Friday, June 28, 2013

A Day at the Park

Last Friday, I decided on a whim that we would go to the park.  To be honest, the park is about 5 minutes from my house, and I haven't been there in years.  Jaggar didn't even remember it, but it just got to be that I hated getting on other people's kids that annoyed me or trampled mine while their oblivious mom played on their cell phone or talked to friends so I stopped going.  But Nichole told me that when she goes that there is hardly anyone there, so before it got to be 104, we went for it.  And it was a great decision because it wasn't overly crowded.  They have a splash area in the middle that is usually off limits for my kids because it's just crazy crowded, but not this time.  I had packed their suits hoping it wasn't too busy.  Jaggar said his legs were sore from his shots, so he wasn't the least bit impressed at first. I was surprised by that, but he warmed up quickly and we all had a great time. I think it was the first time in history that Sage told ME when she was ready to go.  I remembered when she was smaller, and I always had to drag her out kicking and screaming.  This time I just had to drag Jaggar out.  Here are a lot of pictures.

 This was the first time that Sage was able to do the monkey bars.

 Costner wasn't really impressed.  I was hoping he'd fall asleep in the car and sleep most of the time, but nothing ever really goes like I plan for it to.  He was awake for the majority of the time because he has to see what's going on.

 Jaggar didn't even want to get in the water initially, which shocked me, but he loved it once he was in.

 Here is a video of them playing in the water.

 I LOVE this picture.  This pretty much sums up how they were.
 Sleepy, nosy boy.  He had to WORK to stay awake, I think.
 When they were done with the water, they were cold.  How sweet is that?
 And this one finally fell asleep...literally, he couldn't stay awake any longer.
 Blue skies

Boys' Well Check-Ups

Aren't they sweet?
When Jaggar turned 4, I went ahead and bit the bullet to schedule his 4 year checkup to continue with our ongoing them of June of "let's see how many times we can go to a doctor's office."  Any parent with little ones knows what the 4 year checkup means:  shots.  4 of them to be exact.  So when I scheduled, they didn't have anything for 2 weeks, which was like 2 days before Costner turned 6 months old.  So I rescheduled it for last week when I could kill two birds with one stone and take both of them for the 4 year and 6 month checkup.  Shots and checkups for babies are sad and inconvenient, especially with how often they are in the beginning.  But taking a very aware 4 year old is beyond not fun.  Taking JAGGAR is cruel and unusual punishment.  I didn't tell him until we were getting ready, and the whining immediately began.  I couldn't tell him that he was getting shots because he wouldn't understand that at all, not that I would, but he asked if he was sick.  He didn't even understand why we were going. 

Costner was good as gold, of course.  He was 16 lbs, 14 oz and I think 27 inches long or close to it.  They didn't write it down for me like they said, and I had my hands so full with Jaggar's nonstop whining that I couldn't write it.  He, like both of the others always were and are, is in like the 90th percentile for height and 50th for weight.

Jaggar, who refused to step on the scale without tears, weighed 34lbs and I don't remember how tall he was. He, too, is in the 90th percentile for height and a little less than 50th for weight.  Yes, I panicked about this.  He has only gained a lb since his last well checkup in October.  I immediately started spiraling.  But...Travis and I are both tall and thin.  I can drive myself crazy, and I do a lot of times, but the bottom line is that Jaggar is good.  He's more than good...just not behavior wise at the doctor.  He's actually terrible. So then, which worked out for my good, while we were waiting, Jaggar started with, 'I want a shot!'  ....Um...okay!  He's the strangest kid in the world.  When she looked at his ear though, she didn't like how it looked. They did a test, and he had an ear infection! I swear he has something crazy every time we go.  Unfortunately, I think that he takes after me with being prone to ear infections. He hadn't complained, and she even had to do a test to see if it's what she thought because I guess it was a very early infection, but it was there.  She was going to write an Rx...but you know him.  "NO!  Give me a shot!" SOOOO,Costner got his shots first--3 to be exact.  Then it was Jaggar's turn.  He's used to one shot...but he got 5 this day, including the requested one for his ear.  After the 3rd one, he screamed, "I'm done!" and one of his hands got loose.  I can't blame him, but that hand knocked the needle while she was mid shot and it swiped his leg.  It cut his leg and bruised it. The nurse felt terrible, but what could she do?  As soon as the shots were done, Jaggar was good as new.  He was happy and himself.  We weren't out of there fast enough. 
Jaggar's leg from the shot swipe

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Feeling Again

I mentioned that I don't take the time to write much about my own personal thoughts lately, and that's okay.  That's what a journal is for, but I don't do that either.  It is interesting in the times that I HAVE done that in the past on the blog to look back years later and see if I still feel that way...and more often than not, I wouldn't do the same thing or feel the same way...or at least express it.  Believe it or not, I DON'T always share how I think or feel completely, which is terrifying to those that spend any amount of time around me because I do seem to say it as it comes across my mind.  But I do bite my tongue , and I'm sure that's a direct grace of the Holy Spirit.  My greatest strength is also my greatest weakness:  if I FEEL it, I say it...and the weakness being the same.  And I'm so passionate about it in that moment.  Not everyone wants to know what I think and feel.  But at least you don't have to wonder if I like you or not.  And if I DO give you a compliment, you know I'm not just blowing smoke or flattering. Even at the dentist this week, he said, "Let me know if I hurt you...but some how I don't even think I need to say that to you because I KNOW you will."  And I wouldn't say we spend a great deal of time together...ha.

  It always seems that on New Year's Eve, our pastor always says something to the effect of, "Who is glad to see this past year go?"  And it's always met with a resounding YEAH!...But I don't always feel that way.  Of course, every year is met with some pain and things we wish were different, but to discount the whole year as being awful and glad to see it go?  No.  But this past one....well, I've met heaven and hell..sometimes in the same day, the same hour and minute.  SO many changes in every area.  My faith, my resolve and my beliefs have met the road I walk for sure.  I don't have any answers, but the nice, neat boxed appropriate answers no longer apply and I literally walk by faith every day.  I can say this though, "His grace has been sufficient, and His power has been made perfect in my weakness."  Sometimes people say, "Oh wow what a good mom you are!" in regards to how I care for Sage, but I don't know another way.  Any less is not enough.  I've had some people come in my life, and I've had some go out.  No big fall outs.  Just so many shifts in our life.  As some have drifted out, God has brought new ones I didn't expect in, and I know I'm cared for and never alone.  And I don't discount people because they're not who I expected to form relationships with.  Maybe they'll be lifelong.  Or maybe it's just for a time.  Whatever it is, I'm thankful for the NOW.  Because it's all I have.  Our outlook. The way we do things.  It's all changing.  I wouldn't say it's perfect by any stretch, but I'm learning to say, "TODAY is good.  We are here.  We are healthy.  We are on the track to goodness and something better than where we're at, and we have all we need to get there."

May Your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing. Psalm 143: 10

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Time Killer

When I was at the dentist for the first of the many visits I have coming, I had all 3 kids with me.  Sage and Jaggar entertained themselves on my iphone, and I cracked up when I saw this.  I have "Make Me a Princess" for Sage, and apparently, she made Jaggar one.

Pink Exersaucer for Bleu

During VBS, I went to Nichole's house one day after giving Sage her medicine since I only had a little over an hour before it was over.  She had been cleaning out some things and asked if I wanted to borrow their exersaucer for Costner.  I have a swing, a seat and a playpen for him (for changing downstairs), and Travis FREAKS about them taking up too much room.  So I don't really buy all the baby stuff that I COULD have, but I was glad to have it knowing when we're done, I can turn right around and give it back.  Costner doesn't even mind that it's pink.  :)  Funny story:  We call Costner a little bit of everything:  Costner, Costner Bleu, Bleu, Bleu Jack, Costner Bleu Paisley heard Jaggar call him Costner Bleu.  SHE thought that was hilarious but decided to call him "Costner Pink" because pink is her favorite color.  Cute.

 He likes it most days.  :)  I know, that's terrible, but he's the most rotten baby you've ever seen, so when he cried for more than 5 seconds, he got really loud like this because it was a crime towards him.  He's used to getting what he wants BEFORE he wants it.

 He always goes back to this.  That smile melts me.  Precious angel.

Vacation Bible School and a Rant

As soon as school lets out, one of the first things Sage looks forward to is Vacation Bible School at Golden Springs Baptist Church.  I just realized that she has gone since she was FIVE years old...little girl.  She didn't know a soul her first year, and she didn't care.  AND THIS year, someone else was old enough to go, but that someone was pretty much forced there.  That would be Jaggar Cruiz.  This year was another "first" for us since Sage was diagnosed last summer.  This was one of the things that ran through my mind where I thought..."she can't go."  But my main goal in life is to let nothing stop her on the basis of diabetes.   So, I called the church and spoke to the children's director, and she was willing to be more than accommodating for Sage.  She let me stop by the church the week before where she led me back to the kitchen and showed me all of their food that they had that they'd be serving, and I wrote some things down.  The lady over the meals for the week was actually the cafeteria manager at Sage's school, and she said, "Oh is this our diabetic?"  I said, "She has diabetes."  I know, people just say it, but it's one way to really annoy me very quickly.  If you have arthritis or osteoporosis or any other DISEASE, do you introduce yourself that way?  Or describe yourself that way?  It's so insensitive, and I don't even wear my feelings on my sleeve.  Sage is a daughter, a sister, a friend, a thinker, a dancer, a dreamer, a carer, a problem solver..she IS so many things...but diabetic is not WHO she is.  So...have some tact and thought and think about what that sounds like when you say it and think if you had a horrible illness, if you'd like to be described that way in an introduction or EVER or if you'd say to a child or someone that had cancer, "Oh!  you're the cancer kid!!"  I am FULLY aware that people, EVEN/ESPECIALLY in the medical field, have no clue what all this really entails (Example, my dentist asked if we had to check her sugar....really?) but still...anyway, I'm getting off on something that has nothing to do with anything with this, but I wanted to say it.  Don't say it.  Especially to me.  I will correct you.  Or ignore you. That felt good. I don't take the time to write how I feel much lately, and I just wanted to throw that in there.  PS:  The cafeteria lady had no bad intentions...but people say that and it's stupid.  That and "How is she doing with HER diabetes?"  That's stupid too.  It's not hers.  I think that my be a Southern thing because people say that about a lot.  Don't be an idiot.  Is that too much to ask?  Clearly.

Anyway, when I went to register BOTH kids...and let me just say, Jaggar had NO desire to go.  None.  He cried even talking about it. "Are you going to take me to that place where you leave me?"  But he is with me all the time, and I think he just....NEEDED to know he could go somewhere without me and be okay.  When I registered them, and this was literally going to the church and filling out a paper, he lost it.  We got a shirt (I wasn't buying for him yet in the event he bailed) and then went to the kitchen so I could write down some nutrition facts, and you would've thought I was going on a cross country trip without him and leaving him with strangers.  He was hyperventilating and it wasn't even the day of it.  BUT I thought....if I could get Paisley to go, they'd be in the same class and THEN he'd be okay.  But....I was trying it with or without her.  So right after registering him, we go to Panera Bread, and who is standing the window waving but PAISLEY?  It was a sign.  Nichole had already said she didn't want to go and wasn't going to force it, but I said, "Paisley!  Jaggar is going to VBS!  Do you want to go?"  She said yes, and they signed her up.  We were in business.  The first day, Jaggar left me crying his eyes out, but I got a shirt for him and went to the balcony to watch them when they marched in to sing.  He was okay then..and I felt good.  I came back each day about an hour and a half before it ended and found Sage's class, gave her a shot for the food and was out until the end of their day there.  Her teachers were great and called me before it even started to talk with me.  Sage LOVED it.  Jaggar's only motivating factor was the tickets we told him he was earning for each day to spend on family night.  Every day he'd say, "When am I going to get my tickets?  When do I get my prize?"  He cried when I dropped him off every day.  EVERY.  DAY.  But he was having fun when I got him, and they were so sweet with him. It was a GREAT first experience to be away from me (aside from church).  And Sage always has a blast.

So here they are after their first day.  Sweet, matching shirts.
On the last day, they brought home all of the things they made, and they make a LOT.  Both kids made an awesome manger scene on wooden blocks.  After all of the grief he gave me each day, Jaggar was SO proud of all of his things and was telling me bible stories and about sharing.  It was so precious.  He then hung every paper and picture that was his on the fridge.  It was so cute.  He was so proud...but check out this picture....yes.  His class picture.  Look at him.  I said, "What was wrong with you?"  He pointed at me and hit my leg.  I said, "What does that mean?"  He said, "I wanted you."  lol  Sigh...perfect, right?  He then wanted to know when he'd be getting his tickets. 
And THAT was happening that night. I failed to mention that Travis was out of town shooting Bonaroo (modern day woodstock basically), so we were on our own.  Jaggar said, "I am not singing on stage, and I am not dancing."  But I told him that I'd be in the audience and not really leaving him.  I sat up in the balcony with Costner because I thought I'd be able to get to their classrooms afterwards easier and faster from up there and see better.  Jaggar was so cute with his class...and once he spotted me, he waved to me nonstop.    And telling his teacher I was up there. And waving more.  It was adorable.  I kept waving to him too.  And giving him the thumbs up.  And blowing kisses.  Sage couldn't see me and I hated that because I'm always on the floor instead of the balcony, and I could see her looking for me.  Here's Jaggar in the crowd with his class.
And then it came time for his age to sing..the youngest ones.  And the craziest thing happened:  He DID it!  He did the dance.  He sang!  He did the motions.  I couldn't believe it.  The funniest thing was that Paisley, who had been waiting for her chance on the stage, froze...and twirled her hair while Jaggar did all the motions beside her. She'd been telling Nichole all week that if they'd just give her a change, she could do those dances and sing.  Ya just never know.  Here's a video, but it's not the greatest because I was in the balcony recording with an iphone  in one hand and holding a 6 month old in the other arm.
You actually have to maximize it to even see Jaggar somewhat.  He is on the top left.

And here is Sage's group.  Her age group was the biggest in the entire vbs, and she still managed to be front and center.  I stopped right before they finished so that I could take a picture.  Oh, their theme this year was something like the roller coaster of life, and they had a roller coaster in the sanctuary as you can see.

After each group sang, I picked them up in their classrooms and then we got the long awaited tickets to redeem in the gym, fulfilling Jaggar's purpose in even going.  That was a little crazy because there were SO many kids, but Sage and Jaggar each got their prizes and left happy.  Very thankful for all of the volunteers who lovingly pour into this so my kids and many others can experience this wonderful VBS...even if one was forced.  When we drive past the church now, Jaggar says, "Don't take me there!  That's not my friend!"  He got his tickets, and he is done.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Feeding the Hungry

For many years now, I've noticed that Sage has a heart for the needy, particularly hungry people.  If she earned money in some way, she'd say that she wanted to buy a loaf of bread for people that didn't have anything to eat.  So obviously I want to nurture those characteristics in her, and thankfully, we go to a church that is very focused on that.  Recently, they hosted a community challenge and I signed our entire family up.  Sage was so excited, and she even got to dance on the stage during the "pump up" part/introduction, if you will.  After they instructed us what to do, we headed to a table to form an assembly line.  It was kind of a competition to see how fast we could fill boxes.  However, we had Paisley and Jaggar at our table, and they were soon sent elsewhere, especially after they each sneezed into the rice and veggies.  Awesome.  Travis got the bags under the funnel part.  Sage scooped in the veggies, and I did the rice.  For the first little bit, Travis had to tell me continually to go because I got distracted.  He said I was worse than the kids.  So needless to say, our table was not the fastest but it was really important that my children be a part of that, even if Jaggar only did it for a little bit.
  I think that it really made an impact on Sage (and us too) and we hope to do more things like this in the future.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Sweet Summer

I don't have make much time to blog these days, but I didn't really have to say that.  Someone is very interested in EVERYTHING these days, and there's not anything I can do without a little hand right in the middle of it.  He actually just noticed what I was doing and is probably about to type his own thoughts.  :)  Anyway, we are enjoying lazy summer days...when we're not at the doctor or dentist.  This has definitely been the month for that.  Sage and Jaggar play so well together, and one day they were on a boat...or Sage's bed, but that day, it was a boat.  I remember doing this same thing on my brother's bed.  But ipads didn't exist to watch movies and play games on it...but we did eat Doritos. 

They played like this for a really long time.
She loves her brother.  He's pretty fond of her, too.  No one can make him laugh quite like she does.

 And the bigger kids love to play in their baby pool (ours is still green) while Bleu Jack and I sit on the deck and watch.  I have SO enjoyed not going to school or dance more than the kids.  I would be perfectly content never leaving my house, I think.  I will try to catch up on a few more things that we've done this month before the week is up.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Room Tours

Thank God, it is indeed summer time.  When we aren't at a doctor's appointment every other day like last week, Sage and Jaggar play really well together (most of the time).  I love that.  I love sleeping in and not having to wear makeup or go anywhere.  Not that I really wear makeup even when I did have to go out during the school year.  I realize I will have to come out of "new mom mode" eventually, but it takes me a good year usually.  Anyway, Sage and Jaggar have had a lot of fun the past few weeks making videos.  Sage loves to watch some of the videos that other girls her age have made on youtube with their rooms and American Girl dolls.  I have full monitor over this and everything she watches and is allowed to put on there, fyi.  Anyway, I laughed at the videos they made, especially the ones where Jaggar is involved.  HILARIOUS.  "My room toy."  lol  He's so cute.
If you have 13 minutes on hand, you can watch Sage's very in depth tour.  :)

Jaggar's room.  SO funny. 

And then they did Costner's.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

6 Months

My precious Bleu Jack turned 6 months old 4 days ago on Wednesday.  SIX months.  That's half a year for the math challenged like myself.  I don't even know how it's possible.  A stranger at a restaurant today was peeking in at him asleep in his stroller and said to me, "You sure don't look like you just had a baby."  I smiled and said thank you, but what I was thinking was, "I didn't just have a baby!"  He is growing so fast and learning so much lately.  He grabs for EVERYTHING and certainly recognizes all of us.  He was squealing as loud as he could when Sage and Jaggar were playing in their pool yesterday.  It was so cute because I could tell he was wanting to join them.  And sooner than we all think, he will join them.  At six months, he is trying solids but not liking them at all, as I mentioned.  And some days, he doesn't even try them because I don't feel like wasting the food.  He can roll over like a pro both ways.  He loves to get his feet in his mouth, and based on certain times I've had my finger in his mouth, I imagine he could cause some pain to himself.  No teeth yet, but I think he could gum a steak.  He is STRONG.  He always has been, and if I lay him on his back, he'll keep his shoulders up off the ground like he's trying to sit up.  Sometimes he locks his legs when we try to put him in his car seat like, "Nope, I'm not going in there."  And we can't get him in like that! lol   He hasn't had his six month check up yet, so I don't have an exact weight, but I'm still betting he's my biggest baby out of the 3.  I KNOW he's bigger than Sage.  He's almost as big as she is now because she can barely hold him.  He is such a fun, sweet baby.  His demeanor is sweet, and everyone says that about him.  He still smiles and quickly turns away like a flirt.  I love him so much.

Who couldn't melt at that smile?  Oh, he's also pretty Mommy addicted.  He can be screaming with Travis, and he'll bring him to where I'm at and the moment he sees me, he laughs...and then screams and hyperventilates if I don't take him.  :)
He hadn't been awake long here, and I think it shows.  Trying to get some 6 month pictures.
 In his bed:  a place he NEVER is.  That won't last much longer.  My run on no sleep is running out.

 I was trying to get a picture of him rolling over, so of course he wouldn't really do it.

 Precious boy
 Nothing is safe in his reach anymore.
 Happy 1/2 birthday to my angel.  Also, on the evening of his birthday, I was changing him.  I started doing some stupid laugh, and he laughed harder than he ever has in his life.  I'm talking he was SCREAMING he was laughing so hard.  It was so funny that I could barely breathe because I was laughing so hard, too.  I called Travis in there, and he got a kick out of it, too.  He went and got the ipad to record, but he didn't laugh as hard as he was once we recorded, of course.  Here is a little bit of it, but I'm sad we couldn't get the screaming laughter.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Week of Appointments

I've pretty much had every appointment you could imagine this week:  dental cleanings, Sage's endocrinology and pediatrician well check ups, which I had to reschedule because I'd booked them on the same day as one of the other appointments.  Too much going on this week and none of it has been fun, particularly with Jaggar.  Jaggar HATES to be messed with in any way, shape or form.  To say he was horrendous at the dentist would be an understatement.  To his credit, he did have 4 cavities filled at the last appointment, so I prayed that God would have mercy on them and my checkbook.  As soon as I signed them in, I looked up and Sage was running back out of the lobby after Jaggar, who was crying already and apparently leaving.  He was just going to go wait in the car, I guess.  He cried for the entire hour that we waited in the waiting room.  When we went back, Sage went first.  They were so nice in trying to make Jaggar feel comfortable.  They even let him push the button for Sage's xray.  He didn't care.  I looked up and he was leaving and going back to the waiting room and then to the car, I guess.  Everyone was laughing in the waiting room as he managed to get back out there MULTIPLE times.  Thank GOD, neither child had any problems.  However, Sage has some deep grooves on her back molars and needed some sealants, so we ate lunch and came back.  I had to tell Jaggar MULTIPLE times that he was done, and he kept saying, "Do I have to come back?"  I said, "Not until Christmas."  He'd say, "NO!  I'm not coming back."  We had this convo over and over while Sage was getting her work done  in the back(she is the polar opposite of Jaggar and any doctor's dream patient).  I finally said, "If you don't come back, your teeth will fall out."  That should do it, I thought, but he immediately said, "Okay!  I don't want them anyways."  Awesome.  I'm going to start having him sedated before appointments, I think.  Unfortunately, my dentist appointment today didn't go nearly as smoothly. All I can figure is that pregnancy and nursing has wreaked havoc, and I've got a price to pay in the next few weeks...literally. has not been my most fun week, that is for sure. 

The kids' dentist is a pediatric office.  I switched them both to her after Jaggar needed his work done.  It's a great office, and Jaggar almost looks happy as he laid on this bear in the corner, right?  Looks can be deceiving.  They almost did his exam down there because he refused to get up.
 Yep, this is a little more like it.

Back Again

When Mom and Mema were here, I decided to renew our museum passes after it had been well over a year of not going.  I'm not even sure Jaggar remembered it because he acted like he was terrified when we were in there.  He definitely won't forget it now because he asks to go on a very regular basis.  He has a love hate relationship with it because there's a CD playing in certain parts to make it sound like a thunderstorm.  He HATES it.  So last Friday when we needed milk from Wright Dairy, we made a day at the museum first.

We stopped and picked up Chick Fil A first and had a picnic outside.
 The lightning is always terrible inside, so I didn't take A picture in the museum.  The prettiest part is still as soon as you walk out.  The fish in that pond have gotten HUGE by the way.  I even took a picture of Sage and Jaggar on the walk way without (as much) fear that Jaggar would be IN the water.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

First Foods

I'm not the person that gives my babies table food or cereal at 3 weeks old to help them "sleep through the night."  I actually want to smack people in the face that do that.  I am pretty by the book when it comes to feeding, and I do nothing but breast milk for the first 6 months and then slowly start introducing solids.  Actually with Sage, they said 4 months then, but with Jaggar and Costner, I did the current 6 months of milk only.  That, in itself, is a full time job.  I'm not the person that can't part ways with breast feeding and wants to do it forever.  On the contrary, I pretty much force myself.  Yes, it's sweet, but it's also a huge sacrifice and commitment.  I had more freedom in almost everything, even wardrobe, when I was pregnant.  Not to mention, Costner refused a bottle until um..last week.  BUT the health benefits and the huge amount of money saved is my motivator.  Not to mention, Costner could have a breakdown if I stopped. The emotional comfort to him is sweet, but after 1/2 a year of no sleep....sigh, ask me when that's a memory.  I'm sure I'll remember it fondly.  ANYWAY, even though he's 6 months today (next post!), I started his introduction to solids a few days ago.  He's been smacking his lips as he has watched us eat.  He even tries to grab what we have.  So, I've been reading that the traditional baby food of rice cereal and bland foods aren't necessary.  It just needs to be pureed.  So, I decided to go with an avocado as his first taste of the good stuff.  Unconventional, I know, but they're already mushy, and they're really good for you.  I read it was a great starter food for babies.  I also got one of those mesh teethers that you can put food into so that the baby can get the juice out of something that would normally need to wait until they were older. SO, we were all excited to see Bleu's reactions.

FIRST, I put some ice in the teether.  I know, not food, but it was definitely something he'd never had.  Reaction?  He loved it.  And it buys me some time if he's not in the mood to sit but I need him to.

 Next step?  The avocado.  I ground it up and mixed it with breast milk to make it soupy since he's never had any kind of solid.  He was ready. went really well.  He opened his mouth for the spoon and never pushed it back out.  I was pleased.  Was he "Mmmm"-ing and flapping his arms, excited for more?  No...but he seemed to like it.

 It was difficult to take pics and video and feed all at the same time, so I asked for help from Sage.

 Here's the video of his first meal.

I would like to say that since then, we've tried (insert whatever food or foods you want) and how much he loves it...but that would be a lie.  Costner has since decided that he wants nothing to do with food, and I'm not sure why.  A few days later, I tried oatmeal (for babies, of course)...and I got this reaction.

Notice how he shuts his eyes and turns his head lol.  He HATED it.  Now?  That's been his reaction to EVERYTHING...well, oatmeal, the avocado and the sweet potatoes that I tried out of desperation to find something he liked.  I don't know where I went wrong exactly.  I've never seen how a child that's never had anything to eat can think food is awful.  My other kids loved food.  They loved squash, which is what I started them on.  Costner?  Hated it.  Here's our try (2nd  one at that) with sweet potatoes this morning.

He's not turning his head for lack of control.  He's turning his head away.  And don't you love that look when I put the food in his mouth of "DEAR GOD?!  What is that?!" If you put a spoon towards his mouth now (it could have ice cream on it), he closes his eyes and turns his head away.  lol.  SO, we started solids and now...we attempt them because as of today, if that's all we're offering, he'll just stick with liquid.  lol