Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thanks for Sharing!

Since Holland is a big girl now, she has let Jaggar use a toy that she's way too mature for these days. :) Right now, the toys make Jaggar angry because he can't get them in his mouth, but we're going to keep trying! He sure is cute. He turned 5 months old yesterday and weighed 15lbs even. He also has a new trick, but I'll try to take some pictures and post that by itself.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mr Cool

I think that he looks like he could be some kind of blues singer in this hat! haha.

A Not So Typical Sunday

I say that because Sunday mornings normally consist of me getting up at 6 am, frantically trying to get ready, then leaving late while leaving something at home that I needed. This morning was peaceful though. Sage was excited to wear a fall dress, so she woke up in a great mood. Jaggar ALWAYS wakes up in a great mood. So before I had to leave, I asked Travis to take a few pics. I know I'm partial, but don't I have the cutest kids?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bath Baby

Best Friends

I'm not sure which of these two is crazier about the other. I'm so thankful for that!

Our's, Mine, His

This past Saturday, Sage had spent the night at Travis's mom's, so I slept until 8:20--the latest in I don't even know when! When I was getting ready, I peeked in at Jaggar, who I expected to be up in 20 seconds after I woke up. He surprised me though and slept quite a bit longer, and I just thought it was cute. I know this sure doesn't look like his CRIB. He starts out there, but magically is in other bed at some point in the early morning hours.
Look at those cheeks.
And THEN he was awake. He is so happy when he wakes up. It's like he's thrilled that we are still here each day.

Feet are a nice treat

If he can't get his foot in his hand, at least, he's unhappy. If he can get one in his mouth, life is pretty great. Jaggar is growing so quickly. He had his 4 month check-up this past week, which is 2 weeks past 4 months. He weighed 14lbs, 7 oz (50th percentile) and was 25 1/2 inches long (80th percentile). The dr said that he was just growing beautifully, and Jaggar returned the compliment with coos and squeals. Unfortunately, he had to get 2 shots, and Sage cried FOR him before they came in to give them. She's such a good big sister. After a mere 2 1/2 hours there, we all survived.