Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blog Thief

I guess I've been bad about writing much lately, but it's hard to get many thoughts together into something comprehensible enough for anyone besides myself to understand. And that's not a complaint. I'm just busy! Both of my kids are home, and I'm playing. Refereeing. Cleaning. Feeding. Changing. But I happened to come across a blog while I was letting my flat iron heat up that said some things so perfectly that I wanted to share them, if not simply to remember myself. I've felt these things several times, but I don't think I've ever put them into words on here, and this girl did it perfectly.

I'm certainly not an expert or anything, but I've learned quite a bit in my six and a half years as a parent. I've learned that the dishes and laundry are never really done. I've learned from my parents that the only way you don't have toy messes is when there aren't any kids there playing with them. I've learned that some days we're the family at the grocery store with the 3 kids in tears making their Mommy regret having walked out the door and some days we're the family with the 3 little angels who get compliments and stickers from the cashier. I've learned that (most of) those ladies aren't staring at me with condescending judgement...they're remembering that was them just a few blinks ago. I've learned how ridiculous I sound when I say, "come on, you're 4, 5, 6 years old, get it together!!!" Thank the Lord kids are resilient.

I'm learning that while I can't always say yes, sometimes it's worth the extra 5 minutes to find the train, change the shoes, or finish the story. I have purposed to try. While I don't always laugh off every dumped toy box or unrolled roll of toilet paper, I'm determined that most of our memories will be positive and memorable. And I'm determined to have the photos to prove it.

And really, the highs are so high that the depths only last a moment....and in those moments of regret, I just blink.

Wasn't that beautiful? And gut wrenching? And thought provoking? And TRUE? Because moments like these aren't going to last forever, and not that what's to come won't be equally as just can't get THIS back.

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Christmas Caroling (and dancing) Early

Tonight, I was telling Sage how Christmas is officially a little less than 6 months away now! Can you believe it? That led to singing Christmas songs, and of course, THAT led to Jaggar dancing. So funny. And I'm sorry, I can't help but embarrass Sage. And myself. I equally enjoy both in the right setting. ;) jk.

My Guy

Sure do love this little boy! He ran to give me a hug and kiss before I left for church last night. Notice he did not put down his "choc" though. He knows what's important. I'm doing my job well.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cheap Thrills

A few weeks ago, I saw this vest and a little dress at Target that had "Sage" written all over it. I was there a different time with Travis and said, "Travis, see that vest? Sage would wear that everyday, wouldn't she?" He agreed. Well, yesterday, she was there with me, so we tried it on. Now that she's wearing the "big girls'" clothes there, I need her to try them on because they run differently, and she can't wear a lot--especially pants. She's tiny. She fell in love instantly. Had I known that a denim vest and cotton dress would bring so much joy, I'd have bought them a long time ago. She was/is absolutely thrilled. These were taken just a few minutes ago. As soon as she woke up, I found her changing into them. When I took this picture, she wanted to be sure that you could "see the jean jacket." :) She told me, "It's all about the jean jacket!" And that's a quote, folks.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Catching Up

I'm not really that behind on blogging, but I was doing it so regularly that I feel like I'm behind. Last night, we had an invite to a sneak preview of a new Japanese restaurant in town called Yume. It was SOOOO good. I'm a sushi lover, and this place did not disappoint. It was so nice to get a great 4 course meal for FREE. Can't say that happens too often, so we all really enjoyed it.

Here's Jaggar at Yume. He didn't stop eating the entire time. He also got to drink Sprite, which I think is the reason for this smile. Actually, every time that I hold up my phone, he says, "Cheese!"

These are the "hunk beds" (that's Sage's word for bunk beds) that Sage invented for her and Jaggar this morning. They entertain themselves quite well.

And no, this isn't a repeat picture from the other day. I actually RE-cut the same cut from the other day, if you can believe that. I was peeling a cucumber and hit the EXACT SAME SPOT. I did NOT pass out this time. I sent this to Nick, and he said that if I wanted him to come over that I could just ask. He also said that I should just stick with Chick-Fil-A because the kitchen was going to be the death of me. It's appearing that way. Travis saw the pic and immediately called to see if I was going to pass out again. NOT the same this time. Just reopened a wound.
Golden Springs Baptist sold the music from Vacation Bible School, and my kids have enjoyed it SO much. Jaggar, in particular, LOVES to dance to it. If you let him, he will also turn the volume up to like 40+. I thought this was so cute. He was giving it all that he had. He does pause for a moment to say, "CHEESE!" because he saw my phone up and thought that I was taking a picture. I've trained these kids right.

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Father's Day

We had a very busy weekend, but that does not negate the fact that Father's Day was Sunday. I really want to change the day to all of these major holidays to a day other than Sunday because we are always so rushed. So for that, I only had my phone to take pics at the time that the kids gave Travis their gifts. They are so blessed with a wonderful daddy, and we love and appreciate him very much. I took the kids to the mall a few days before. Sage picked out an Auburn ball for the pool. :) I asked if that was for HER or him, and she assured me that it was for him to play with in the pool. Although, as soon as we left the store, she asked to open it. I reminded her who it was for, and she quickly remembered. She also chose a watch for him and work gloves (because she said he needed some--she was right). I chose a gift card for the movie theater because Travis loves nothing more than going to the movies.

Jaggar is looking to see if there is anything else in there that he might like.

That's the Auburn ball in the lower right corner.

Happy Father's Day, Travis! We sure love you!
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War Eagle

On Sunday afternoon, Travis changed Jaggar into an Auburn shirt for his nap. When he saw it, he immediately started saying "War Eagle." He said it in his own language though. I thought that it was so cute. In the first video, Travis started speaking too soon, but he asked him what his shirt said. The second video is self explanatory. So cute.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Good Life

Yep, we're living it. I didn't hit any floors today or cut myself, so it was already a better day! Look at those sweet faces. And I'm in there, too. ;)

I think Jaggar is somewhat like me as far as the pool goes. He does not like cold or even somewhat cool water. It rained today and cooled the temp down quite a bit. He eventually got used to it. Sage, on the other hand, would swim in ice cubes. She just wants to be in water.

Check her out! She still swims really well this year, which puts my mind a bit more at ease...well...not really since Jaggar is now up and walking and would walk right into the pool at any given opportunity.
And just in case you wondered, here's my face today. Hurt like a ***** today, but what do you expect, right? I couldn't sleep on that side at all last night, but here's to tonight being better! Eating also hurts, go figure. I don't let it stop me though. Cookie dough pop tarts tonight? I've reverted back to circa 1992 when I was 10.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Not for the Faint of Heart

Warning: If you're easily disturbed by the sight of blood or injury stories, then this blog post is not for you. Wait for a more pleasant post about the children. Today was like any other day. The kids got buck wild around one, and I fed them and laid them down for naps. Around 2:45, Jaggar started crying, but he went back to sleep, and Sage was still asleep, as well. So I thought it'd be nice to have an afternoon snack alone. I've mentioned before that I love Vitatops, so I got one out. I got the scissors out to cut the cellophane, and I snapped them all the way across like I always do....all they way shut...right into the side of my left index finger. I didn't just poke my finger with the scissors or START to shut my skin in it. I had completely clamped the scissors down across my finger to where they were back together again. I immediately panicked. Blood immediately appeared. When I looked at it, I could see underneath all of the skin. I could lift it up actually, and I know that is disgusting, but I don't want it to seem like I overreacted. I immediately thought I'd need stitches. Blood started coming out quickly. I started sweating. And panicking.

I picked up the phone right away and called Travis. Voicemail. I called him immediately again. Voicemail. One of my worst fears started happening. I knew I needed help, and I didn't have anyone. The kids were asleep, which I was kind of thankful for at this point, but I needed help and they needed a parent. Now, I certainly didn't have a life threatening injury by any means...but...well.... you'll see. What happened next was really God orchestrating my safety, and I look back and am so thankful. As soon as Travis didn't answer me either time, I sent him a text, "Call me now." I walked into the family room, breathing heavy, when my phone rang as soon as I sent that text. "What's going on?" It wasn't Travis though. It was Nick. Nick, who I laugh at for ALWAYS answering a text instantly, had gotten that text. I'd "accidentally" sent it to him, and he immediately called me. This is where I don't remember much. When I realized it was him, I said, "Hey sorry...I thought this was Travis.......I need you to come. I've cut myself. It looks bad. I think I need stitches...." *fade to black*

I'm sure not a whole lot of time passed. I felt like I was dreaming. Have you ever seen Happy Gilmore where he goes to his happy place and there's always a midget riding by on a tricycle? It was kind of like that. Only I thought I had the kids near me. I think I saw Jaggar in his high chair eating. Hamburgers? Then I vaguely heard my phone ringing, and it was like trying to wake up out of a heavy sleep. My phone was in the floor on one side of the chair. I was in the floor on the OTHER side of the chair between the chair and the end table. I think. I really have no idea. I had passed out when I was on the phone with Nick and hit the side of my face on either the table, the floor, or very likely both. I picked up the phone and it was Nick, of course. He heard me drop the phone and knew I'd passed out. I said, "I think I passed out." ha. Thought process not so clear at the time. I felt my face and immediately felt a very painful knot. I don't remember what Nick said. I think he'd called Travis. I laid on the couch. Travis called me, and he was on his way home.

I texted Nick and apologized and said the whole thing was meant for Travis, but that had barely been sent before he was knocking at my door and ringing the bell. It was like 5 minutes or less from the second phone call. The kids were STILL sleeping through all of this, which was a miracle with the doorbell ringing! I was so thankful because I was still not at all well and did not want them to be scared. I immediately laid back on the couch. I couldn't look at my hand. My face was throbbing. Nick, who is normally like a pesky brother to me, was so kind. He got a towel and cleaned up the blood. When he could see the cut, he said that he didn't believe it needed stitches, but my face was definitely going to be sore. Travis got home after that. Nick stayed a few more minutes and said I'd scared him and that he KNEW something was wrong when I'd stopped talking. He told his supervisor he had to go. He also said that he was now my #1 friend and even Travis had to trump him now, haha.

What was I also thankful for? That otterbox cover on my brand new iphone. Dropped that baby on the hardwood floor and how much would it have sucked to wake up to a swollen face, cut finger, AND a broken iphone?! ;) I'm kidding. I was pretty overwhelmed when it was all said and done. I'm home alone a LOT. Ironically, I've taught Sage how to dial 911 and our cell numbers this week in the event "Mommy or Daddy is hurt or not waking up." I know she would have been so scared to see that, and I...I just was overwhelmed with it all. I was so thankful that what was a mere accident on my part to text Nick was an orchestration on God's because he heard me pass out, and his immediate return phone call helped me wake up. AND he works like 2 seconds away, which I never knew until today, so he was here in no time to give me the help I really needed. It took me quite a while to feel like I could get up again. My face, on the other hand, may be like Rainbow Brite for the next few days. It is pretty sore, but it's all good. Here's some pics that I took AFTER the fact because I want you all to know! haha...thought it'd make a GREAT post. ;)

The culprit...yeah those would be meat cutters.

Don't say I didn't warn you. I didn't take any of the blood in the floor where I was. I don't think it was the blood that got me as much as the fact that I could lift the skin up on my finger. How cool was it that I didn't get any blood on my white shorts? Double blessing. White iphone AND white shorts secured. Thanks, Jesus.

Travis says this is difficult to see because of my "high cheekbones" (lol), but it's a good few inches across.
Here it is after it was cleaned up. Not terrible.

See my lovely growth?

And a lovely side view a few hours later.

It's already starting to change colors. And throb. A lot. So...that was MY day. Bet not many of you can top that one. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Birds

Today, they were birds. Sage supplied the feathers from her art box.

Notice where she put Jaggar's feather. (This is what the majority of the pictures that I take of him look like. For once, it was appropriate.)

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Day to Day

I love lazy, summer days. School gave me an even greater appreciation for them than I already had. I love not having to leave the house, sleeping past 6, and staying in pjs until mid-morning. Sage and Jaggar play so well together that sometimes they will stay in her room for hours. Granted, I always have to keep an ear open for when that goes sour.

This was this morning. Sage made her tent "their house" and put Jaggar in that box.

Today was our first experience this year with terrific kid Tuesday at the mall. Face painting, a bounce house and an animal show from the museum happen every Tuesday in the food court. When this first began a few years ago, it was great. There was hardly anyone there, and Sage could jump and get her face painted multiple times. Now, it's a mad house with daycares bringing busloads of kids in. The kids still enjoy it. It's just chaotic with a lot of line waiting. Thankfully, I was smart enough to get there a bit early so we were able to jump and get faces painted. Look at Jaggar being so big now and doing everything Sage is doing.

After the mall, we made our trip to get milk. I thought that it was so funny that all the cows were grouped together at the fence. Sage and Jaggar were thrilled.

Lunchtime in the summer looks like this for me. There's a man that sells fresh produce within walking distance from my house, and it is SO good!! And yes, I burn the squash on purpose, so don't hate.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Some Things About Monday

Poor Bubs has a really nasty cough today. I always try to brush those things off at first, but it has continued throughout the day. He's still so cute though, isn't he? I love to hear him talk. I think that everyone else does, too. Here's some more of that.
Miss Thang finally got the shades I ordered for her off of zulily weeks ago. Note: if you've never ordered from them, don't do it if you need anything soon. Thankfully, in the case of these, I just ordered them because they had, "Sage" all over them.

And these are my Target clearance find over the weekend. I can't tell you how much I love Target. I think they look nice. The $9.98 sticker on each of them was even nicer.

And this is what Jaggar does with food if he has a toy nearby.

Sage spent a good hour alone in her room tonight cleaning it and organizing it. She did an awesome job and was so proud of herself and her room. Rightfully so.

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Be Nice

Vacation Bible School

This past week was a week that Sage has been so excited about: Vacation Bible School week! Golden Springs Baptist Church has the absolute best bible school around. They put so much into it, and it is evident. Sage knows a lot of people there from dance and school, so she was not the least bit intimidated about going. She actually said that she wished she could go there for the rest of her life. Here are some of the projects that she did all week. So cute! Their theme was NYC this year.

This was before we left for Family Night, which is when the kids perform some songs they've learned that week. They also get to spend the tickets they've earned learning bible verses. Sage's class had 2 songs. Here is the first one. Sage is right at the curve of the "C" in NYC on the top row. Here is her second song. What a sweet night. She spent her tickets on a sweet stuffed dog that she loves. We can't wait for next year!

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Monday, June 6, 2011


Jaggar PLAYS with the train set instead of just taking it apart. Of course, he will still bring me a piece of the track and say, "It break." But it wouldn't be Jaggar if he did anything else. I expect nothing less from that busy boy.

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Swing Away

Jaggar got a new swing for his birthday, but Travis just hung it up yesterday. He loved it. We still need to get some rope to hang it from a tree so that it can swing really high. For now, we put it on the swing set, and he was almost asleep in it last night. So of course, I had to take some pictures.

He sat like that the entire time. A few more minutes, and he would have been out cold.

Random funny moment: I mentioned that on our anniversary that Travis and I got to go see a movie for the first time in FOREVER and how funny Madea was. I found this clip from another Madea movie and just had to share. I think I definitely need to watch every single one of these movies because every scene with Madea makes me laugh until I have tears. Watch it here.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Not So Favorite Time of Year

That's right. You can tell exactly how fast time is going because it ALWAYS seems like I'm having to go back to the dentist. Thankfully, I really love everyone in that office, so it's as pleasant as it can be. Last time, I had to go back two more times for fillings, but I am thankful and happy to report that neither Sage nor I have to do that this time. She loves the dentist because Tina, the hygienist, is great with her. And she gets prizes. I just get to write them a check. Boo for that! When we go back, Jaggar will get to "observe" so that he can be readying himself to get his first cleaning. The thought alone makes me laugh that he would "observe."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Reading

Sage and I began our summer reading last night, and we continued it into today. Jaggar loves books, too. He'll say, "Book. Read." Before naps today, I read one of our library books, and they both listened like this. Well, this was a MOMENT of listening. You know how that goes.