Saturday, March 29, 2008

Picasa Fun

I heard about a free photo editing shop online called picasa. You can create some pretty cool effects with your pics. I'm still new to it all, but here is what I've started out with

Monday, March 24, 2008


This is me singing "Redeemer" at the 11 service yesterday. I was really sick, really nervous, and singing a song I didn't choose. It's a beautiful song, but it's a bit high for me. I know now that it wasn't about me and what I could do because God really strengthened me, and I think it was a beautiful service all around. So, here you go.

Easter Day!

On Easter Sunday, I had to be at church at 7:30 am, so I missed seeing Sage in her cute outfit. Travis got her ready, and I think he did a great job. After church, we went to his mom's house for lunch. Eletha, my mother-in-law, had more eggs for Sage to find. It wasn't as warm (ok I was freezing), but Sage didn't mind a bit. She loves finding eggs.

I don't know what she's doing, but you can see her cute outfit.
Sweet girl.
Freezing outside while finding eggs.
I found one!

There's one over there!

Isn't she sweet?
I think we've got them all.
My most favorite pic. My love.

To Mema, Love Travis

War Eagle!

Egg Hunt!

After we colored eggs, Travis hid them throughout the yard. Sage LOOOVED finding them. Of course, she had to wear her princess dress, which was fine because the temperature was 72!

She's so shy around the camera. It's a shame.
She reminds me of the princess and the pea. If there is a SPECK of anything that she believes is in her shoe, all must come to a halt while she fixes it.
Here we go!

He wanted to help so much.
"I see some more!"
"and another over here!"
Pretty red!
Here's another!
Into the bucket, they go!

"Now it's MY turn to hide them!"
Could you resist that face?
She's hiding them.
Hahaha...this is when she hid them.
And Daddy finally found them.

Egg Coloring Fun

Here is our egg coloring debut! I think it's some sort of awesome, but maybe I'm partial. In any case, we had a lot of fun.

The red is my favorite, followed closely by the purple.
She was very careful.
Photo op!
Learning how to do it.
I don't want to mess it up!
Neither does she!
How cool is that?!
My mouth is always open because I couldn't breathe. Okay, I was concentrating!

These next three pics are a series: Scoop it up.
Pour it on.

My girl.
And Daddy's.