Thursday, January 31, 2008

Encore, encore!

Due to overwhelming requests, here is some more.

Dancing! A MUST See!

Here's a bit of my tiny dancer! Warning: You may hurt from laughter!


Sage has had several milestones this year. She's been completely day timed potty trained since the summer. She gave up her binky in the daytime in summer too. THAT was huge. We suffered through many screaming fits for that one. She loved her binky, but she still had it in her bed. She looked forward to going to bed for that reason too.

Then, on her actual birthday, since 3 means you're a big girl, she threw her binky away for good. That was another huge thing. It was rough, but it actually wasn't as bad as when she gave it up in the daytime. Today is another event that closes the door on "baby." That's what it seems like. She's getting a big girl bed. We bypassed the toddler bed all together. We tried to convert her crib into one a few months ago, but she freaked.

So when my mom was here we went to Rooms to Go Kids, and she ordered her a sleigh bed. When the truck pulled up, Sage was so excited. It was the cutest thing! Of COURSE, I can never get just one piece of any furniture that I have delivered. The footboard is scratched, and I said that wasn't acceptable. I love dealing with delivery people. Anyway, we've got a new one coming, but until then, she is perfectly happy. Of course, getting her to understand that she has to sleep in this thing could be difficult. I'm in the process of getting her to take a nap, but it's so new and fun to her that sleep is for the birds. I went in there just now and asked her, "Sage, are you comfortable?" She says, "Yes, and I'm pretty too." LOL, WHAT?! It is important to be pretty as you are about to sleep. Anyway, here are some pics. Look how happy she is!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ballet Day

Sage started ballet today! She was so excited too. She wanted to wear her outfit to school today, but I told her that I would change her into it when I picked her up. Parents can't sit in the actual class, which is so sad because I would LOVE to see, but I understand. She has been moving and shaking ever since she came home. She had to wear her leotard all day too. During class, the teacher walked out for a minute, and I asked how she was doing, and she said, "She's doing great. She's in there stretching." HA! I was cracking up.

Then there is the part about sitting in there with other moms. I don't mind, but for some reason I felt like I didn't belong. Not that I'm making fun of them, but they all had 'mom jeans,' sweats, EASTLANDS, tennis shoes, and other attire that I never foresee myself wearing. It seemed that some were eyeing me, but I didn't feel inappropriately dressed! The topic of conversation for a solid 10 minutes was....wait for it....mayonnaise. "I love it!" "I can't stand it!" "Really? Not even chicken salad?!" "No I can't even handle the smell." Then the topic of tofu came up. "What is it? I've never had it." Not thinking, I jumped in, "I actually love tofu. It's a meat substitute." Suddenly, I exist! "Really? How do you cook it? What do you put it in? Is it true it takes on the flavor of whatever you cook it in?" I answered, "Well you can put it in whatever you want." More questions, "Where do you get it? So you don't eat meat?" Um, yeah. But then one very sweet mom (they really were all sweet...well most) goes, "Bring us some tofu recipes next week." Oh but she didn't just say it once. She told me like 3 times. HA! YEAH, you got it sister. Let me get out my book of recipes. I will send her to the place with the best carry out.

Aside from all of that, I think Sage is really going to love dance or "the ballet," as she says. I tried to video her on my camera, but for some reason it's not uploading as video. I'll try to work on that because she is dancing with all her heart!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


One of the truest quotes I've ever heard and experienced:

"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

What kind of person are you?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

You'd Have to See to Believe

that it SNOWED here on Saturday. They were forecasting it, and I shrugged it off, but it really did! We certainly weren't stuck inside, but it came down enough to give us that peaceful, serene feeling that snow can bring for a few hours. These are some of the most beautiful pictures ever of my sweet Sage. Enjoy!

Look at that HUGE snowman!
Haha, just kidding! It looked like it though, didn't it?
She is too cute.
It's a baby snowman!
Isn't that beautiful? Just know, we never get to see this here.
One of my most favorites!
Catching snowflakes.
Walking in a winter wonderland.
A bit of a runny nose, but she's still a doll. Hey, it's cold out there.
Look at that snow angel.
Where's Mayer???

Silly girl.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Sage's Actual Birthday

It was a birthday weekend here. Sage was actually born on the 20th of January, so of course, we had to sing to her again. She is really 3 here, and she's really a big girl. I am so proud of her.

She said that her dress looked like Santa Claus.

This is Sage with Grandmother and Pa, my inlaws.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Weee, she's 3!!!

As of tomorrow, January 20th, 2008, my baby will be 3 years old. I woke up this morning after all the action had ended (we had her party last night), and just thought, "How in the world did this happen so fast? How is she 3?" For her birthday last year, I had a huge party with all our friends, with or without children, because that's who we know. That's who Sage knows. It was great, but Sage gets overwhelmed really easy, and she spent a lot of it either with my mom or clinging to me or Travis.

This year, Sage had been making comments about her birthday saying, "Everyone is going to come." I started to second guess and go, "Well DO I have a huge party?" So I asked her, "Sage who do you want to come to your party?" The answer: "Um, Nonni (of course), Rudolph, Santa Claus, and Clarice." No one but Nonni (my mom) is a real person, so I ended up having my best friend, Chrissie, and her husband, Sean, along with their kids--Harrison and Isacah come over. It ended up being perfect. Sage adores Harrison, and they had a blast together. I couldn't have been more pleased with how much fun they all really had. Happy Birthday, my dear, I love you with all that I am.

The next 2 blogs are a chronological (mostly) picture story of her special day.

When she got home from her school party, the house was, just as I told her, covered in balloons and presents.
She was so ready and excited for her day.
"Get a hat for everyone!" she told me.
These cupcakes were for her school party, which I designed (not MADE, designed). I was 100% pleased with everything from the initial presentation to the overwhelming, rich taste. The cream cheese icing was so thick that I told the teacher to cut them in half for the kids in her class.
Hey, I said "kids" not me. I ate the whole thing and loved every bite!
My girl.
This is for all the haters that think I don't cook. FYI, I cooked everything (help me out with a comment on this, Chrissie) from grilled tilapia, grillled squash/zucchinni, red and yellow peppers, and baked asparagus with parmesean cheese.
Meet Isacah. She is at an adorable age (a few weeks from 2). Sometimes it makes me very bitter to look at her because she still has such a baby look to her where Sage lost her's completely at about 14 months.
Clean plate, folks. See that. CLEAN plate.
This is Harrison. He is a doll, extremely intelligent, and can make your heart melt in a second. He had to get a haircut, per his decision, to come to the party. He chose his own present, which you will see in a bit. He told his mommy, "Sometimes I forget Sage's name, so can I just call her 'Girlfriend?'"
Sage wanted to do everything like Harrison...
including drinking Sprite from the same type of cup. So cute.

Helllooo? I'm trying to eat here! No more pictures.
Present time! Classic Game...another for Travis and I to cheat at and argue over who really won.

It's amazing how excited children get over things like....soap with a duck in it. Isn't that sweet?!

Harrison was helping.
Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer!

All the kids like this.
And this was Harrison's present. He was sooo excited to give this to Sage.
A piggy bank, and not just any piggy bank--a piggy bank with a crown and a tutu! Not only did he give her that, but he put his own money in it to get her started. He was so proud of himself.
How cute is that!
He also got her a doll. He chose that all on his own after shutting down many of his mom's suggestions. "No, no, no, Sage wouldn't want that. She'd like a baby doll, and she wants this one because it has a dog and white hair." That's the deciding factors right there. You can see that Sage really liked it, so he must have known.
"I told you I made the right call."
"How are we going to get the money out?"
Getting ready to sing Happy Birthday.
Look how cute they are!
And look how excited she is! She would not do this last year. I think I held her with her face buried in my shoulder. She's growing up!
"Is it time to eat the cake?!"