Thursday, November 29, 2012

Still Goin' Strong

In case you don't follow me on instagram or facebook, I thought it was worth noting that Jaggar is STILL laying lifeless in the floor when life isn't going his way.  :)  I love a man with consistency.  He isn't throwing a fit.  You have to go and find him to even know he's doing it.  That's what makes it so funny because you'd never know if you didn't (literally) walk upon him.  They he'll solemnly and very quietly tell you what his issue is in a monotone voice.  It's awesome.  I know there are many fans of these pictures. 

Sage hurt his feelings here.
 He broke a Christmas ornament.
 This was on a Sunday.  We were going to church, and he hates church.  And the dogs were already outside before he could see them. Double offender.
 I don't even remember what this one was.
 Here he wasn't ready for the dogs to be out again before he saw them.  This is a regular offender to cause him to fall out.  He was face down but rolled over to get a drink.

A Not So Fun Dentist Trip

My time is ticking away before I'm a new mom again, and I've been desperate to get all doctor appointments and any loose ends tied up.  One of those loose ends was our 6 month dentist trip.  I hate the dentist.  Not literally him, but I hate going.  I thought that I or Sage may need a cavity filled because they saw some places last time on her that they were going to watch.  I am very tired at this point.  I feel like I'm running around like crazy and getting nowhere fast.  I want so much done.  Travis has literally worked 24/7 since the summer, which is a great thing for us, but it makes it harder to tackle my lists alone.  So anyway, we go in and they take Sage back.  The other girl takes me back, and Jaggar is literally standing on the other side peering into my mouth.  I had to laugh at him.  The lady took eternity to clean my teeth.  And she was talking to me.  WHY do they do that?  You have a scalpel, your hands and a mirror in my mouth.  How could I possibly respond?  And every time I do talk, they stop to hear.  I'm laying flat on my back, which makes it nearly impossible to breathe.  I was not a happy patient.  And then they look at Jaggar and call me in there.  Not one, two but three cavities.  I cried.  Yep, sure did.  The dentist looked at my teeth and said, "Yours look good," and I sarcastically said, "Woohoo."  It was one more thing I'd have to do, and I knew that taking him for that, which is an unpleasant experience for us, would be traumatizing for him.  And my dentist couldn't do it because they don't even have the laughing gas.  So they called a pediatric dentist in Jacksonville, and they set me up for Monday.  The receptionist at my office told me it'd prob be a consult and then another visit.  I lost it and said, "I don't have TIME to drive across town multiple times, and the first time to just say hey."  Anyway, I did call them the next day and apologize.  But we went to this new office on Monday, and they were awesome.  Now Jaggar was pretty much how I thought he'd be.  The gas did relax him some, and he was pretty funny, but he still freaked when they drilled and messed with him.  I want to start going there myself just for how fast they flew in working on him.  She sang to him while she worked.  She talked to him and brought him popscicles to help keep him from biting his jaw (he did before we left but just once).   I will be using her for both kids from now on because if my dentist can't do the work, why constantly make two trips?  He actually had FOUR cavities, which required two visits this week because they were on both sides.  The 2nd visit today was worse because he knew exactly what was going on, but again they were so patient with him and even said he did way better than most.  Based on the screaming, kicking and thrashing that went on today, I'd take valium regularly if I worked there. 

They put sunglasses on him because he is VERY sensitive to light. 

And for your viewing pleasure.  When they weren't working on him, he was fine.  Talkative as always.  It's really hard to tell if this is the effects of the gas he was breathing or just him because he is always funny.  I was worried that he'd be like crazy, but they pump oxygen through it and it's over as quick as it comes on.  Relief.  And honestly, the effects were never bothersome to me.

Iphone Thanksgivng Pics

Here's a few Thanksgiving pics from my iphone.  Travis is in his element here.  He sets his alarm for like 3 am to put the turkey in so that the oven was free to bake other things.  Yeah...he is the best wife.  :)  He told me, "You know, this is your job, but it's my thing, so I don't mind doing it." If he let that be my job, we'd prob have lean cuisines for Thanksgiving.

 Figuring out carbs for Sage so that she could eat whatever she wanted without us having to take 30 minutes to do it while everyone else was making their plates.
 Isn't he the cutest?
 We did a thankful tree this month.  I wasn't 100% consistent with it, but Sage really enjoyed it.  We just drew a tree and each day drew a leaf with what we were each thankful for.  I had to laugh when I saw "Travis--elections" on whatever day we voted.  But this made an impact on Jaggar, and he will still ask what we're thankful for.  NOW he says that.  One day he asked Chrissie, "Hey, Chrissie, what are you tangled for?"  But when you ask Jaggar, he is always thankful for his toys.  One night, he called me back in his room to tell me he was thankful for me.  He knows what to say, that's for sure.  I don't know anyone that couldn't not fall in love with him.
 Travis and I making fun of the regular self portrait takers and purposefully letting half his arm show.  My favorites are the ones that have some random song lyrics as the caption as if that had ANYTHING to do with anything other than the fact that they liked how they looked that day.  I'm going to start doing it and saying, "Aren't I pretty?"
 "Save the neck for me, Clark."  Classic Clark.
 And another family pic.


Thanksgiving was a really nice, low key day for us.  We honestly didn't know what we were doing because this is the first year since I've lived in Alabama that I haven't been in Kentucky for Thanksgiving.  So I felt out of sorts in planning.  Travis' mom had to go to work (at Walmart) at 3:30, so we just decided to have everyone here since it's closer for his mom anyway.  The kids played.  We ate a lot.  The weather was beautiful.  I was overwhelmed about figuring out carbs for Thanksgiving.  It sucked the fun out of it to me, but Travis completely did all of that.  It was actually nice making the food and it just being our immediate family because it wasn't a big deal to find out who put what in what.  Sage did great on Thanksgiving and ate whatever she wanted.  It really irritates me when people have cake or candy or whatever and say, "I know Sage can't have this."  That would be false.  Our pantry is full of Reese cups that she has pretty much every day after dinner.  Sage can eat anything you can.  We just have to know what's in it or have a pretty good idea at guessing. Jaggar couldn't remember to say "Happy Thanksgiving," so he just ran through the house saying, "Happy Birthday!" 

The weather was so perfect that the kids ate outside, which was awesome.  Way less mess to clean up especially since Jaggar thought it'd be a riot to throw food at Kylie.  A few warnings that didn't seem to matter and he got a spanking.

 Tim, who I have no clue what he's looking at, Meagan and Nevaeh.  If you could see Travis' sister's daughter, Sarah, you would think it was the same kid from when she was a baby.  It's crazy to see how much they look alike.
 Eletha in our messy kitchen.
 Meagan and Grandmother, as she's called
 Every child loves Tim.  They get so wild when he's around because he chases them, and they think it's the greatest thing in the world.
 The kids played really well together.  Jaggar loves Kylie so much.
 Meagan and her husband, Chase

 A rare actual picture from a camera of Travis and me together
 It's weird to think that this is our last holiday shot of us as just 4.

 Travis and his mom

 Travis takes pictures like this to prove a point of me "always being on my phone."

 My chocolate lover.  Sage only requested chocolate cake for dessert.  So Travis just went and got her those individual slices sold in the bakery.  One big slice had two servings, so she had one and was saving the other for later.  Only someone else got to it first.

 I don't question him most of the time.  He does what he does.
 Travis and I had been scouring the ads that morning, and I didn't see anything I was willing to go out for on Black...Thursday (now it seems apparently), but Travis LOVES to do it.  We did want a flat screen for our front living room to mount on the wall.  Target had one for $147, and Travis managed to get it.  He was SO thrilled with himself.  It was one of their main doorbusters on the front page of the ad, and he reveled in the fact that people were stopping him to see if they had anymore anywhere.  I had a lot of fun at Target with mom on Black Friday last year, and I would have liked to have gone with him since there was nothing I was desperate for (otherwise I'd prob get arrested), but we didn't have a sitter.  He did pick up the TV though and the $5 pj sets for the kids, so I'd say we were successful.  Or HE was successful.  Jaggar literally carried a Petsmart ad around the entire day because it had Rudolph dog toys, so Santa MAY be bringing the dogs some Rudolph toys that the dogs will inevitably never see because Jaggar will claim them.
 At least Jaggar is consistent

 They love each other.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Full Term

It's official.  I don't know how it happened so fast, but I'm nearing the end of this pregnancy.  I am officially full term, 37 weeks, as of yesterday.  It really doesn't seem real, and I have a hard time processing that we will have 3 kids before we really know it.

I went to the doctor for my first weekly appointment yesterday.  It started off great when another girl in the waiting room couldn't believe we were as far along as each other and told me that I looked like a Barbie doll.  :) Anyway, I am not at all surprised to say that nothing has happened as far as dilation goes even though I've had some killer contractions.  This is just more evidence that I will never do natural labor.  Ever.  I was a little surprised that I'd lost 2 lbs, but with Thanksgiving being today (another post to come), I'm sure that is now cancelled, but it was nice to have not gained 2 or 3 like every other time.  Baby is head down, which is good.  But I only measured 34 weeks.  I've been measuring too small for a while now, so this is where that becomes a concern.  But not really because it happens every pregnancy for me.  He just says I'm a small person with a small frame and I'm not going to have a huge baby, but he still has to check and make SURE baby is growing correctly via ultrasound.  The other reason we did this is because...and here's the clincher...the hospital is basically booked for the first 2 weeks of December.  And Dr Collins is looking for a reason to trump someone else so that I can get in.  Had the ultrasound showed that the baby was less than 10%, he would have done it like now, because that shows baby isn't growing like he should be.  But he measured just fine--6 lbs or so--and actually 2 days ahead of his 12/12/12 due date.  So he told me not to panic and that we'd find a way in.  That was just where he was starting.  He called the hospital and put me down as an alternate on a few different days, whatever that means,.  But Dr Collins is also going out of town from the 6th through the 9th, so there's another issue.  I don't really want to go into labor.  I never have, but right now it's even more important that I know I've done everything I can for Sage before I walk out the door.  No one knows how to care for her except for me, Travis, and the school nurse (and that can be debatable depending on the day.  Not that she's not wonderful to Sage, but she does call with a question now and then).  And no one really understands it like me.  And Sage has expressed a bit of concern over anyone else doing it.  SO, I need a planned appointment this time more than ever.  I'm not panicking as of now.  And I don't have plans to panic because Dr Collins seemed confident on knowing that there are ways around being booked up.  So...I don't have an exact induction date yet, but we should have something soon.  And hopefully, we'll have that name everyone is asking about by then.  Travis' aunt asked him if it was going to be weird.  Ha, no we're going to have a Sage, Jaggar and Ben. Speaking of Jaggar, I think he's starting to process there's a baby in there after all.  I don't think we'll have any jealousy issues, do you?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Santa's Back

Every year we just can't wait for Santa to return.  The lights, the reindeer, the anticipation, it's wonderful.  Jaggar was like, 'YEEEEEAAAA!!!" every time we told him that we were going to see Santa that night.  He is also very into what he wants for Christmas.  And that happens to be whatever the last thing is that he saw.  Right now, it's "the shark thing," which is a tube of plastic sharks with a shark head as a lid.  Sage wants the newest American Girl doll, Caroline, and surprises.  So last Friday night, we went to the mall to wait for Santa's debut.  Jaggar couldn't stand the wait.  "Where's Santa????"  
Yes, he is spitting here.  At least, it's a good picture of Sage.
 And we waited.  Some little church dance studio had some girls that danced, which Sage critiqued from her 5 years of dance under her belt.  And then it was time.  You can watch him come out here.  I love Jaggar's excitement and all the excitement of the kids.  It's so sweet.  Okay, I'm going to be real now.  We all know that Santa has helpers.  He can't be at all malls at once, but we just never know when the real Santa is going to slip in.  So we have to be on point all the time.  But...I hate this Santa helper.  I had hopes in the video when he first came out that he'd do better...and then he speaks.  The best helper or real Santa (I think he was real) was here. He was amazing, but he got injured a few years ago...and he's never been able to return.  So this guy comes...and I seriously just don't like him.  But it's a new year.
 Grayson and Adalyn were there too, and I can't help but crack up at Adalyn's face.  Emily says this is what she does every time she's instructed to smile.  :)  Jaggar couldn't understand why we had to wait in line.

 So off we go.  This guy hit a bad note with me a few years ago when he told Sage this never ending story about how when I was little I asked for this doll.  But she didn't have red hair, so I colored her hair with a red marker in "that room in the back of Sage's grandmother's house."  Did she know the one he was talking about?  Yeah.  So this time, he's all right.  Kids are saying what they want.  Then he does it.  He looks at me and asks when I'm due only to go on and ON about how he's having a grandson in 3 weeks, too.  I mean, really?  You're seriously there for 20 minutes on the first NIGHT and you can't do better than that.
 It was fine.  The kids were in awe.  Sage still thought he was the real one instead of a helper needing to be fired like I believe because he knew their names.