Thursday, January 28, 2010

Trying to Escape

Well it's about that time: time to lower the mattress pretty soon. Now when I lay J down for his naps, he immediately raises up. He's trying to pull up on the bumper pad to see me and plead his case to get out of bed. I watched him from around the corner to make sure he didn't hurt himself. Then it got quiet, but this is what I saw. I couldn't help but laugh and take a picture.

Hanging on...but fast asleep. I did put his little hand down, so it wouldn't fall asleep while he slept. Sweet boy.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sage's Birthday Party

Well, after going back and forth a few times, Sage's decision was final for what she wanted her birthday party to be this year: another pool party. She said, "I just love to swim, and I think everyone would love to swim now because it's cold." How right she was. Last year we did it at the YMCA, but I'd heard of a gym that had a nice pool and how nice it was to have a party there. So we ended up going with that, and it was perfect. Everything was set up IN the gym, unlike the Y, where we had to go upstairs after 1 1/2 hrs. The kids had an absolute blast. Well, all of the kids except Jaggar had a blast. He wasn't feeling his best. All together we had 32 people in attendance, so I had JUST enough cake. When I was tying balloons around the chairs, Sage looked at me and said, "Thank you, Mommy." It was so sweet because if you've ever done a birthday party, then you know how much work they are. It's all worth it for my kids though. Happy 5th Birthday, Sage! She wanted a Hello Kitty cake. It was really good too.
This was before anyone got there, and I had just tied balloons on all of the chairs. After this, Travis took the pictures because I was in the pool.
Travis's dad was one of the many people that tried to console Jaggar while he cried off and on for me. I thought about putting him in the pool, but it was pretty chilly when getting out, so I decided against it.
the birthday girl and her cake
blowing out the candles
Harrison jumping off of the diving board. I did this many times too, but Travis videoed instead of taking a picture. It felt SO good to swim for the first time in 2 years (for me).
Some of the kids flocking to my friend, Jill. All kids love Jill.
Renea and Jaggar
This was right after I discovered that Kylie LOVED going underwater. She'd have a surprised look, and then she'd squeal and clap her hands. So funny.

The birthday girl having a blast. I let the kids swim for an hour, get out, sing and eat cake, and then swim for the rest of the time. We actually took the presents home and opened them with a few friends and family. SO much easier that way. That left more time for swimming and less time for losing things. It was an awesome party. Everyone had such a wonderful time...and I'm thrilled I don't have to do it again until next year.

Monday, January 25, 2010


This is my life now. I had Sage out of our room at 4 months. Here's Jaggar. Almost 8 months old (in this picture). IN my bed. UNDER my arm. With at least one hand touching me at all times. And yes, he's asleep. I was in a semi-conscious state, as I really don't believe I've actually SLEPT in 8 months now.

Typical Sage

My parents got Sage this shirt and matching scarf last week. Isn't it fitting for her? Sage thought it'd be a good idea to do her own makeup that day too. Doesn't she look pretty?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Birthday Lovin'

Everybody loves Sage, especially Bubs.

Look at my boy.
She's still a daddy's girl.

Happy Birthday to You

I think we sang happy birthday at LEAST 5 times on Sage's birthday. This is one of the many. Yes, it's another doughnut. We're picking up her birthday cake tomorrow for her party.

Happy 5th Birthday, Sage

Sage's birthday was HER day from start to finish. We started the day by waking her up with a candle lit doughnut and "Happy Birthday" sung by me. (Travis refuses to sing in front of me for fear I will be Simon Cowell. Untrue, by the way.) I was so excited for her because she's waited for her birthday all year, but maybe the excitement wore her out. She was out cold when we walked in, and it took quite a bit to wake her up.
But when she saw the doughnut and I told her there were presents outside, she woke up.
She had school that day, so that's why we woke her early to give presents before Travis had to go to work.
Her pink toaster she asked for. I think she was happy about it. Love that smile.
an iron. (Or I-Ruhn, as she pronounces it.) Sage loves anything that makes her more of an adult: her toy vacuum, babies, make-up...this was perfect for her.
And an ironing board to go with it! She irons her clothes everyday now, even her panties. ha! She was very pleased with this.
Then it was time to get ready for school because it was HER day, and she had cupcakes and juice boxes to bring for her class. She had a great day, and they all sang happy birthday to her.
When she got home from school, Nonni and Papa had a special surprise for her, which she had to go and find. It was....a RUG for her room, which she loves. Jaggar has one, and she has asked for one ever since he's had it. She said, "Oh, it's beautiful! It's gorgeous!" An added bonus is that it has squares, which she uses to play hopscotch with.
Then we went downstairs to eat a special lunch that she had requested: Fuji, our favorite Japanese restaurant in town. I ordered carryout after I picked her up from school. Sage is a hardcore sushi lover. I've fed it to her since she was 2, and now she eats the real stuff, even more so than me: salmon eggs. Even THESE are a little too fishy for me, but she loves them. And that is GRAPE juice in that glass. It just made her feel special.
Once Daddy got home, he had something for her too. It was a "happy birthday" charm for her charm bracelet that Santa brought her for Christmas.
Then Nonni and Papa had some more things for her. If you haven't heard of zhu zhu pets, you probably didn't have a child that wanted the 'hot toy' for Christmas. Sage isn't really old enough to know what that is, so I'm the only one that had heard of them from friends that had children crazy over them. Thankfully, in this house, that was not a problem since parents went nuts over them at Christmas. Well, mom looked for them but never could find them until AFTER Christmas, but it was perfect for Sage's birthday. We weren't really sure if they'd be a hit or miss, but no one lost any limbs getting them so it wasn't a big deal...
But I am happy to say that they are a HUGE hit. They are hilarious. Jaggar wants to get one so bad that he can't STAND it, and Sage cackled with laughter over them running all over the house. What a great day she had, and she hasn't even had her party yet!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

5 Years Ago...,

today, I became a mommy for the very first time. I had no experience, no pre-qualifications...nothing really that would make me worthy of such a task, but yet there she was: Sage Alexandra Spence born at 12:40 pm weighing 6lbs, 14 oz, 20 inches long with a head full of black hair. I felt like the Grinch in that my heart literally grew 3 sizes that day in one instant. I also felt like a QUEEN because I was finally a MOMMY. Perfect fit. She was and is the most perfect, beautiful, sweet girl I'd ever seen, and all I could do was cry and say, "She's so pretty." I think I cried every time I looked at her for the first month, at least. I tried to think back to life before her, and it's so odd to do so. It was so BORING before!

And now, in what seems like a month, it's five years later. Where did that time go? This was a difficult one for me because she's FIVE (it's just too big) but also exciting. She has really come into her own. Sage is the most kind, sweet girl I know. She always takes care to make sure that others aren't hurt. If she thinks that she's hurt someone, she gets so upset and embarrassed. Sage loves a good joke, and she is always telling them. Sage is a teacher. She is always teaching me, or Jaggar, or a room full of babies/animals. Sage is a friend and a good listener. She is precise, smart, loving, kind, detailed, creative, talented, and brave. For these, I can't even take credit. It is who she is. I'm grateful everyday to be a part of her life because she makes life worth living. Sage, I LOVE YOU and am SO proud of you!! Happy Birthday!! Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Love these boys♥

Monday, January 18, 2010

Travis's Camera

These are from Travis's camera. Of course, you're going to get at least ten pictures of Mayer when Travis is taking pictures. Oh yeah, in case you wondered, we still have Mayer, but he is available to anyone that's asking.

Sage does love those dogs, and Jaggar does too. He gets so excited when he sees them.
Yum--PRUNES! (These are pre-haircut too, obviously.)