Monday, February 28, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays

Today has been the first rainy day in quite a while. Jaggar was really scared of it at first, but when I pulled up the blinds, he liked looking out at it coming down. However, it thundered really loud a few times, and he freaked out. Sage said, "Could you just calm down and smile a little bit? It's just thunder." That helped. ;)
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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jaggar Speaks

Within the past few weeks, Jaggar has become quite the chatterbox. He does really well, but for some reason, his most favorite DVD in the world--The Wiggles--comes out NOTHING like The Wiggles. It's actually hilarious. Travis decided to prove it by asking him to say several words, which he shockingly DID on demand, and then to say Wiggles. At first, he looks toward the family room to see if they are on, and then he says it. We think it's hilarious. Can you tell that no one in this family gives him any attention? If you don't like how it cuts little Sage off (I don't), click here to see it.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Power of the Icee

We found a saving grace at Target tonight: icees for each child. Both of them sat in the cart through the entire store without crying or whining. Granted, each child dropped their's all over the floor at separate times. When Jaggar's hit the floor, he immediately had his straw in Sage's icee trying to drink her's. So funny.
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Last night, we had an awesome time at the live recording of Brian and Ramey Whalen. It was incredible, and one of my favorite parts was to look back and see my sweet girl worshiping her little heart out. Anyway, Travis ran hand-held for them because they're also making a dvd. I strolled through the dining room this morning and stumbled upon THIS. What the heck? "Travis Spence: Media for Word Alive International Outreach." I'd like to point out that I've been singing at Word Alive for a good 6 1/2 years, and I've yet to receive a name tag. But in case anyone wants to know, I'd like mine to say, "Julie Spence: rockstar." or diva. or something like that. Or throw all that out and just get me that jewel studded skin for my mic. :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Surprise Lunch

Travis finished work early this week, so he was home this morning. I had the idea that we should go surprise Sage by eating lunch with her since the 3 of us were home and ready for the day. Normally, I give her teacher a heads up, but since we weren't actually going to eat there (we ate afterward), I didn't see what the problem was. Travis has never been able to eat lunch at school this year with Sage, so it was such a treat for her. I wish I'd have been able to get a picture of that smile of her's when we walked in. She put her hands up over her mouth because she was so excited. So cute. We had a nice time, as always, eating lunch with our princess.I packed a bowl of peas, which are a favorite of Jaggar's, to contain him for the majority of the time. It worked. :) He waved to every child that walked in to eat lunch.

How cute are they?
She is always so proud of Jaggar when he comes to her school. She walks him over to her class line when they are getting ready to go back to class. Of course, he is just as pleased with this and would have gone right on to class with her had he been invited.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Must Have

Okay, this seems lame of me to do myself, but I actually like reading blogs or posts where people throw out suggestions of things they really like, no matter what it is: food, baby products, makeup, books etc. So I'm going to throw out something that I really can't live without: VitaTops, particularly, the chocolate ones. I started buying these last summer and didn't even know they made chocolate. I was getting CranBran and Banana Nut (ehhh, in my opinion) but the chocolate...omg! I absolutely am not a breakfast fan: eggs, bacon, sausage, no thank you. I hate feeling full before the day has even begun, but you give me some chocolate and tell me that it's healthy at only 100 calories, you've got a customer...or in my case, an addict. These things are seriously like crack to me. I eat one for breakfast every morning. You can get them at Target, but the only downfall is that they are 4 something a box with only 4 in a box. I share with Jaggar, as he's the only one in this family with taste like me. Sage and Travis are weird and like things that I wouldn't give the dogs.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dinner at the Lake

Sage has been asking to go to Oxford Lake since the weather has continued to stay so warm, so I thought that we could pick up Subway and eat it in one of the pavilions by the lake. This was a great idea had we had done it about 2 hours before we got there. I fell into the Alabamian trap of, "If it's 70 degrees in February, you can dress like it's summer." And I let Sage fall into it too. It was really warm in the daytime, but once the sun started to set, it was freezing. My ears were throbbing by the time I got in the car. Thankfully, that was at the VERY end, so the middle part was good. I definitely know next time to follow my normal "dress warmer than everyone else" instinct. :)

They loved sitting by the water. The man that was trying to fish right behind us wasn't AS thrilled to see us there, but we didn't mind. :)
Both kiddos want to sit near Daddy...
...and I was okay with that.
Pretty lake. When we first got married, we lived in the town homes right beside this. I used to come over and walk around it. It is peaceful there.
Travis and the kids were throwing food so that the ducks would come closer to us, but I was less than impressed. I'm just not an animal lover, except for chickens: Chick-fil-a chickens. ;)
Per usual, Jaggar refuses to look at the camera.
She asked me to help keep her warm. :) I wanted her to do the same for me!
My hairdresser curled my hair when I went in for color 2 weeks ago. I have worn it like that a few times since then but not without a price. It's been a while, folks.
Sage wanted to walk to the rocks and stand on them. We do this every time that we come here, but generally we're not freezing, so we made it quick.

We aren't mad, just cold.
Annnd we made it.
Jaggar just could not get enough of the ducks. Sage was clearly thrilled to be on the rocks.
Trying unsuccessfully to stay warm.
Isn't that sky gorgeous???

Reunited and it feels SO GOOD!

Today I FINALLY picked up my Dyson after having it serviced....THREE weeks ago. Thankfully, we had a shop vac to use in the meantime, which was just annoying, not terrible. Do you know how much I love this thing? I never even put it away like in a closet--that's how much I vacuum. So to not have it for three weeks was pretty painful, but the cool thing is that they put several new parts on it--one being something I broke myself accidentally. The problem was that it wouldn't stay on bare floors, and since that's 75% of my downstairs, that was an issue. Thankfully, it was under warranty, so this was all free to me. Yay for that. As soon as I got home, I vacuumed my entire downstairs and stairwell and was excited about it. Gosh, I need to go shopping or something if this is excitement to me. ;)

Look at that cutie next to it. And yes, the vacuum's pink. I fell in love with the pink one from the moment I saw it. And in case you are looking for a new vacuum, I HIGHLY recommend dysons. My carpet was literally a different color the first time I used it. Gross. Enough on that...why am I so excited about a vacuum cleaner? 3 weeks is why, I guess.

Speaking of the above pictured cutie, he was up literally the entire night last night. He suddenly got this nasty cough (similar to the flu-like one of Christmas Eve) and just could NOT sleep. I was terrified we were going down that road again, but when he sat up next to me and asked to watch the Wiggles at 1:30 am and started playing with my face and hair, I knew he was fine. Travis was up with him for the majority of the night. He is fine today, though, thank God.

Also, because I've been buying organic, I forget that there are no preservatives in anything, meaning things spoil very quickly. Because of this, I ate a very small, but nonetheless, MOLDY pancake today. I didn't realize it was moldy until afterward. GAAAG. I've had 2 people tell me that this is okay. They assured me that I will not die or get extremely sick, but in case they're wrong, someone take me to the ER to pump my stomach.

Also, I really love this guy. Any guy that can sing higher than me gets kudos. I like to think that this song is about me. :) Actually, I did tell Sage that it's about her and she can SING it. (She's a great singer already, btw.) I asked Travis if he'd heard it, and he said yes. Then I asked him if it made him think about me and he said, "Um...yes." So with the prompt followed by the pause, I'm not so sure. :) Actually, I heard the song like 4 times in a day about 2 weeks ago. It was on every time that I got in the car, so Jesus must have wanted me to hear it and know He thinks that way towards me. ;) Also, the song, Grenade, is great too. Always love an acoustic version.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Told You So

Travis and I were looking at different blogs and facebook pictures tonight, and I was saying how fascinated I am with how people take pictures of themselves with their phones in mirrors. I said, "I just don't get it. I don't get how they do that." I wasn't talking about the maturity of it (though I do find it funny when people put whole ALBUMS of pics they've taken of themselves), but I was saying that I didn't understand how they PHYSICALLY did it. Ha! So, he said, "Oh it's easy. You just hold your phone beside you, look at the mirror and take it." I was like, "No. It's not easy. I've tried to figure it out. I can't."

So that started the debate, and I can gladly say that I won. It took us forever. Maybe it's my phone. Maybe we're both just dense. Maybe it's a little of both. I don't know, but it took us FOREVER to get anything remotely close. Okay, not forever. We have lives, but obviously we weren't doing anything constructive like putting all the crap away that you see in my room/bathroom. Speaking of all of that, 2 things: don't judge my fat legs or my messy house. It's Sunday, and you know I don't do anything house worthy on Sunday. :) Cheers to a new week!

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Day at the Museum

As I previously mentioned, during this gorgeous warm week and having Travis home, we decided it'd be fun to go to the museum on Tuesday when we picked up Sage from school. They have a special "Chocolate" exhibit right now, and if you know me, that's one of my favorite things in life. Unfortunately, they weren't giving it away, but you could purchase it, which we did. We had a WONDERFUL time. The last time we were there, Jaggar was still in his baby sling. There's a picture of that day on the sidebar to the right on the blog. I always have wonderful memories when we go. I saw a particular bench and remembered feeding Jaggar baby food from our last visit. The time before that, I was on my last day of pregnancy. This time, I had a very busy toddler running everywhere. All of these times have been wonderful. I kept looking at my family (3 of the members, aside from me) and kept thinking, "This is the life. I have it all." And I do.

The kids and I outside the museum
This first picture is one in a series I'd like to call, "Jaggar: Not looking at the camera." Enjoy it. If you've never been to the Anniston Museum, I'd really recommend going. It's one of the nicest things that our town has to offer, I think, and it's just beautiful up there.
I LOVE chocolate.
He's only facing the general direction of the camera because he's restrained. That didn't last long.
I think these were cocoa beans that you could touch? I very well could have just made that up because I don't remember.
The gift shop is right up front, so we stopped there first so they weren't closed before we got back. Sage has always had a thing for band-aids, so I thought these chocolate ones were cute for her.
Sage was excited because they are learning about dinosaurs at school. This girl LOVES school.
These are little "worms" that live on the ocean floor. Travis saw them and said, "What is that? Fallopian tubes?" Bahahaha.
My crew. THEEERE'S Jaggar being true to form. ;)
Sage and I in the cave tunnel. Check her out here.
Stalactites. I totally looked that up to be sure, but I did have an inclination to put stalactites. But seriously, I KNEW it was those and not stalagmites ( Okay, I knew it was one or the other.) because middle school knowledge came back to me and one of my test saving strategies flooded back in a thought, "They are hanging on tight." hahaha! I guess you could have a wrong strategy and think, "They are hanging on with all of their might," and choose the incorrect one. Okay, moving on...
Jaggar loved throwing change into the little pond in the cave.
This is proof that given a few more minutes, he would have found his way into that exhibit because, trust me, he is looking for a way in this picture.

Cleaning fossils.

We've made this tradition at this point. :) Love Sage's face.

See them under there?

Okay, Travis set this up, of course, but later I said, "You should've had me tilt my head up more towards its beak." He actually said and I quote, "It has two heads." Um what? Yeah, I don't really know HOW or WHY he thought that, but he did. I pointed out to him the anatomy of the bird and that, indeed, it only had one head. One of the reasons I love him is because he makes me laugh so much.

They really love each other.
And again.

He thinks that he is so big.
More chocolate. Love this.
Aren't these chairs fun?
On the way out
As you can see, I didn't DARE put Jaggar down right here. You can guess where he would be in 2 seconds. I'm a bit fearful that even I will take a spill. That sidewalk is not wide enough for a trip. Sage LOVES this because of the little water spout that you can walk under (or water spout that you can walk IN, in her case).
Love my sweet girl
As we loaded up into the car and I was buckling Jaggar in, Sage decided that she'd take the scenic route to her seat. If I'd have been back there, I probably would've gotten onto her for doing that, but looking at this picture that Travis took, I can't help but laugh. Kids are great, aren't they?