Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanksgiving Everyday

I haven't blogged for a while because I'm in KY, but I figured you could name things you are thankful for more than once a year. We had a great Thanksgiving. Sage discovered she loves turkey. Travis was supposed to be working the Auburn/Alabama game, but the networks had changed. He never told me, so on Thanksgiving day, there he was. It was a great surprise, and I'm glad we were together. That's a big day to me.

So what I'm thankful for......I could do a list, but I think that list is summed up in one thing: this moment. I look back on pictures of Sage when she was a newborn and think, "Wow, that was a great time." Of course it wasn't perfect, but nothing ever is. I think that's my problem. You can take setting goals to a level to where you're never satisfied and you miss it. Not that I've done that, but I can cross the line. The fact is, if I never live in a million dollar home, have a set of twins, become debt free while driving that Mercedes, have Dr. Rey do some work, get a recording contract, go overseas....I've got it made NOW. I have a husband that would move the moon for me and a child that thinks I hung it. I've got friends that love me-flaws and all. Some people never get that, so I never want to take this moment forgranted--ever.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ho, ho, ho! It's a bee!

Last night we took Sage to see "The Bee Movie." What more fun to take her to see the BEE movie than to take her in her BEE COSTUME?! (Thanks for that idea, Diane.) Hey, I paid $50 for that thing, and if she can wear it again for next Halloween, she'll be a bee again. She loved the movie, and everyone in the mall loved her costume--including Santa. Yes, why not go to see Santa in your bee costume? He's BOUND to remember you then! Of course, I was the one chatting it up with all 6'8 of him. Sage was outside of his winter wonderland with Travis screaming not to come in. There were no other kids there at that time too! He even tried to bribe her, "Sage I've got some candy for you!" Oh well, I did make it known per her request that she wanted a refrigerator.

On our way. That's my child.
So concentrated.
Isn't she too cute?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Some Days You Gotta Dance

These photos made this song come to mind:

Some days you gotta dance
Live it up when you get the chance
Cause when the world doesn't make no sense
And you're feeling just a little too tense
Gotta loosen up those chains and dance

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Here Comes Santa Clause

Santa made his debut last night at the mall. I've never been there (in AL) when he arrived, so I thought it would be fun for Sage. She totally gets Christmas this year: it's Jesus' birthday AND Santa is coming. So she was pretty excited, but her emotions turned when he got out of his horse drawn carriage. (Yeah not sure about that one.) It was something about all those kids screaming with such excitement (aside from mine, who was screaming with fear) that made me teary. It's just such a beautiful time of such innocence...I don't know what came over me. Anyway, when we were walking towards the crowd that was awaiting his arrival, she said, "Don't let Santa touch me. I don't want him to touch me." Ha ha. The pictures tell the story.

Here comes Santa Clause!
There he is!!
I love this picture.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Much Ado About...Something

Hmm...I've been a bit quiet lately. I'm not really sure why. It seems in the past few posts that I've lead this life that has these "events" in it daily or weekly. I guess the fact of the matter is that's just not so. I have been busy, but I guess it just doesn't seem worth blogging about. That is, unless you care to read about how I scheduled our heat pump to be worked on, how I vacuum my house daily, pick up toys....the mundane things, I guess. It's my life though, and I like that I can call it mine.

I had to pick Sage up from school early yesterday. They told me that she has pink eye. Hmmm...I knew that was going around, but they told me it was mostly in the babies. I was aware that she had a cold, and for whatever reason, they always seem to travel to her eyes. Is THAT pink eye? I'm not really sure, but in any case, I picked her up early. She said, "It's my favorite pink!" in her eye. That's how she talks about favorite colors. "Her favorite pink."

Some other cool things for me: Christmas shopping is coming along very nicely already. Santa is going to be veeerrry good to Miss Sage this year, as he should. Also, for the Christmas program at church, Luke wanted me to sing a Mariah Carey Christmas song with the Hands Team (a sign/dance group). They chose Silent Night, and they're signing to it with glow in the dark gloves, which should be really cool. I'm speaking at a leadership meeting on Monday night, which should be interesting, but I think it should go well.

AND one of my most favorite things involves a little explanation. A few weeks ago, Pastor Kent preached on sexual immorality. They had an overwhelming response of couples that were living together, unmarried. They said that they knew they were out of the will of God, but they just didn't have the means to get married. SO what OUR church is doing is hosting a mass wedding for FREE. Kent said that it's going to be NICE too: food, music, decorations, the works...all on us. I got a phone call yesterday, and they want ME to sing in the wedding! I thought that was so cool because weeks ago, WHILE Kent was saying that we were going to do this, I thought, "Ooh I wonder if they'd ask me to sing." I think that was the Lord!

Jonathon and I sang "The Prayer" by Celine Dion back in August, but due to these circumstances, they wanted something not "so traditional." I get what they're saying, so a friend suggested, "God Bless the Broken Road." I'm not a HUGE fan of that song, but I think it's perfect for the situation, and Jonathon liked the idea. Sooo, that's about it, I guess. Christmas, practices, cleaning, shopping, and singing.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

You might be an idiot

if you black your own eye. I'm not sure if it's going to be black or not, but there's a very defined knot right on my eye. I hit myself with the safety lock that sticks out on the door (right at eye level--go figure) when I opened it. I'm still not for sure how, but I did regretfully curse in front of my mom and Sage when it happened.


Then. Exactly 1 year ago.