, I was done with the heat, so these next pictures are when Travis and Sage came back out on the midway later that evening after it had cooled off some.
View from the ferris wheel

Her little roller coaster
This was another bigger ride that she rode that spun around really fast. I think that she liked this one.

Travis was SO proud of this picture.
I'm so glad that she finally got to do the hamster ball. These were in the middle of our mall for a few months last year, but I thought they looked kind of cheesy for what they charged there.
She said that this was one of her favorite things.
Mom, Jaggar and I came back out to meet them later that night. Then we (except for Travis, who stayed with our things) rode the ferris wheel.
Then, even though Jaggar was about an inch or 2 short, the man let Jaggar ride this train. Height wasn't the issue as much as maturity in my opinion. It was just a little train that went around the track, but I was afraid that he could get up and try to get out at any time. Travis made sure the belt was really secure though and tight enough to prevent that.
Cute! This lasted for a really long time. I hate that I can't see Jaggar's smiling face in this.
Sage rode so many rides that day and into the night that she got to the point of not caring if she rode anymore. THAT is a lot of rides for a kid to get to that point. That's what it's about!