Friday, November 21, 2008

13 Weeks

Here's 13 weeks! Isn't that amazing? I'm kidding with the first one. It's actually the only one where you can't see what terrible bedhead I had from the nap on the couch, and I like my makeup, to be honest....AND I just got my hair done so I don't have roots. It's a rarity, okay?

Anyway, I'M starting to notice a difference, but honestly it looks like I just ate more than I should have (which is kind of how I feel), or maybe, to you, it looks like nothing. I would never classify myself as skinny, but what I do have is a flat stomach. I pay for it in other areas, but my stomach is normally flat, okay?! :)

I haven't talked about it much, but this pregnancy has been very different from my first. I was really nauseous for pretty much the first 9 or 10 weeks. NOTHING sounded good to eat, and then when I would decide, it was terrible. What did turn out to be good one day was terrible the next. Smells made my stomach turn. The THOUGHT of certain foods made me gag. I tasted whatever I chose to eat ALL day long. About a week after I took a positive pregnancy test, I did not sleep through the night without waking up once, if not twice, to use the bathroom. How is that possible for something that weighs NOTHING? I had a terrible backache for weeks. I know it sounds crazy. I was kind of annoyed with myself, but it was also very real, but thankfully, just as the doctor said, it went away. I could drink a gallon of orange juice a week...though I refrain. I can't stand my dogs...wait, that's normal. Joking.

When I put this shirt on today, I said, "SAGE! Look at my belly!" And she ran over and kissed it. SHE can tell.

Look at that sweet girl. She is adamant that it's a girl, and if you mention a boy, she says that we can have 2...and a boy can be IN ADDITION to a girl.
I know this is random, but I just saw it on the camera and liked it. The other tree pics didn't show the pretty lights...and our coffee table/ART table.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Doctor's Appointment

Today was my second prenatal visit, and it was cool BECAUSE I got to hear little miss/mister's heartbeat. It was so sweet at a "sluggish" 158 bpm. I told Travis, "You know, if you're into those old wives tales, they say 140 and up is a girl." He said, "Yeah, that makes sense since you all are so high strung all the time." Ha.

Dr Collins was in surgery, so I saw Julie, the nurse practitioner. I said, "I've got a question. My stomach is normally really flat, and it's starting to poke out a bit, BUT I can suck it in. So if I can do that, that's not baby right?" She then said, "Feel this? That's your uterus. It's growing up and out, and as it grows UP it pushes everything else up and out, so yes, that's from baby." Then she said, "With first babies, your stomach stays flat for longer. You're lucky. Your's is still so flat, but with your second, you'll be poking out much more at this time." I said, "This IS my second." She was like, "OH! is your stomach so flat?!" It was kind of funny and flattering. :)

Then I said, "So, when are we going to find out what this is?" She said, "Well it's too early today, but next time you come in, tell Dr Collins and he'll come find me because he's a sucker for looking early." So in 4 weeks, we'll know what we're having! That will be so fun! I also took a dive off of our porch today on my way to the doctor's office. It was so random. My heel (I WEAR HEELS ALL THE TIME!) got stuck in between the porch and the brick of the top of the first step, and I was on the sidewalk before I knew what happened. It was pretty painful, but before I could concentrate on pain I had to look and make sure no one saw. I thought my knee and legs would be bloody, but thank God, I wasn't. So, I will probably just have some bruises to my legs and pride, that's all.

Monday, November 17, 2008

When I Like Dogs

The moments I like dogs are when I can entertain myself at their last night.

*Sidenote: About these lights, I LOVE them! Travis HATES them. We've argued about them since we've started decorating as a married couple. They're so BRIGHT and BIG and colorful! How can you not love them? After Christmas last year, I bought a TON of them at Target, much to Travis's dismay. Travis says they look like they're from the 1970s. I wanted to put them on the tree, and he said, "NO WAY." I'm pretty sure I'm right though. That's fine though. Since we're not putting them on the tree, we'll have TONS to put on the outside of our house for all to see and enjoy. hahaha.

The Sweetest Pictures

These pictures are from the park last weekend, but I kept these separate because I thought they were so precious, especially the first one! It's interesting, the one of her hand, because yesterday when we were putting up the ornaments, I found one that Sage made in 2006 at school. It was a little gold ball with her handprint on it. I had her put her hand up to it now, and it was at least twice the size of what it was. It was so sad! Looking at that, I know that in too short of a time, that hand right there will soon look so small.

O Christmas Tree

Yesterday, we got a jump start on the season and decided to put up our Christmas Tree. This is the earliest we have ever put our tree up, but for some reason, I was just ready this year. Sage had a blast. Everything was new to her all over again, and she kept saying, "This is fantastic! Awww, that's so cute!"

That, of course, is an outside Santa. We didn't put outside lights up yet, so in the meantime, she has carried that thing all over this house. He was actually her dance partner last night, and it was hilarious.
Tah dah!

Tap Tap Tap

Here are the tap class pictures I promised. She's so cute.

Sage is on the first row, furthest to the left. She is the smallest in her class, as usual.
I love this one. That's Sage's friend, Lydia.

Miss Grace

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Friday Night

This is how Friday night went for us. During the night, Sage started to come down with a cold. I didn't really know this until the next morning when I was fully conscious. But she woke up at 12am out of, what I assumed, was a dead sleep, screaming,

"I HATE my room being yellow! I just hate it! I can't even look at it. It makes me SICK! I don't know WHY Kevin (my brother) painted it like that! I told him not to. I hate yellow! I am sick! It makes me have a fever! Now I can't go to church and go to my class! I look at it, and I just get sick!"

I went in her room (from midnight to 2 am actually) and wiped her eyes. Whenever she gets a cold, her eyes run and it drives her nuts. I don't blame her. However, I'm almost positive that the color of the room did NOT cause it. The next morning though, when we were both fully awake, I asked her, "Sage, why were you sick last night?" Her reply, "Because I looked at my walls and they're yellow and I don't like yellow." There you go.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ballet Fun!

Yesterday was parent day at dance! This means that what we've been (sometimes) hearing about and getting our kids ready for on a weekly basis we finally got to see! It was SO fun. If I had any ability to dance, I'd totally be a dance teacher for little kids because it has to be the most fun job ever. They are so adorable. Of course, they were a little out of their element with moms sitting in their class. Some kept running over to mom, some were showing needed to be taken out and beaten. I am so impressed with all that they've learned though. The kids know the real terms, and the teachers take each child individually and work with them and let them have the floor alone at times. I sat in ballet (only one parent per class), and Travis sat in tap. The pictures below are from ballet. I was as far away from Sage as I could be in that room, so the pictures I took were no small task, but I think I got some really good shots. I'll post the tap pictures separately. I know they'll make you smile. Sage was SOOO cute, and honestly, really good!

Stretching...isn't that hilarious? They did one stretch where they were "watching tv," and she asked each child what they were watching. Sage, of course, was watching 'Hannah Montana.'

Look how serious Sage is.
I love this one.

This is during individual work, where they were SUPPOSED to sit against the wall. You can see how that went. To their credit, they usually sit on the bench where we were sitting, so I tell myself that, normally, she'd be doing what she's supposed to be doing.
This is where the teacher said, "Sage! Hop across the floor on one foot!" She skipped all the way across and all the way back. She skipped VERY well though. :)

Working with her in front of the mirror.
Look at my baby.
Can you stand that?! (I'm going to be such an obnoxious mom.)
This was during partnering, and just look at that face. She's having a blast!

I think that's pretty good! She was matching her teacher.
This is "circle time," and apparently, they get this as a reward. I think they probably get to do it every week, but Sheila tells them to behave so they can. Sage talks about this a lot.
And a group picture. I see a star!