Friday, September 20, 2013

Big Boy

Costner Bleu is such a big boy.  He is sitting in the shopping cart.  I actually found this in the store the first time I was needing to get a lot of groceries where I had him by myself.  I found it, opened it, used it the entire time, and handed them the empty box to pay for it.  Can't say he'd sit in this for days at a time, but it worked for me that day, and we got to eat that week, so it was a win.

 He has friends.  :)  This is Laurelynn.
 He feeds himself.
 He climbs the stairs.  Every time that he makes it to this top part, he looks through, and I can so hear, "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!"
 He gets his own books.  :)  (Tearing the shelves apart at Books A Million)
  He is the cutest boy I know.

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