Saturday, May 31, 2014

Christmas Eve

I just can't bear to not recap Christmas because we literally wait for it all year.  And plan.   These first two are the day before Christmas Eve.  We had a few last minute things to get, so we started with lunch at Wendy's.  Chrissie sent us a box of goodies from Colorado, and Jaggar LOVED that hat.  I think he looks so cute in it.

 At Khols in the double stroller.  This went about how you think it would.
 On Christmas Eve morning, Travis really doesn't sleep as he has alarms and timers set for hams, turkeys and various casseroles and desserts.  Don't be fooled.  He LIVES for this, and no one could take that away from him.  Missy here is making the birthday cake we make yearly for Jesus and leave out for Santa.

 The elves had taken our car out for a spin and turned it into Rudolph, as you can see.  They also put a pretty new wreath on our door.
 Baby Bleu.

 Travis' eyes don't look right here, and that's because he started running a fever.  He kept saying it was in his head because Hadley tested positive for the flu the day before.  So I was like, 'You're fine.  You're just worried..." such luck.  He continued to cook.  That shirt was one of my gifts to him.  Fitting, isn't it?
 And the crowd arrives.  The girl towards the front in this pic is named Brianna.  She and her husband were expecting a baby, but it had some gross birth defects and would die at birth or right before.  They'd just had his funeral not long before this day.  I was so impressed with their strength and grace.
 I forgot Travis' sister and crew were in town for Christmas.  We had well  over 20, and there was a lot going on.  Kids opening presents. 
 No one loves a present more than this one.
 Costner waiting for his moment to snatch what is not his.
 Day made:  He got the Jake hideout.

 Jaggar is the infomercial child.  He got stompees and whatever the corresponding hat is to match.  You squeeze the hat or stomp the slippers and the ears pop up.
 Sage and I had issue about what she'd ask for for Christmas.  All she has talked about for almost a year (now) is this mermaid tail that you can actually swim in the pool in.  I didn't think this was a wise choice because she can't play with it in winter.  And if it didn't fit by the time summer got here, that was a really nice gift that was wasted and never got played with.  So I told her that I KNEW she could save her money for a mermaid tail in 10 months.  She was okay with that...eventually.

 Packing those elves up.  We were all done.  Costner is just the only one expressing the sentiment we all felt.
 And during our reading of the Christmas stories, this was Travis.  He was actually doing this way before anyone left.  I was so irritated because there was SO much to do, and I couldn't physically do it all.  But he did, indeed, have the flu too...and Costner joined him on Christmas morning.
 Sage took the reigns.
 The notes and cake and cookies.
 I got the BIGGEST kick out of Sage's letters.  Oh, instead of a mermaid tail, she asked for an ipad mini.  Santa told her if she asked for that to not expect as many presents under the tree because that was such a big gift.  I appreciated that Santa.
 She took the liberty of deciding who went on the naughty and nice list out of her class, putting herself at the top of the nice list, of course.
 I LOVE the her "opintion"  Nothing better.

 And to all...
 a good night.  She slept in Jaggar's room to avoid disturbing Santa from making his appearance through the fireplace.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Christmas Service

Christmas in May, still?  Yes, I took pics that I want to have on here, so it's better late than never.  Here is our team and my friends at our Christmas service for 2013.  It was a nice service, and like any church service before Christmas, everyone was excited.  And we all got to wear red, which was a nice change for us.  I do remember it rained that morning, causing the work I put in on my hair to look like this. 

 The kids sang with us for praise and worship, and I liked the cute brunette behind me, even though she was NOT into singing.  People always ask her if she "sings like her mommy."  The answer is a resounding no.  She likes to sing okay, but she is NOT interested in doing it in front of an audience, but I think I've got a strong case in Jaggar, who sings and dances his heart out in front of anyone and everyone.

The Spirit of Christmas

 There is a house right around the corner from us that every Christmas, they do it up BIG.  I don't know how or where this guy stores these 20 foot reindeer, but it is amazing.   They welcome people to stop for pics, milk and cookies.  We drive by all the time, but this past year was the first time that we stopped.  My pictures aren't great because it was dark, but the kids still enjoyed it.


 He was not in the mood, apparently.  (he had to have just woken up here or something.)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Christmas Play

Around Christmastime, both of the bigger kids were in the Christmas play at church.  Who would have thought that JAGGAR was the most excited about it?  He LOVED the stage.  He was so into all of the songs that were sung, and I got the best kick out of watching him.  I had video, but I don't think I ever uploaded it nor saved it to my phone. It wasn't amazing video or I wouldn't have done that.

There's Jaggar from one of the screens.
 Sage was on the other side, on the back row at the top, so I have very few pics of her that are even descent. 
 Look how happy.

 He was probably trying to check himself out on the screen here.  It is always so funny when a kid discovers that.

 At the end, the parents could go up and take pics of their children.  He was SO proud.  :)  I was, too.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Ice Skating

The same day we built the gingerbread house, we went to Leeds to go iceskating at the outdoor synthetic rink they had at the Outlet malls.  It was just a few days before Christmas, but the weather was like 70 degrees.  It was one of the most fun days we've had, and it stands out in my mind as that.  I loved everything about the day.  Excitement was high for Santa...the weather was warm, and Sage was finally getting to try what she had been longing to do. And let's be honest, I got to prove to myself and others that I was still awesome.  I don't know why this rink was only there for a limited time, but it was.  I just hope they bring it back.  So without further delay...on the way there because the food court at the outlet malls is a JOKE, we stopped at Chick Fil A in Oxford...and sent these pics to Heather...and then...crazy enough.  ;)  that happened.
 So at the malls, because it was Christmas, they had this beautiful tree we took pics in front of.
 I'm not going to lie...putting on those skates was scary, but we all held our own.  And there was definitely that learning curve that I had to overcome after it being SO many years.  I was a carhop at Sonic, and I roller bladed when I was 16, but that's been a minute.  And the kids were holding on to me as if I could hold us ALL up.  It was so funny.
 Looking at these brings me back to that wonderful day.  It was so perfect.  Look at Jaggar's face.
 A lot of this went on at first...until they realized that the wall was much more stable than each other or me.

 Every now and then we had to let Costner Bleu know that we were still there.

 We skated until dark.  Actually Travis and Jaggar took a few laps through the mall, but Sage and I burned up the rink for hours.

 Then Travis and I got our turn in front of the tree.  Even though it feels a bit cheesy, I like this picture.
 Being silly on the rocks

Here are a few videos of our fun.
Ice Skating

From the moment the radio stations start playing Christmas music, we are all over it.  I CRINGE when I hear people complain about Christmas music.  We NEVER tire of it.  Ever.  This was on the way to the mall.  I even remember the trip there, which is about 45 minutes, being fun.
Christmas Music

I don't remember if I mentioned it or not, but Travis got me the newest iphone for Christmas.  We got a deal on it on black Friday, but you had to activate it then to get the deal, so I got it early.  And that is a gift to all otherwise, we'd miss out on gems like this.  It has slow motion video, and this is slow motion at it's finest, folks.  You are welcome.  I love all of my beautiful hair blowing in the breeze.  ;)
Slo' Mo' Iceskating