Saturday, February 27, 2010

Busy Boy

When I found out that I was having a boy, people would say, "Oh, boys are wonderful. They're so different from girls." Different. That word kind of scared me because it meant "unknown," as far as I was concerned. It's turned out to be so true, and I've figured it out in a lot of ways.

As far as this post is concerned, the biggest difference I see between a baby boy and a baby girl is BUSYNESS. He is EVERYWHERE. If it can come apart, he is going to figure that out. If it can be climbed, he will be on the top. If it opens, turns, dials, or lights up, he is ON it (sometimes literally). It's so funny to see him trying to figure EVERYTHING (and I mean EVERYTHING) out.

Hmmm...what should I do next?Mom asked me for some crawling pictures, since he now crawls up on his hands and knees. Pardon the background bumbo seat and pillows. That kind of stuff used to bother me, but now I'm doing good just to get a picture before he's gone.
On the go again. His face makes me laugh here.
those eyes ♥
He is climbing up on me here.
Sage thinks that it's wonderful that she can pick him up now since he's not the fragile newborn he once was. You can see how much Jaggar LOVES this here.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Group Dance Pictures

On Valentine's Day, Sage had her dance pictures taken for this year. Other than it being a bit of a hectic day for the studio to do them, it went well. She's taking both tap and ballet again this year, and the costumes are sooo much better than last year. I really love them. I'm having issues with my scanner right now, so I copied the group shots from a friend on facebook. Hopefully, I can upload Sage's individual shots soon, but for now...

Ballet Group Picture. Sage is the first from the left on the front row. They are dancing to "Whistle While You Work" from Snow White, of course, which is appropriate since she is LITERALLY the "fairest one of all." Haha, that's MY girl. I'll give you 3 guesses as to what Sage is going to be for Halloween this year too. :)Group Tap Picture. For tap, they're dancing to....wait for it....Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock and Roll." Don't you love it?! I can't wait. It's going to be adorable. How could it not be with these little cuties? Particularly, the 2nd from the left on the front row.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What 9 Months Look Like

Blinds are ALWAYS pulled up if we are in the family room.If he's near this table for just a few seconds, this starts to happen. Up on the bench, and....
easing towards....
the top!
Ahhh! I snapped this before he lunged towards me from (yes!) the top of the table. This is a VERY busy boy. It took me about 10 minutes to post these pictures because he kept trying to get the router to the computer. Fun, fun times here! Good thing he's cute.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Who Needs Toys?

If anyone needs someone to reorganize their pantry or closet, then I have just the boy for you! Two days ago, Jaggar was so kind to organize the pantry for me. He doesn't bother with petty toys when he can be working with THINGS.He really had a thing for those ranch dressing packs.
Yes, he's actually IN the pantry.
He even climbed all the way in where I could only see feet, but I think I got him out rather than take a picture.
Climbing and standing on EVERYTHING

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Valentines

I've saved my favorite pictures from Valentine's Day for last. Valentine's Day aside, these are some of my most favorite pictures of the kids and me.

If you maximize this picture, you can see some teeth. :)
Look at his face.

Don't you love that?

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Rare Sight

It's very rare to see a picture of Travis and I together. That's because one of us has to be taking the picture, but we thought we'd give Sage a shot yesterday on Valentine's. She actually did really well. The first picture is the one she took, and it happens to be my favorite.

Not bad, huh?Then we realized my camera had a timer. It was actually easier to get a good picture with Sage taking it than to deal with the timer. The timer ITSELF wasn't as difficult as much as the subjects...actually, that shouldn't be plural. ;)
Then there's this way. Typical.

How Do You Sleep?

Love his little tush pushed up in the air!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Her Valentine

We gave Sage her Valentine present before church this morning. Can you guess what it was?Ha! What ELSE would make her day? She has been perfecting her moves to match MJ's all day.
and Mister. I ordered his gift from a website I've never used before, but it didn't arrive in time for today. Apparently, 9 days is not enough time. Oh well, he really didn't mind.

He's Starting With the Man in the Mirror

Friday, February 12, 2010


To my shock, the snow didn't stop! It fell and fell for HOURS, and it was beyond beautiful! Now I know everyone in Kentucky is thinking, "You are NUTS!" but we don't get this here, not like we did today. I'd REALLY been wanting Sage to be able to really play in snow, and God granted that today.

Then we decided that chili would hit the spot, so we all made a trip to Walmart. Travis was off today, so it was a family affair. STILL snowing when we got there. Cars were covered. So, we made snowballs off the cars in the parking lot and hit each other all the way to the door. It was AWESOME! I'd never been able to hit Travis in the face with a snowball until today! He even got in the car with his pant's leg soaked where Sage hit him with another while he was loading up groceries. It was too funny.After some fantastic chili, Travis and Sage ventured out into the yard to make a SNOWMAN. Oh yeah, and this snow was perfect for it. You know the kind that packs just right? And Travis got out the ole wheel barrel, which Sage had a blast pushing.
I think Travis had just as much fun! They spent forever out there!
When bub woke up, I brought him out too. He's had a nasty cough and ANOTHER runny nose this week, so he's not feeling his best. He's still so cute. Notice Sage in the background with the wheel barrel.
My boy. You can't tell in the picture, but it was still snowing, and I don't think he liked it hitting him in the face.
She was all over the place. We have a GREAT yard for a day like today.
That's a big snowman! This is ALABAMA, folks!
The creators of Mr Snowman. I really had no part in it until it was almost done, and I still had no part. I just took pictures. Then I walked my name in cursive, which turned out to be too big for a picture, but it was fun.
And then they made 2 more. They played out there for a long time, much longer than Jaggar and I stayed outside. It was too cold for him with his cold/cough. Plus, Travis owed me a hit to the face with a snowball after I did that to him and then ran away. I knew Sage had stayed out too long when she came in kicking and screaming. I mean SCREAMING. Running through the house and SCREAMING. I couldn't get her to stop. She laid in the floor and kicked her feet. Apparently her hands had gotten too cold, and they were burning and wouldn't stop. This is pretty common if you've ever played in snow, but I had forgotten what it felt like. She reminded me in her academy award winning performance for "best fit thrown." BUT hey, we had snow, and it was still a great day!


Well it happened again: they said the word...SNOW. A few weeks ago when they did that, they called off schools for TWO days, and I don't think we got a centimeter. I took video of Sage running through it, but you honestly couldn't even see the snow falling in it. I was really praying that they'd get to go to school because it was their Valentine party today, and Sage had really been looking forward to it.

County after county was being called off yesterday for this morning, but one shockingly didn't: Sage's. So she got to go to her party, but something magical happened at 11:30 (which is also when Sage gets out) was SNOWING. And it wasn't just flurries either. It was REALLY snowing. So, thinking it would be done in 20 minutes, I met Sage outside when she got home with both cameras.What good is the snow if you can't eat it?
Checking out all of her Valentine party loot.
I tried to recreate the picture that I took like this last year, but this one didn't work so well. That's my hand, Sage's, and Jaggar's.
The one thing that Sage wanted to do the last time it was SUPPOSED to snow was to make a snow angel. I don't think that she realized that it's a messy process, so I told her to go upstairs and get some clothes that she could take off immediately because I KNEW the moment she got wet that she'd freak. That is the reason that she's wearing this interesting ensemble (capris, at that) in these pictures. Miss Priss cannot STAND to have any artifact of clothing to be wet.
That face is saying, "I've got to go in and change!"
Meanwhile, inside the boys were working. And that was our snow experience...or so we thought.