Thursday, March 31, 2011


Jaggar has a new obsession: HOTEL FOR DOGS (the movie). I put it in the dvd player in the car the first time that I took both of them to Wright's Dairy. Jaggar was instantly hooked. Ever SINCE then, every SINGLE time that we got in the car, he'd scream, "DOGS! I want DOGS! DOOOGS!" I can now recite the movie. That's how many times that I heard it in the car. Maybe he's making up for lost time in that he's never really cared about any kind of tv until now? I don't know, but this is "the face." He also dances when music plays in the movie. Watch that here. It's hilarious. I don't know if he got angry that he got dizzy, or what, but forgive his outburst at the end :). *I have to say that after watching the video today and experiencing the same outburst today at the same time in the movie, he was angry because the song went off. He wasn't finished dancing. And forgive my house. I have kids, so that's just how it looks most days.

He's in a diaper because when I came to get him that morning, he'd taken his pj bottoms off and thrown them in the hamper. Such a big helper. And he's in Halloween pajamas because they fit and they're warm.
Lost in his favorite flick

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Play Place

Last night, we went to the mall to check out The Play Place, a new place at the mall with the advertisement, "You relax while they play." Name your price, honey. It's actually pretty cool. The only other places similar locally are Party Central and Party Playstation, and generally those are for birthday parties. They had lounge chairs, wi-fi, and free coffee for the parents with a big open room of inflatables for kids to play on. Why someone didn't put something like this or a Chuck E. Cheese in Oxford LONG ago is beyond me, but it's about time.

Now it's not the greatest thing in the world. They could have used some more inflatables, but they've only been open a few days. Prices were good (we chose the 30 minutes due to time for us), and the kids had a blast. Granted, we couldn't do the "sit and relax" thing because of Jaggar and because someone (being me) has to discipline other people's kids, who were about to trample mine while their parents obliviously chat it up. Not that I care. I do it pretty much every "play place" that we go.

Several times, she thought she'd slide down that orange part.

Who didn't love these things growing up? I can still remember playing in the ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese's. He, of course, liked tossing them across the room.

This was one that was made for bigger kids, so of course, Jaggar loved it.

He climbed up there all by himself.

And slid down, saying, "Woooah!" every time. :)

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Baby, You Can Drive My Car

After the birthday party, we headed over to Birmingham for a very overdue trip to see the Larkin Fam. We missed Harrison, who was at his Pappy's house, but the other kids had such a great time together. Contrary to today and yesterday, aside from a bit of rain, it felt like spring, and the kids had a blast playing outside. Particularly, they had a blast with the following....

Yep, it's a Corvette that went pretty fast for a child's motorized toy. They were in love. I told Sage that she should ask Papa for one of these.

This is probably around a curve.
Isacah taking Sage for a spin.
Told you it was fast. :)
Holland and Jaggar playing with rocks. Always scary.
Then Sage took Holland for a spin. They all did really well sharing and taking turns, which was nothing short of a miracle.
And here is little Miss Iris, who is getting to be not so little anymore. She's a chunk and oh so cute!
Love her round cheeks. I think she looks like Isacah.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Everybody, Get Your Skate On

Yesterday morning, Sage had been invited to her friend Lydia's 7th birthday party: a skating party! We made it a family event because we were all going to Birmingham to see Chrissie and company after the party. We had a wonderful day! I got such cute pictures of these cuties. My kids had an absolute blast.Meanwhile...
Thank GOD that it was a private party because this boy was EVERYWHERE. I could not have kept up with him in a full skating rink.
Lydia isn't technically Jaggar's friend, but Suzanne and Wade said that we were more than welcome to bring him. I think that after yesterday, Jaggar would call Lydia a friend because he had the BEST time. A private party at a skating rink with loud music for him to run and dance to the ENTIRE time? And that is EXACTLY what he did. THE WHOLE TIME. Watch him here.
Pretty, pretty girl getting brave and skating on her own. I'll go into a little more detail about that below.
Then Jaggar realized that he really liked it when Travis skated while holding him.
How cute are they?
I was SO impressed and proud of this girl. After just a few minutes of skating with Travis, she decided she wanted to do it on her own. She took a few spills, but she never freaked and just kept getting up again. To have only skated one other time and for that to be over a year ago, I think that this is pretty awesome. Watch her here. Disclaimer: Forgive my singing. It's terrible. And it's Justin Bieber. Doubly terrible.

So I love this girl!
Cute, cute boys
Me and my lovely Costa Rican returned friend, Jill (she just got back from a week long trip there.)
Sage and Cailin, such sweethearts
And then there's the miracle of how Cailin became so sweet being Jill's daughter ;) With Sage, it's obvious she inherited my sweetness.

Happy Birthday to Lydia!

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Date With My (Little) Man

The weather was just BEAUTIFUL today. Spring has really sprung around here for the past few weeks, and it's been awesome. When Jaggar woke up from his nap today, I needed to go to Wright's and get milk. I decided that we'd make a day of it and go to the museum beforehand, just he and I, before Sage was out of school. He and I get to spend a lot of one-on-one time together throughout the day, but that's mostly at home. I wanted to take just HIM out, not that he cares too much either way if we are home or elsewhere. However, this morning, he was saying, "GO! GO!" like he wanted to go out, so we did. We have joined the museum, so a lot of trips are in our future. I love its seclusion, beauty and character being a small, local museum. Plus, we always make such great memories every time that we go. AND it's not Quintard Mall, a place that I hate pretty much everything about minus Chick-Fil-A. I could give you a list of reasons why, but that's another blog. :) Here's a few cute pictures from my camera. MY REAL CAMERA. Sorry I became a lazy blogger and only took pics with my phone. I was starting to annoy myself.

How cute is he? Chocolate: The Exhibition is still their special exhibit through May, and I'm so thrilled for this because they have some fantastic chocolate in the gift shop. I feel that they should make that a permanent item for sale.

He's pointing at....
I wish I'd had the flash off on my camera so that the digital earth could be seen. It's really pretty.

Busy boy

One of our favorite parts: the pond in the cave. I brought a bag of change so that he could throw coins into the water because it's one of his favorite things to do.

We had this to ourselves this time.

I'm not sure what he was not so happy about right here.
Can you see the personality in this kid? We sat out here and shared a chocolate fudge cup, or "choc," as he called it. It was wonderful.
They should be putting the coy fish back in here soon. They were so pretty last year.
A nice worker offered to take our picture. He was cleaning the water out, but he turned the fountain on to make for a pretty picture. Jaggar and I had a great time together.