Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Santa's Debut

The day that we wait for all year, not Christmas, but close:  Santa's ARRIVAL, came just two weeks after Halloween.  We are always there for his debut, and it's never any less magical.  When I was little, he came in on a parade.  We don't quite have that, but he did come in on a train this year.  It was pretty awesome. 

Emily met us there with her kids.  We've been going together for a few years now.  The boys were excited.
 Now my video is horrible, but it does get how excited Jaggar was, and that is worth everything to me.  NO ONE loves Christmas like Jaggar.  He actually got upset when people would say, "It's Thanksgiving!"  So therefore, he hated Thanksgiving because it stood in the way of Christmas for him.  Anyway, I love him in this video.  SO precious and I tear up when I watch it.  Sage was also excited, but she is always reserved.

 Santa brought Mrs. Claus with him.
 Jaggar and Grayson sharing the joy.
 Then we went to wait in line to see Santa.  It actually wasn't that bad.
 Our cute crew

 The moment of Jaggar's life.  He's so ready.
 And he hated it.  Ready to be in the bed.  He's definitely my early to bed, early to rise child.
 Santa was more than ready to hold Costner.
 But Costner was unimpressed.

 Sharing what they want.  Jaggar asked for walkie talkies; Sage asked for an ipad.  Hmmm...
 The train that Santa rode in on gave free rides all night, so after we shopped a bit, we rode it again and again because everyone was gone.  Even though Travis had to go to Auburn from the mall, we had a great night.  Sweet memories.

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