Monday, July 27, 2009

Cowboy Cruiz

I thought this deserved to be by itself. :)

2 Month Photo Shoot

By Travis, of course. You can always tell the difference between when HE takes pictures and my feeble attempts. It was not the most pleasant of days for us, speaking in terms of weather. It was HOT, and both kids were tired, but I think they did great.
Self timer allows daddy to be a part for ONCE.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy to be 8 weeks old

It's true-Jaggar is 8 weeks old today. Time sure has flown. What was life like before this? We slept a lot more, but we wouldn't trade him for anything. He's been such a joy to our family. I am so thankful for my kidS...ha, it's still funny to me to say that--"kids."

"Helloooo ladies."
After a bath. Meet "J Cruiz."
Sage always in her bathing suit. haha. Sweet kids.

It's True

He does love mommy. :)And I'm pretty crazy about him.
I hate this picture of me in the midst of a blink, but it was too cute to not show him.

They Love Each Other

Sage can't get enough of her brother, and I think the feeling is mutual. He LOVES for Sage to talk to him. He is all smiles whenever she says anything to him. This makes me happy. Aren't they so sweet?

Yes, that's lipstick she's wearing.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


This is how Jaggar is most of the time: happy to be here. Look at this pic. He wasn't crying. He wasn't eating, and he didn't want anything. I just thought it was sweet how he is just happy to be loved on. We're happy to do it too.

7 weeks old

Thank You, Nonni

For over 6 weeks, my mom was able to stay here with us, help us, and get to know Jaggar. We sure appreciated her and enjoyed her company. She was supposed to stay a little bit longer, but unfortunately my dad had a stroke on the evening of the 4th, so she obviously needed to go home a bit earlier. We enjoyed the time that she was here, and I know Jaggar loves his Nonni.

Who's Who?

I remember last year on the 4th, Elizabeth asked who Sara (sage's cousin) was because she said she looked like Sage after seeing the pictures I posted from then. I kind of saw it at the time, but this year, I REALLY saw it. Not only did I see it, but I HEARD it. Their voices and expressions were even the same. Sara would say something, and I kept turning thinking it was Sage. Strange, huh?



4th of July

I'm way behind on blogging, but we have been taking pictures. On the 4th of July, Travis's sister and her 4 kids were in town from Charlotte, NC, so we all went over to Travis's mom's to eat and play. Sage has REALLY come out of her shell these past few weeks, so she was thrilled that they were in town and couldn't wait to see them. Actually, as I type this, she is with them right now. She's a girl on the go these days. We had a fun time with everyone.Sweet little boy

This baby pool provided more hours of entertainment than ten bucks ever could.
love it

The gang
Too much fun for him