Monday, May 26, 2014

We Built a Gingerbread House

So back around Christmastime...ha...we built a gingerbread house that I'm pretty sure was a gift from elves.  I've had these pics on my phone for months and always had it in my mind I'd like to share them one day because it's one of the best houses we've made to spite of this thing in the middle of everything.  ;)

 And to think he's 3x as busy now than he was here.  He wasn't walking/running here.

 I think that the fighting was minimal on this day, too.
 Looks good, doesn't it??
 Yes, Jaggar does have icing on his nose.  Why wouldn't he?  (Does anyone ever eat these things, by the way?  I love most things sweet, but these things are nasty.  Nothing about them tastes good.)  It's crazy this was so long ago...Jaggar did ask me yesterday or the day before when it was Christmas.  It actually will be here before we know it.

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