Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fall Break at the Zoo

The kids and I came to Kentucky for Sage's fall break.  This is the first time that we've been here since last Thanksgiving.  That's pretty sad.  I have to admit that I was terrified about coming.  Not that I was afraid to come here.  It was the pharmacy I'd have to bring with me and all the possible scenarios that could possibly take place.  I shouldn't think like that, but it's hard not to when there are things you've never done before.  I'm thankful to say that the trip went fine with all involved.  Both kids did great in the car, and the weather has gone from extreme summer to extreme fall.  I'm glad that I brought jackets and long sleeves.  I had my own personal scare the day after we got here as I had some issues that made me fear early labor.  I was almost ready for church and ended up not being able to go, but thankfully with some rest, tylenol, a heating pad and some advice from Dr Mitch, the symptoms went away.  I hope to never feel that way again until right before the anesthesiologist walks into my hospital room.  

Anyway, we knew that while we were here, we wanted to go to the zoo.  I usually want to take the kids trick-or-treating there when we come in the fall.  However, as of this moment, trick-or-treating isn't high on my list of fun things to do as I'd have to figure up carbs in each piece of candy and give insulin for it.  Sage CAN have anything, but if it has over 15 carbs, (which she only gets those snacks like that 3 times a day), she needs a shot for it.  Just take a look at any piece--PIECE or serving--of candy the next time you're out.  One small pack of Halloween gummies had 45.  Also, the trick or treating at the zoo is kind of...lame.  The lines are horrendous to see whichever character is passing out the candy, and it's (not that it matters now) one piece of nasty candy.  And you don't get to see the animals when you trick or treat.  So, I decided that just visiting the zoo would be more fun.  This was SUCH a good choice.  It wasn't crowded.  It wasn't 105 like the last time that we went (which was over a year ago), and Jaggar, in particular, was over the moon excited to see animals.  He loves to see the cows that we pass on our daily route to Sage's school. can imagine his reactions.  He's actually already talking about going back.  Also, they had all the Halloween decorations out, which is 75% of the fun of trick-or-treating there, and they were easily accessed for pictures, unlike when you're there for trick-or-treating.  So I really feel like we got the best of both worlds.  The kids had a blast, and I did too.  It was so fun to watch them.  I will have to divide these up because I have a lot of pictures, and I don't want to leave any out.

Going in to the zoo.  Notice no other random people are ruining my shot.  Yay for no crowds.  I'd have preferred Jaggar standing closer to Sage, but he had to stand by a particular animal.  In this case, it was the alligator.
 Some of their Halloween decorations up front.  Jaggar did manage to knock a pumpkin/gourd off of a haystack as soon as we walked into the door.
 Kids and Nonni

 Jaggar would switch the animals he'd want to see next.  When we first got there, it was the "big turtles."  Unfortunately, they were inside where we couldn't see them because the ground was too cold for them.  It didn't seem to bother him at the time (okay, that's a lie...but he got over it somewhat), but later when he woke up from a dead sleep, he was screaming, "I didn't get to see the TURTLES!"  This was the best that we could do.

 Some of their Halloween decorations--a big dinosaur.

 On top of a...lizard?
 The orangutans were great this day, and I got the best photo EVER in a few.  This one was very interested in socializing.
 Jaggar was just amazed; Sage was kind of disgusted with them.  They are kind of ugly, but in a cute kind of way, I think.  I like their mannerisms.  They seem very gentle.
 And then he came right over to the glass where we were..  There is no zoom or editing on this.
 And he posed with my man.  It looks like Jaggar is hugging him.  I sent this to Travis and he said, " there glass there?"  Ha, hard to tell, but I just love this picture.  Again, Sage refused to be a part of that.  Her loss, in my opinion.
 Jaggar loved him.  More zoo pictures to come.

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