Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Not So Fun Dentist Trip

My time is ticking away before I'm a new mom again, and I've been desperate to get all doctor appointments and any loose ends tied up.  One of those loose ends was our 6 month dentist trip.  I hate the dentist.  Not literally him, but I hate going.  I thought that I or Sage may need a cavity filled because they saw some places last time on her that they were going to watch.  I am very tired at this point.  I feel like I'm running around like crazy and getting nowhere fast.  I want so much done.  Travis has literally worked 24/7 since the summer, which is a great thing for us, but it makes it harder to tackle my lists alone.  So anyway, we go in and they take Sage back.  The other girl takes me back, and Jaggar is literally standing on the other side peering into my mouth.  I had to laugh at him.  The lady took eternity to clean my teeth.  And she was talking to me.  WHY do they do that?  You have a scalpel, your hands and a mirror in my mouth.  How could I possibly respond?  And every time I do talk, they stop to hear.  I'm laying flat on my back, which makes it nearly impossible to breathe.  I was not a happy patient.  And then they look at Jaggar and call me in there.  Not one, two but three cavities.  I cried.  Yep, sure did.  The dentist looked at my teeth and said, "Yours look good," and I sarcastically said, "Woohoo."  It was one more thing I'd have to do, and I knew that taking him for that, which is an unpleasant experience for us, would be traumatizing for him.  And my dentist couldn't do it because they don't even have the laughing gas.  So they called a pediatric dentist in Jacksonville, and they set me up for Monday.  The receptionist at my office told me it'd prob be a consult and then another visit.  I lost it and said, "I don't have TIME to drive across town multiple times, and the first time to just say hey."  Anyway, I did call them the next day and apologize.  But we went to this new office on Monday, and they were awesome.  Now Jaggar was pretty much how I thought he'd be.  The gas did relax him some, and he was pretty funny, but he still freaked when they drilled and messed with him.  I want to start going there myself just for how fast they flew in working on him.  She sang to him while she worked.  She talked to him and brought him popscicles to help keep him from biting his jaw (he did before we left but just once).   I will be using her for both kids from now on because if my dentist can't do the work, why constantly make two trips?  He actually had FOUR cavities, which required two visits this week because they were on both sides.  The 2nd visit today was worse because he knew exactly what was going on, but again they were so patient with him and even said he did way better than most.  Based on the screaming, kicking and thrashing that went on today, I'd take valium regularly if I worked there. 

They put sunglasses on him because he is VERY sensitive to light. 

And for your viewing pleasure.  When they weren't working on him, he was fine.  Talkative as always.  It's really hard to tell if this is the effects of the gas he was breathing or just him because he is always funny.  I was worried that he'd be like crazy, but they pump oxygen through it and it's over as quick as it comes on.  Relief.  And honestly, the effects were never bothersome to me.

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