Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee

I used to sing that all the time to Sage when she was an "itty bitty baby," as she says. So here she is! She had a very big day yesterday. First she had her class party at school to which my mom, Travis and myself all attended. I think that was a pretty big deal for her. I don't know who the other parents were, but they didn't dress up their kids, which I found to be lame. :) After her party, I checked her out early to take a nap because our church had a carnival--Hope Harvest. They had 12 rides, and she was very excited about that. THEN we came home to trick or treat. I will note that next year I will not be trick or treating in my 9 West stilettos. My feet were so sore that I contemplated hitch hiking home, but we made it--blisters, tons of candy, and a very happy bee.

Ahhh! Can you STAND how cute she is???
Look at that baby.
She knew how cute she was.
Praying at school. Isn't that precious?
So sweet.
Hope Harvest.
The fam.
Daddy and Sage on the carousel.
Actually the mirror was more exciting than the ride.
This ride made me a bit nauseous.
The slide was big. It was fast. It was really, really fun.
Weeeeeeeeeee! (I almost plowed a girl at the bottom that thought standing at the very end was far enough away.)
Notice the wings.
Already eating her candy.
Showing Nonni some of her goodies.

Aquarium Pt 2

I just really love these pictures, and I felt like you were cheated with just a few. Soooo, I had to add some more. You should anticipate the Halloween pictures. They are the cutest.

Aren't these cool?
Because I KNEW you hadn't had enough.
I think the fish in the background are really cool in this.
This was appropriate since it was the day before Halloween...chainsaw, get it??? :)
Despite the fact that I think I look a bit "whalish" here, I like that it's so candid.
You could touch stingrays and baby sharks here (I did), but Sage wanted to touch the rock instead. :)
I love how she's walking. She makes me smile.
Aren't they sweet?

The A-T-L Aquarium

Mom and I decided to take a trip there yesterday with one of my best friends, Chrissie, and her son, Harrison. Harrison is 4, but he and Sage have a BLAST together. They're kind of like Chrissie and me. After that, we unexpectedly *wink, wink* ended up at the Lennox Mall. Though I don't have photos from there, I do have some substantial debit receipts if that's of any interest. By the way, I'm very aware that today is Halloween, and I will have some pictures of the cutest bee you have EVER seen soon to come.

We're swimming.
Seeing the beluga whale. I thought it was a cool shot.
Still swimming.
She's so cute, but she looks 6. I don't like that.
Can you see the mischief in them?
My girl.

This one is so cool.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Birthday Present

For my birthday present, my mom took Sage to this photographer from Miami that comes to Louisville twice a year. She has all kinds of costumes and props, and my mom said that she's great with the kids. So when I picked them up at the airport, Sage handed me these, and I was pleasantly surprised (I had no idea they had done this). She was so proud of herself. Mom said that people were stopping and staring at her in the mall because she was so cute. I know you'll agree.

This reminds me of something from Narnia.
She's such a model.

This is probably my favorite.
She's a princess.

Friday, October 26, 2007

First Time for Everything

I carved a pumpkin for the first time ever. Travis is in Atlanta through Sunday, and I told Sage that we would. She/we had fun, and that's what counts. I even baked the seeds when it was all said and done. I don't think it turned out too bad!

She thought all the pulp inside was too cool!
And she LOVED playing in it.

We did it!
And it serves its purpose.