Monday, June 28, 2010

New 'Do

Sage was so proud when she came downstairs this morning because her daddy had worked so hard to put her hair up into even pigtails. She sure looked cute to me!
Pretty, pretty girl

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Day at the Pool

Okay, so EVERY day at our house is a day at the pool, but today was special because we shared it with some friends: Matt, Rhenda, and their sweet baby girl, Parker. Parker is just 4 months older than Jaggar, so they are fun to watch together. As I type this, I realize that today is the first day that we've had Matt and Rhenda over ONLY. There's usually a tribe of us at once, but it was so cool to just chill with them. We had a great day, and the forecast called for rain, but the weather turned out to be perfect for grilling and swimming. We spent the entire day and evening together. Here's some pics of our afternoon outside. J Cruiz was napping during these, so he's not in them. He did, indeed, come out later, but I have no pics because we were busy trying to catch him while he was walking everywhere.

The Fish and me. This girl would stay in the water 24/7 if we'd allow it. I try to spend as much time outside as possible because...why not? We have a pool!
She has become so unafraid of the water or going under since the first time she swam this summer. She's not quite swimming yet, but she is DEFINITELY going under, jumping in, and right on the verge of being able to swim on her own. She is making me more nervous now. As her fear of it decreases, mine increases.
Check out Parker sunbathing.
Proud Daddy and his girl

Sage wanted me to take this so that people could see her feet from under the water.
Pretty family
Pretty family :)
Rhenda and me: we are so much alike that it can be scary or funny, depending on who you are. It's probably scary to our husbands.

Check her out!
And there she goes!

Wagon Rollin'

If you have read this blog since I started it in 2007, then you may remember Sage's first ride in the wagon with the dogs in tow as well. So funny thinking back. Today was Jaggar's first ride in it too, and he squealed with joy, which is a relatively new thing that he's been doing when he's excited (ie: rides at the mall). Travis and I took turns pulling them all through the yard until we were tired. I was surprised at how heavy it was to pull them both.

Look at those faces.Sage was also, as usual, a big helper in keeping Mr Busy sitting down.
Happiness is being pulled in a wagon.

Look Who's Walking!

This may seem abrupt because it is! Jaggar has learned to stand for a while now, and he had been doing that "falling forward" thing from couch to couch or object to object (whatever he could stabilize himself with). He has even taken a step or two. But I'd never go as far to say that he was walking because he just wasn't, and that was okay with me. Stay little as long as you want, Jaggar.

Well, he changed his mind last Monday, the 21st, which was also his 13 month birthday. Sage and I were on our way home from the store, and Travis called saying, "You're not going to believe this. Jaggar is walking. He walked across the entire family room." Um, what?! Since I LEFT? I'd noticed earlier that day that he could squat without sitting or falling on the floor and could stand himself back up, so I could see he was building his strength. But that was earlier that DAY, so I sure didn't expect him to walk that day.

I came home, and he did it. He walked across the entire room, and he was SO proud of himself. There was no coaxing on our part to do it. He discovered it, and he hasn't quit yet. When Sage first started walking, she'd walk some, but crawling was faster and easier for her. Um, he has not gone BACK to crawling. I'm pretty amazed at this. He walks, falls down, pushes himself right back up, and walks more. Over and over. He is determined that walking is the way to go!It is very difficult to get pictures of him now because he is always on the move.
We fall down, but we get up.
In case you're wondering, yes that is a playstation 2 memory card. He finds it in a drawer and carries it everywhere.
Now he has a hammer.
Look how proud he is of himself! Rightfully so!

Father's Day

Well, as usual, Father's Day was on a Sunday (last Sunday), so we had church first. After church, we all went out to China Luck per Travis's choice. We had a MUCH better experience there this time. The last time we ate there just a few weeks ago, I came out to a busted window in my car and my Coach purse gone. Thankfully, my wallet had been INSIDE with me. Anyway, this time was perfect.

After we ate, I asked Sage if she wanted to go to the mall, Target, or Walmart to pick a gift for Daddy. We had just gotten back from the beach less than 24 hours before, and I just didn't see anything there that I liked for Travis. She chose the mall. I said, "Do you know what you want to get?" She replied, "Not necessarily because I haven't been in the stores." ha! So we headed on to the mall. So we got a few shirts from Gap, and then Sage wanted to pick out something from "The Auburn Store," as she calls it. She chose some Auburn cups and a keychain. Okay, actually she chose a $35 Auburn lunch bag and a heart keychain. I politely changed her mind to a more practical choice for Daddy: the cups and a keychain, just not the heart, though I don't doubt he'd have carried it.

Giving her gifts.
Jaggar couldn't get in the photos because he was on an important phone call. Ha! He LOVES to go pick up the phone, listen to the dial tone, and wait to hear the operator say, "If you'd like to make a call..." Also, when he first picks it up, he holds it to his ear like this and says, "HI!" It's so funny.
His Auburn Cups. Look at Sage's face.
Still on the phone...
Happy Father's Day, Travis! (Jaggar got off the phone.) Thanks for all that you do for our family.
We love you!

Friday, June 25, 2010

More Beach Pics

There were a lot of beach pictures, and they were too pretty/fun to leave out. Doesn't this look like a postcard?

Sean is a trooper.

He took Jaggar to swim in the ocean.

But I think Jaggar preferred being on the land or letting the waves hit his feet.
These 2 were inseparable.

They were going to feed the seagulls.
See them flying around? I wanted to do a reenactment scene of "The Birds," but the kids wouldn't have known what that was. :)
Love this one.

Isacah's feet crack me up in this.

How sweet.
Isacah had a bathing suit malfunction. It rubbed open sores on her shoulders and legs, so obviously she couldn't keep playing outside that way. So Chrissie resorted to this until she got to the store and got her another. Isacah was really self conscious too. ha! ;)

Holland NOT loving the sand. She was perfectly content to sit in her mommy's lap or play with the hose a few feet away on the patio.

This one, on the other hand, didn't mind sand a bit. I did get sunscreen in his eyes this first day, so they were irritated...not to mention, I think this was the day he woke up with a fever. Strangest thing, he woke up with a fever, I gave him medicine. Fever never came back, and he never acted sick. Next day, he had a rash, which I thought was a heat rash...until Chrissie's family all got the same thing. Glad everyone is WELL now.

Precious face