Friday, April 29, 2011

Open House

On Tuesday night, Sage's school had their spring open house. What was so special about this is that the week before spring break, they had moved into their brand new building (built right behind the one they were in), and this was the first time that we were able to see the inside. Sage had been talking about it nonstop, and her bragging was up to par for sure. It was gorgeous. I am so happy that she gets to spend the maximum amount of time in this beautiful school. Here she is under the "O" on the stage in the cafeteria. Yes, she has been ecstatic that the cafeteria has a stage. Their principal makes announcements there each morning, and no kids are allowed up there. So, of course, on this night, EVERY child was up there instantly, including mine. :)

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In the Midst of the Storm

Alabama is being hit with some very serious storms and tornadoes as I type this, so Jaggar is up a little later than normal in the event that we need to take shelter. Every time that the siren goes off, Jaggar freaks out. He HATES loud noises. Each time that they go off, he runs to Sage for her to hold him. I think it is the most precious thing I've ever seen! Makes me want to cry! haha.

Isn't that so sweet? And this like makes her year, too. She LOVES to be the mommy. :)

Now that the storms are over, I can update that this was one of the worst storms in many years for Alabama. Personally, I think this was the first "tornado warning" I've been in here since I've lived here. The death count is up to 53 statewide, and that number will be higher tomorrow. We are so thankful for God's divine protection on us and our family, and our thoughts and prayers are with those that suffered great losses.

Bye bye, Bunny

On Saturday, the day before Easter, we took a trip to the mall so that the kids could have one last visit with their beloved Easter Bunny. They were obsessed with him this year! I thought that I got a pretty cute picture of them with him.

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Picture Perfect for Easter

Before the kids got any chocolate or dirt on their clothes, I had Travis take some (okay, a LOT) of pictures of them ready for church. I think that they looked precious.
Could he be any cuter?
Beautiful Sage
There are probably a lot more pictures of her because she would pose all day if you wanted her to.
Jaggar with a mouth full of gum

They love each other.
Sage took this, and she didn't do half bad.
I had to laugh when I looked at this because I never saw Jaggar getting ready to take a dive off of the front porch until later.

This was actually the last picture we took before we left for church. THIS is so typical. See Sage's face? When I was getting ready, she asked me for her play makeup. I specifically said, "You may put on some CLEAR lip gloss/chapstick. I do NOT want to see any color on your face." Well, when I came downstairs, I saw white iridescent eye shadow all over her eyes. So, I wiped it off and took the bag from her. She was obviously not a happy camper. These are very typical moments right before we leave for church.
I really don't know how Travis got Jaggar to stand there in any of these. He's always the better photographer.
Our little model
I mopped our floors today after looking at this picture. Awesome. We do have to keep all the doors locked and latched at the top because Jaggar can and will walk outside.
See? haha.
This was after church, and you can see that Sage was in a much better mood.
My most precious gifts
Sage took another picture.
This is a perfect example of Travis not letting me be the photographer and trying to get Jaggar to look. Then the child (in this case, Jaggar) is ready and Travis is not. We haven't had this conversation or anything. ;)
Better...somewhat. haha...he did it again actually.
After a nice lunch, we hunted Easter Eggs and played outside all day.
I took these two pictures of Jaggar finding eggs because those are the only ones that he got. He remembered the egg hunt at the nursing home where each egg was filled with candy. When he realized that this was not the case, yesterday he threw them all on the ground...
...and went to play.
Sage, on the other hand, was VERY into finding eggs.
And he decided he was going to jump. All while he was jumping, he'd say, "FUN!! It FUN!!" SO cute.
Sage and Jaggar with their Pawpaw. Hope everyone else's Easter Day was as beautiful as this one!

Easter Baskets

Sage was in my room at 6 am on Easter morning ready to see her basket. I remember the excitement of finding the things in my basket, too, so I know how she feels. I just wanted her to feel that way...say, 7ish? :) And this is what both kids walked in to see.
She's coming around the corner.
Very happy
She had to dig through it all.
Shortly after, Jaggar woke up. We had to basically force him to even LOOK at his basket because he was more excited that the dogs were still inside and kept going back to see them.
They were already eating chocolate. Sage's favorite thing was that pink cord bracelet that some people wear a key on because now she can play "store."
Jaggar liked his skull coin holder. And why wouldn't he?
Blowing bubbles

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Coloring Easter Eggs

Today was the MUCH anticipated day: the day we dyed Easter Eggs!!! Sage has only asked about one million times if we were going to do it. She LOVES it. This was also Jaggar's first year to participate, and that was an experience to remember. Here's some pictures from our endeavor.

Yes, they are ALL waving. ha.
Her hands were so covered in dye that I didn't think we could ever get it all off. Oh well, it's great to be 6, right?
Then there's Mr. "Ball. Ball. Ball." What do you do with a ball? Yes. So, he couldn't NOT have someone touching him and intercepting him at all times. And he is without clothes for good reason. I wasn't going to give him an opportunity to ruin an outfit.
Sage is very serious in her work.

I still remember coloring eggs when I was little. Today was a little more hectic than I remember it being. :) These two loved it though.
Notice me grabbing his hand before it plummets into the green dye.
Sage and I coloring some eggs while Jaggar looks for an open door of opportunity.
She loved that wax crayon to write on the eggs. I need to look back at them and see what all she wrote!

Sweet boy
When we were finished, he decided he'd like a cupcake. :) Tomorrow is Easter/Resurrection Day. Speaking of that, I have a set of "resurrection eggs." Inside each egg is something that helps to tell the real story of "easter," like a whip, nails for the cross, a crown of thorns...we did those when we were done dyeing eggs, but I didn't take any pictures. I'd really recommend those for young kids to help them learn the real meaning of why we are celebrating tomorrow. They are super cute and fun.