Monday, October 14, 2013

10 Months

This boy turned 10 months old this month.  I told Travis last night, "He's not even a baby anymore."  He laughed.  He's definitely not a tiny, newborn anymore.  He still sleeps like one though!  Ugh!  Someone told me I'd miss these days, but I said I have never and will never miss sleepless nights.  I keep telling Travis it's why I'm so edgy.  Anyway, I like to call Costner "one track" these days because he has a one track mind at 10 months old.  It typically involves power cords or electrical wires.  And once he finds something that he feels the need to check out, he cannot be deterred.  It doesn't matter what you put in front of him, he will turn right back to what it was he was going for.  He also loves paper and the steps.  He ate Sage's Christmas list yesterday, matter of fact.  A favorite game is getting up as many steps as he can before he's caught.  He laughs and looks behind him the entire time to see if I'm on my way to grab him  Oh, another favorite is climbing on top of the picnic table.  I need to do a side by side of him on it next to an old pic of Jaggar.  I can see the picture in my mind of Jaggar at this exact same age on top of it.  Sometimes, I call Costner, "Jaggar part 2."  They are a LOT a like in the fact that Costner is NEVER still.  Ever.  He is busy, curious, on the go all the time.  He loves to eat.  There isn't much that he doesn't love as far as table food goes, as long as he's getting what we're having.  I do still give him baby food, too.  He does pretty well with the fruit and veggie mixed together like bananas and pumpkin.  He loves Chick Fil A nuggets, grapes, the baby yogurt melts, and pineapple.  He also LOVES a bath.  It always puts him in a good mood.  He also loves to climb up on the bath tub, as you can see.  He can climb UP, but he can't climb back down.  Oh, he also waves bye bye now, and it's the cutest.  Check that out! 
Isn't that adorable?  He has 6 teeth:  4 teeth on top and 2 bottom teeth, but he's still drooling like crazy.  It's pretty gross actually.  I'm wondering if the other bottom teeth on each side of the bottom fronts are getting ready to make their appearance.  He's not squeaking as much anymore as much as that "HIIIII!"  that he does, but he still squeaks too.  I do think he said bye last night, but he didn't do it enough for me to be sure.  He takes 2-3 naps a day, normally.  He definitely knows who Sage and Jaggar are, and they are his favorites...aside from me of course.  I'm still number one.  Bleu can kind of drink out of a cup (water) if we hold it, and he likes it.  But I'm definitely still nursing a LOT.  Don't get me wrong, I think breastfeeding is wonderful and sweet...I'm proud of the fact that I've done it exclusively without supplements for as long as I have...but I'm over it.  I'm tired.  I want my body back...I just want to be done.  He's not ready yet, so I guess I'll keep trekking for now.  

As far as his appearance, some people say he looks like me when I have him out and about, but it's things like, "He has your blonde hair!"  Ha...I pay for mine but thanks.  They also say the eyes...I don't know.  I can't tell, but I do think he's changing.  Anyway, as you can tell, he is a very busy boy at 10 months old.  He's growing and learning so much!

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