Thursday, October 31, 2013

For a Day

Normally, I don't post much about diabetes because who wants to read about that?  Even more normally, I ignore/trash pretty much anything and everything that I receive from JDRF or...anything regarding diabetes.  There is not enough time in the day for me as it is, and I SURE don't want to spend any extra giving that any more attention than it already demands.  But something did catch my eye...the Type One for a day challenge.  Apparently, there's a professional snowboarder who has had type one for 9 years, and you can text  T1D4aDay to 63566 to receive texts from this guy for one day just to see what one day is like in managing type one.  Everyone hears of it; very few have a clue as to even half of what you have to do to live with it in your life.  They're doing it to bring awareness to FIND A CURE.  If you'd like my honest opinion, I think there is already or could already be a cure in medicine...but it would never be released here because diabetes brings $11 million...or billion even... a year to our loving pharmaceutical company.  Would you take that pay cut?  Or would you rather get that nice paycheck in managing it?  Exactly.  So, I've never had hope in them because it was pretty easy to see how things work pretty quickly.  But maybe, if you so choose to do this, you can see why we need a HEALING more than ever.  Or at the very least, see why maybe I don't have time to blog.  Or call you back.  Or answer when you did call.  
 Here's the promo.

  (Make sure you have a texting plan if you do this...believe it or not some don't) because you will get about 45 texts.  But you can text "stop" at any time to stop them, and it's only for one day. Believe me, I wish I could just text stop.  I signed up just to see how accurate it was.  :) 

***UPDATE:  I did the challenge and thought it was stupid.  The goal was good, but I didn't think it was successful.   Sorry, I need to do my own based on my own day.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Get Ready...

It's coming fast!  Christmas.  I took the boys to the seasonal section at Walmart last Monday...and couldn't resist trying these Rudolph light up antlers on Bleu.  You know he's going to continue tradition and be obsessed.

 How adorable are they?  Although with Nonstop there in the front, putting up a tree, much less FIVE, feels like it may border on insanity.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Boo At the Zoo

We did not go to Ky for Fall Break this year like we usually do, and when we're there, we always go to the zoo.  Last year, I was not looking forward to Halloween at all with Sage and diabetes.  Last year, I wasn't looking forward to much of anything.  While it is still a burden we bear daily, I dang sure don't let it stop us or her from doing anything she would do if she didn't have it.  It's just there.  That is all.  I don't want a damn license plate.  I don't want a support group.  I don't want to talk about it and think about it anymore than I already do.  Thankfully, we are surrounded by good people that get that anyways.  SO, since we were here this year, I wanted to try Boo at the Zoo in Birmingham.  I looked online and it looked pretty fun.  I knew the kids would love it.  Travis is working a lot during football season. He's pretty much gone every weekend.  But he was off this past Friday. Sadly, my father-in-law's dad passed away and we had his funeral that afternoon, but Travis said that he wanted to go to the zoo after that.  It didn't start until 5.  I was SO excited.  I was.  Me.  The kids were, too, but I was just excited to be...I don't know...normal.  I get a lot of anxiety lately about...everything really, and it was so nice to just have fun.  All of us.  Away from this town and the norm and facebook and my house that's just never quite together enough.  And we were off.  So I said no spoilers about costumes, but I guess I have to now...I was SO excited about the boys' costumes.  I have to give credit to my friend, Nichole, who suggested it.  Jaggar loves Monsters Inc, and he's always wearing his hat with Mike on it to school (need to take a pic of that), so it was a no brainer for her.

I present....Sully and Mike.  Are they not the CUTEST?  Now Jaggar had just tried this on for the first time here, so he was unsure.  He said Sully was too scary.  In reality, he just didn't know what he wanted to be, and I was not giving him the option.  Obviously, Bleu didn't care one bit.

 So, OFF we went to the zoo and what happened but Mista T forgot his sunglasses?  And it was that time of the day where the sun is blinding.  So I GLADLY offered him a pair of mine.
And he wore them.  Without shame.
 While I sat and took pictures of myself in the passenger seat and texted this to friends with a caption of something like, "What a pretty friend you have." or something like that.
 So as soon as we got there, we dressed our Monsters Inc friends.
 And they were adorable.  I just love this picture.  This is Costner's first Halloween, too, by the way.  But I stupidly didn't bring a bag for him and act like he was getting candy and then eat it myself.
 And little Miss here...I actually got her costume first.  Last year, she wanted to be a flapper so badly, but they had none in her size.  THIS year, I found the PERFECT set complete with all accessories, even fishnets, at TJ Maxx and snagged it at the beginning of October.  It was SO her.  Doesn't she look fantastic?  Secretly, if I dressed for Halloween, I'd totally be a flapper myself.
 I have to say that the Birmingham Boo at the Zoo blew Louisville's away.  It was SO great.  Photo opps at every corner.  I was SHOCKED at all of the decorations.  They had so many lights and props that I really wondered how many people it took to set them all up. 
 Mike taking it all in.
 I had a lady take our pic. That's actually the "great pumpkin" from Charlie Brown, which we've been watching regularly.  Jaggar even said on the way there that he hoped he got a rock. He did the same thing last year, and Travis actually snuck a rock in Jaggar's bag.  It THRILLED him.   If you haven't seen the Charlie Brown Halloween, then that won't make sense.
Jaggar's costume was THE HIT.  EVERYONE loved it.  It even has a tail, which I didn't get a pic of, but I will on Halloween.
 It was the perfect fall weather, and once the sun went down, it was COLD.
 They had cardboard cut outs for photos everywhere.  At the Louisville zoo, you basically go through the entire zoo in a line and get a piece of candy at each stall.  Nasty candy too.  Like a pixie stick.  They weren't playing around here.  Snickers.  Butterfingers.  Reeses.  Skittles.  And they didn't skimp. They had all kinds of games like a carnival that you could play over and over and over and get as much candy as you wanted.  Jaggar was in heaven.  They also had a "dance party" with a room with disco lights and music like "Ghostbusters" and "Thriller" blasting.  Jaggar danced his heart out with no reservations.  It was so great.

 They also had extra things that you could pay extra for like the Sasquatch safari where you searched for Big Foot.  We got armbands so that we could do it all, and this was the line for that.  That was really fun.  They took you on a hayride way out in the back of the zoo in the dark shining a flashlight. Then a guy dressed as a foot ran by.  It was really funny, and then the actual "big foot" went by.  IT was cool, and then the "foot" came up and gave everyone candy.  My kids loved it.  All along every back path were lit up pumpkins and decorations.  It was really amazing all of the effort that they put in it.
 Then Travis saw this.
 The eyes in that skull were spinning.  There was literally SO much to look at.  Jaggar, at times, would just walk off to the next thing and then freak because he was losing me.
 I wanted Travis to take this because of all of the LIGHTS!  Oh my goodness.  None of my pics did it justice.
 Precious boy waiting in line for one of the kids' favorites:  the backwards carousel.  Because it was Halloween, it's "haunted" and goes backwards covered in spiderwebs and black lights.  The Louisville zoo used to make theirs go backwards but stopped.  The Bham zoo even turned the lights completely out when the ride was going, and the kids just loved it.
 Sage being a ghost in the black light.

 Behind the carousel, there were more lights galore with an Alice in Wonderland theme, one of my absolute favorite movies.  And behind THAT was another paid deal to see "the fortune teller." We walked a very, very, almost creepy path to get to her, and just didn't look like simple fun to me.  There's just some things I'm not even playing with.  Can't describe it exactly, but I didn't like how the scene felt.  I have enough doors in my life I want shut for me to throw anymore open.  Sage asked why we weren't doing it, and we just told her it was one of the things about Halloween that we don't like and we're not doing it. Besides, I already know how beautiful and amazing I am.  Done and done.

 We finally made it to the OTHER side of the zoo, and there was this light show!  Jaggar would have stayed here indefinitely dancing and watching.  This song here is his favorite on their Just Dance game for the wii.

Then we came upon Despicable Me!  They had a show, but we missed it.

 We were making our way to the train and to the actual "trick or treating."
 This was the trick or treating part.  It was like a maze with LOTS of candy, and they let you go through more than once!  Not that we'd know :)
 Sage's costume wasn't for warmth, so she had a sweater on, but when she caught a glimpse of the Nutcracker ballerinas up ahead, she quickly took her sweater off so they could see her costume.  I totally got it and asked if they'd let me take a pic.  Sage was thrilled and told me she was so glad I did that. :)
 Waiting in line for the train.  It was a little after 9. The kids were saying they didn't want to because of the line, but we were riding.
 Baby could not hold out anymore.  He was down for the count.
 I didn't take pics on the train, but it was so great.  SO many decorations in the back. The conductor of the train was "scary," and the kids loved it.  They had a strobe light in the tunnel.  They had a ghost light sequence that seemed to "chase" us.  Holding Jaggar in my lap and sitting by Sage listening to them and watching them, I just soaked it all in thinking, "THIS is a moment.  This is a perfect moment I will hold forever.  Babies.  Appreciating such a fun time.  Looking at so many pretty lights and just being grateful."  Because in that moment, we were okay.  Sounds funny, but if you knew the panics I've had, it would make more sense...but in that moment, life was perfect and I grabbed it and kept it.  I SAW IT.  It did not pass me by is what I'm saying, like so many moments can.
 On the way out, we were all tired.  And cold.  But we'd had a great time, and Sage was wanting to capture every photo opportunity that she could.
 And I indulged her. 

Jaggar Part 2

I told you they are the same child.  They don't look a thing alike here, but Costner is totally "Jaggar, part 2."

Mini Me

Found this baby pic of me in a drawer the other day.  Do you see my kids in me?  I do.  Everyone knows Sage looks like me now.  I even see some of Costner in there.

 I took Little Miss shopping last week during fall break while Jaggar was at school.  He HATES shopping.  We had a nice time, and she got some cute things just in time, as it turned instantly to fall just a few days later.

 Where does it come from??? I'm not going to lie.  My hair looked pretty amazing this day.  Texted several friends with these photos of me.

Dare Devil

This is life.  This is Costner's favorite game.  It totally doesn't cause heart palpitations.  Sometimes, I'm looking for him, and I hear laughter, and all I have to do is look up.  Wild child.


Last week, baby Bleu was crawling towards me and just slipped...right on the corner of my dresser.  Instant screams followed, but I couldn't really see where he hit...until he woke up from his nap later.  Check out his eye.  Not only did he hit, but it also bruised his eyelid, creating his very first black eye. I hate this part of babyhood where they are ALWAYS falling.

 Check out that hair.  It's getting so long.