Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Father Daughter Dance

Sage was SO excited about the annual Father Daughter Dance that rolls around every February.  She was so cute.  I heard them talking the night before.  Sage said, "Daddy, you have to dress really nice."  I heard him say, "I'm wearing a tank top and cut off shorts."  Ha!  She said, "DADDY!  You will embarrass me."  Doesn't she know that's one of our joys in parenting her?  On that Friday afternoon, she ate dinner as fast as she could and then hopped in the shower.  I dried her hair as quickly as I could so that I could curl it.  Travis walked in the bedroom and she slammed the bathroom door so that he couldn't see her before she was completely ready.  You would've thought she was the bride and he was the groom.  When everything was just right for her--makeup and all--she made her appearance.  She looked so pretty.  She was excited that they were having cupcakes and was ready to teach Travis The Wobble.  I would pay to have footage of that if that actually happened.

Here's the lovely couple before they left.
Jaggar couldn't bear to not be in a picture.  Mom and I took him to 32 degrees when they went to the dance.

Help from Nonni

Travis was crewed to work the Super Bowl this year, which put him absent from here for almost 2 weeks.  Now I COULD have made it (I suppose) on my own, but thankfully (REALLY thankfully), my mom came in town and stayed with us for several weeks.  She came for Sage's birthday and also to help me while Travis was gone...and just to help indefinitely.  She was such a help to me, and she got to know this cutie more than the immature 10 day old he was when she left after his birth.  :)  

Here is Costner during the Super Bowl.  He was really impressed. 
One of the many times she held him so I could do something besides hold him.  He's a bit accustomed to being held.  I don't mind to do that except one when one of those inconveniences gets in the way like eating, showering, laundry...stuff like that.  We sure enjoyed her company and her help.

Having a Sister

This picture is from a few weeks ago, but I couldn't leave it out.  Sage may be outnumbered by boys, but she is definitely not outdone.  Here is Costner in her American Girl doll's bed. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013


When I was pregnant with Jaggar and found out that he was a boy, I wish I'd known how much fun he would be, and I wouldn't have wasted time on worry about what I'd do with a boy.  Because boys are wonderful.  Jaggar is wonderful. 

On Saturday, Jaggar was running through the house saying, "We're on a MISSION!"  I said, "What are you doing?"  Then I saw his ensemble.  His pj's were inside out and backwards.  I asked him about it and he said, "These are my mission clothes."  :)  A few days earlier, I was in the kitchen and saw him go flying off the couch in a leap while shouting, "TO INFINITY!  AND BEYOND!!!"
If he puts his own underwear on, there's a 90% chance they will be on backwards.  He likes to see the picture that is generally bigger on the back.  On this particular day, he had them on inside out AND backwards.  Fabulous, I know.
But he's a wonderful big brother.  As much as he loves his toys, he will put a dinosaur on Costner while he's in his seat.  I know once Costner actually WANTS the dinosaur that may change, but for now, he deserves the praise for it.
He is even a good little brother.  He is very nice about sharing his toys with Sage.  Can't say that's the same REVERSED, but she asked to play with his animals and he said, "Okay, just give them back."  Every time she gets in the car from school he will say, "Sage, did you have a good day?"  HE LOVES ICE CREAM.  2 weeks ago, we went to 32 degrees for the first time in almost a year.  It's TRUE, ELIZABETH.  :)  That didn't have much to do with diabetes initially.  It made me sick when I was pregnant, and I just never went back.  The kids were in heaven when we went.   JAGGAR thinks they have free refills on ice cream.
Mom and I took the boys to Garfrericks yesterday (translated:  Mom and I went to Garfrericks and just took the boys along), and Jaggar wanted a salad.  When he took a bite, he did not like it because, "It tastes like leaves."  SO, that was the end of that.
I took him to 32 degrees after that, and he literally eats every bite.  Every sprinkle.  Every ounce of ice cream.  EVERY.  SINGLE.  BITE.  What a funny guy he is.  He will never be lost as a "middle child." 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2 Months

This "little" boy turned 2 months old last Tuesday.  He probably didn't get the appropriate celebration since we went to the doctor for his 2 month check up and got immunizations.  The initial shots didn't bother him much, but he was very upset later that afternoon for a few hours.  But that went away as quickly as it came.  Costner weighed 12 lbs, 8 oz and was 23  1/2 inches long.  He is in the 70th percentile for both height and weight.  I found Jaggar's weight at that exact age of 9 weeks, and he was a whole pound and few ounces LESS than Costner.  Shocking, I know.  Costner isn't sleeping through the night yet, but he definitely goes into that deeper sleep for the night between 10-11pm.  He is the happiest baby in the world when he wakes up in the mornings.  He's really starting to take notice of his surroundings (I can see him eying the letters on his wall deciding which one he will rip off first when that time comes.) and is starting to try to talk back to us in coos.  He is definitely moving a LOT more.  I'm not talking crawling or anything.  But he's doing the bicycle peddle with his feet like he's running,  and if you lay him one way, he can turn himself (still on his back) to have his head and feet in totally different spots...like laying lengthwise across the bed.  The only thing I wish he'd do differently is to slow down.

2 month birthday

Growing Boy

Costner has come a long way from this....
To this. 

 He has put on a little weight.
 It's a lot of work to be this cute.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Baby Bleu is getting very expressive these days.

 He looks ginormous, I know.

 So sad.  This was probably something tragic like not being held after 2 seconds of laying down.
 But he goes to instantly happy again.

 He is also on the verge of trying to "talk" with lots of coos.

8 Weeks Old: Jaggar Vs Costner

Okay, so I found a picture of Jaggar at 8 weeks old on
 the exact day that Costner turned 8 weeks old (last Wednesday).  Umm...they don't really look alike at all, do they?  For one, Jaggar needed a haircut when he was born.  I didn't realize how much hair he had.  Sage had just as much, I believe.  And Costner...well, he's definitely not bald, but the majority of his hair is in the back.  Different but equally as cute, I think.

I will find out for sure on Tuesday at his 2 month checkup, but I think Costner has blown the other 2 away in weight. 
 Such a sweet angel.

The One and Only Jaggar

Jaggar is still just the same.  There's not another quite like him.  One thing that he does ALL the time that I really need to just get on video to prove, is that he says all day, every day, "There's nothing to be afraid of."  And just in reading that, you don't get the full concept.  It's like he's playing with his toys and saying something like, "And this is the BIG dinosaur.  He walks on this mountain...there's nothing to be afraid of....and he goes up...nothing to be afraid of."  Sometimes he sings it.  Other times he yells it.  Sometimes he whispers it.  I'm not really sure where it came from.  Maybe he's prophesying to me all day, I don't know.  Either way, it is funny. 

About a week and a half ago, Mom, Costner and Jaggar went to the mall while Sage was at dance, and he got to ride.
He's such a good looking boy.
precious face
Taking pictures where he can see himself before the picture is taken always turns out like this.
 If he dresses himself, something (usually underwear) is backwards.  Other times, it's inside out.  In this case, his pajamas were both.  I heard him running through the hall yesterday morning and saying, "I've got a mission!"  Then he told me that these were his mission clothes, so maybe the backwards and inside out was purposeful for effect.  Camo perhaps?  He definitely keeps us laughing, that is for sure.