Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye, 2011

This is my LAST post for 2011. Kind of a weird thought. I'm not a huge New Year's party kind of girl. But when Sage and I were praying tonight, the fact that a chapter of our lives is closing had a magnitude about it to me, and I don't know why exactly. Maybe it's because some people like my Papa didn't make it to see 2012. Or people like Linda Noe didn't get there like they thought they would. Yet. It seems like the older I get, the more thoughtful (meaning sentimental...I'm not really that thoughtful) I get. I was supposed to go to a wedding tonight, but it was kind of hard to find a sitter on New Year's Eve. Travis went solo to that, so Sage and I played the Wii. I'm thankful for this year. Just like every year, I've had some awesome highs and some painful lows. I think the good far outweighs the bad. Pain is unfortunately part of life. I haven't really thought of resolutions. but when we were praying tonight, I prayed that God would help me to be patient. Patient with my kids. Patient with Travis. Patient with MYSELF. I'm my worst critic, and I think I'd just like to give myself a bit of a break. I'm really proud of the spiritual and emotional growth I've had this year, though I have very little, if anything, to do with it. I also believe for God's best for me and my family. And when things aren't going exactly as I'd planned (which is pretty ordinary, right?), I prayed that God would help my unbelief. Because in my heart, I know He knows what He's doing and that He does have good things in store for me, in spite of one bad day or moment. Today is all that we have. And each day falls into the other and we look back and it's a new year. I want it to count. And make memories. And measure it all in love. ;) This says it all, right? (soul sister breaks it down, doesn't she?)

A Special Visitor

The day after Christmas, we were pleasantly surprised to have a visit from Mitch before he headed back to Knoxville. If you remember my post from what seems like forever ago, Mitch is doing his residency in Knoxville, TN for OB/GYN. Mitch Dizon, M.D. Coincidence? I think not. He has a few years left, so we're glad to see him when he is in town. I told him how great he looked and that his gastric bypass really is doing him some favors. ;) Seriously though, it was really great to see him, even though he had to see my house in the worst possible state it could possibly be in--the day after Christmas when Santa's bag had thrown up everywhere.
Uncle Mitch looking at Jaggar's Rudolph book
With Sage, who was much more talkative than the last time Mitch remembered. She's growing up.
Hugs goodbye. Till next time!

One Last Thing

After Sage finished opening her presents, we decided to see what Santa left the dogs. I thought a better choice was to see IF he left the dogs anything because I was sure that they were on the naughty list. So off we headed to the playroom where their stockings were last hung.
Through the foyer...
Check it out!!
Sage was so into what the dogs got that she didn't even SEE what was left on the fireplace until I was like, "SAGE! LOOK!"

Santa's FOOTPRINTS were on our fireplace. AMAZING! Watch Sage as she tries to figure out what it is here.
Sparkling with Christmas green magic, too, I might add.
Also, the reindeer feed had been eaten up, too.
The dogs were happy to get their treats from Santa, too. What a wonderful Christmas we had. Can't wait to do it again next year!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Our Turn

Every year after the kids finish all of their Santa gifts, Travis and I open our gifts to each other and from the kids. It's usually anti-climatic compared to what our kids get, but that's how it should be. However, that was not the case for me this year. I mentioned that I struggled shopping for adults this year. Maybe it's because I myself was pretty uninterested in anything gift wise for me. I usually have something bigger in mind that I know Travis would love, but I just couldn't come up with anything this year. He did mention several things he wanted when I asked, and I tried to get all of those that he said. But I just didn't feel like it was great. That's what HE wanted though, so when you get what you ask for, that's a good thing, and he was pleased.
Yes, he asked for a typical mixer type...thing. I don't even know what you call it. Hand mixer? Blender? Mom got him that Cuisinart one that has all the attachments, but he still asked for this one and was pleased with it. Maybe I didn't think I got him anything great because he usually asks for mostly culinary things, and I have ZERO interest in that.
We always give him a movie card, and it's usually his favorite thing. Travis' joy in life is to go to late movies.
He's smiling so big here because he bought these for himself after Thanksgiving, wrapped them, labeled them to himself and put them under the tree. :) And that's fine. I bought myself $100 perfume, called it a Christmas gift and started using it at Thanksgiving when I bought it. That's the difference between him and me.
I'm not sure what this is. It could be the watch he asked for, or it could be the "something fun" gift that Sage chose.
Sage chose a light up yo-yo for Travis when we were in Louisville. Travis laughed when he opened it because he said that a few days ago, Sage had said, "Daddy you're going to love what I got you...but it's nothing fun like a yo-yo or anything." lol
Then I started opening gifts, was totally taken off guard, and never got anymore of Travis' moments captured. I hate that but it's okay. You'll see why in a sec. Sage couldn't stand it anymore. I HAD to open her gift to me.
Look how pleased she is a
Hello Kitty Toaster!
I have eyed this for a few years. Target puts out seasonal Hello Kitty items like this every year at Christmas. I have always loved Hello Kitty. Nick asked me if I thought I was a little old for that. But many 5 year olds get toasters? Clearly, it was made for adults because Hello Kitty is TIMELESS.
And LOOK what it does to the toast. I kind of burned this one (shocking) because I didn't know how strong it would be. And yes, it is on my kitchen counter. :)
THIS was from Jaggar (who was busy playing with toys), and it couldn't have been any more appropriate. I've said how I LOVE heat. Jaggar has taken after me, and any time he sees the heater, he says, "I wanna feel good!" And that means either turn it on if it's not, or let him get in front of it. lol, isn't that adorable? So now I don't have to carry my other one upstairs and downstairs. I have one in each location. Perfect.
If it says Archer Farms, chances are high that I love it. Travis loves things to help him cook in the kitchen. I love things to eat out of the kitchen.
This was no surprise. Actually what was a surprise is that Travis had said, "I just don't know what to get you. You say NOTHING except an ipad. I thought of something you mentioned, but I don't know if you meant that, and I'm not having microwave part II. (long story but basically years ago, our microwave gave out a few weeks before Christmas, and he bought me a new one FOR Christmas. I didn't say anything in the moment, but it's a running joke now. That's like buying toothpaste or toilet paper as a gift because we ran out and then wrapping it up as a gift.)" I said, "Can you run that by me again? Because I'm scared to think what it was with me not remembering." He was right. I did want a new dvd player for my room because the one that was in there was junk. And I play a LOT of dvds in my room, especially for Jaggar when I'm trying to get ready. So this is wonderful, and it's a blu ray player too, which we didn't have. The surprise is that it's very unlike Travis to say what he is getting. He is VERY much about surprises...but that wasn't all, even though I thought it was.
He brought out this huge box....and well, you can WATCH here.
I was SO overwhelmed--obviously and surprised. Yes, it's an ipad, and that is GREAT, but it was the hard work and sacrifice HE made to get it. See, I prob don't have to say it because the pictures show, but we spend a LOT of money at Christmas. I was SO impressed he saved up in the midst of all of that and bought Meagan an ipad. I thought it was great, but I NEVER expected one for me. Ever. I had said that I wanted one, but it was really kind of a joke because I knew it was ridiculous for ME to ask for that in the midst of everything else that we get. But was it appreciated? OVERWHELMING YES. With the exception of ONE Walmart receipt for some of the food he cooked for Christmas Eve, I never saw one receipt for anything he bought. He saved up cash and bought TWO Ipad 2's, a blu ray player, lunch at Classic...just everything you saw. He said that that was his plan the entire time. It's what he wanted to do. I've got a good one, folks, I know.
I have to say that it is amazing. I love it SO much. What was so funny is that Sage goes, "Daddy, I thought you got her a ceiling fan." He said, "I just told you that so you wouldn't tell." See yo-yo incident above. ;) So, yes, we all had a wonderful Christmas.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jaggar's Christmas Morning

Can I just say how overwhelming it is to blog about Christmas? I want to remember EVERY moment, but there are SO many pictures. As I'm looking through Jaggar's day, I'm realizing that Travis must have been more awake at that time because these pictures seem to be more like TRAVIS taking the pictures. Anyway, when Jaggar started crying, I went to get him. He couldn't have cared less that it was Christmas. He wanted his milk and to be rocked for a few minutes. It's how he wakes up. If you try to rush that process, you will be sorry. So I was not going to. We rocked for a few minutes. Then I asked him if he wanted to see what Santa left him? No. Great...okay, well how about we do that anyway?
Hmmm...not so sure about this. And little Sage had already had her turn, so she was SO excited FOR Jaggar. We had to tell her more than once to let him do it because she was trying to open his gifts for him. He's able to do it himself now, and I've got issues with him hitting when he doesn't like something she does, so I was trying to prevent tears AND timeout on Christmas....what can you do?
He decided when he saw all of the loot that he was ready. Check him out as he first comes into the room here.
Here is HIS pile. A TAD overwhelming maybe???

There are SO many pictures. I have the videos in order. SO this is when he first got started. You can watch here. Oh, and let me say that he ONLY wanted to unwrap presents that had Rudolph or Frosty paper. I think you can hear him say something to that effect in this. The snowflake paper was not okay with him. Those were a last resort for him when the desire to unwrap overruled the desire for Frosty and Rudolph.

I realize I'm like overkill with the videos and pictures, but these are for me. SO, click here for more present unwrapping.
He got some kind of ramps with cars. Both kids got so much stuff that they don't even know what all they have yet.

His talking dinosaurs. These are so cute. They talk to each other and sing together.

He loves his Rudolph book, as you saw in the video above with "his shiny nose."

Okay, and HERE is one of his most favorite gifts right here. I'm so sorry for my terrible singing. You would never believe by these videos that I can actually sing somewhat.
He got all of his Rudolph friend stuffed animals. He has been sleeping with Rudolph and Clarice since we got our stuff down, and I expect that once he can actually process what all he has, he could add these, too.
Look at that sweet face.
Opening more Rudolph toys here.

Trying out his new snow monster chap stick, which I'm almost positive that he ate half of.

Love how he's looking at his toys.

I just realized this and thought it was hysterical. I mentioned we had JULIE, the American girl, SAGE, the fijit friend....and I see this. We also had TRAVIS the turtle. How hilarious is that? We should've gotten Jaggar some kind of Mick Jagger album or the EVER popular Maroon 5's MOVES LIKE JAGGER. I cannot tell you how many people ask me if I've heard that song when they hear me say his name.

Still in awe of her most precious gift

I just can't caption all of these, but I think they're pretty self explanatory.

Oh, he got a talking Yukon Cornelius. He LOVES Yukon.
He got a GUN! :) Just like Ralphie. He went from saying Santa was going to bring him SOAP (NO clue where that one came from, but he said it every time for a LONG time), to SNOW, to a Gun from watching A Christmas Story so much.
Let me just note that both kids enjoy this little Caillou farm, but it was pure assembly hell for me to put it together today. What happened to instructions??? Now it's like 2 pictures.
And here is Jaggar opening his gift from Sage. She was SO excited to give this to him and rightfully so. His reaction is awesome. He pretty much says, "OKAY" to everything, and I think it's so great that's what he says when he opens this. Watch it here.

Look at that face.
She said they were sharing it. :)

Jaggar gave Sage a new dance puzzle, which is 100 pieces that we may be able to day.

If in any of those videos, you heard Sage asking to open more, it's because she knew she had another from us. Here it is.
Back in the summer, she fell in love with this Bible because it had jewels and sequins all over it. Of course, I fell in love with it, too. That's my child. ;)
Happy, sweet girl
Back to the fish tank for him
LOOK at all of that.

Look how he sets up his toys. All day long. In every area of the house. Super cute.
See what I mean? He had to have the Rudolph toys by the tree.

Back to the smurf game for this chick. How cute is she?
PART of the trash. It's also on the other side of the loveseat! Phew! THAT was a blog. I can ALMOST see the light. I've got a few more Christmas posts, so hang on!

****Make sure you click older posts to see Sage's turn if you didn't already. This post was so long that it filled up my entire page!