Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Kind of Sunday

What a wonderful, beautiful COLD day it is today! AND it's exactly one week until Christmas day. I dared not even leave my house yesterday because I knew that all places retail would bring out the worst in me in the craziness of last minute shoppers. I try to avoid those scenarios that do that to me if I can foresee them. Speaking of last minute shoppers, wanna another weekly dose of this girl? She LOVES pictures of herself. Mark my words on that one.
LOOK at us. Just LOOK at us matching AGAIN. Can you guess which one is me?? If you guessed the one with bracelets going halfway up the forearm, YOU are the winner.
Jennifer is a white Beyonce', no kidding.
After church, Travis asked me what I wanted to eat. Truth be told...I wanted something light. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and I try not to throw down the day before I weigh for record if I can help it. But he said it was a bit of a Christmas celebration, just us and our opportunity to eat a really nice meal in honor of it. Well...if I had MY choice, I'd go to Classic. And that's exactly where he took us, and he said he would have regardless of if I'd suggested it or not. It was PACKED because everyone had the same idea that we had--celebrating Christmas. But we had the option of eating upstairs if we didn't have a reservation (we didn't), and we'd just have to come downstairs to get our food.
Eating upstairs turned out to be one of the best experiences we've had there in a long time. It was so peaceful. It's so pretty up there. The kids had room to move. It was SO packed downstairs that I don't know why anyone wouldn't prefer to eat up there. (Probably the same principle of why people will wait in their car for someone to unload their groceries and take their cart back to get their parking space when they could've parked BACK a few and been done shopping by the time that person gets out...not that I'm bitter about that) There were only like 3 or 4 other families at a time up there. And going up and down the 2 flights of steps each time made eating this okay. ;) Actually, I got BOTH of these in the beginning, so I wouldn't have to go back. I am ashamed to say I was almost out of breath by the time I got to the top of the stairs each time. It was soooo good.
When Jaggar tasted those grits (if you've been, you KNOW what I'm talking about), he said, "Mmmm, that's good!"

Sage loves drinking out of their pretty glasses.
Did I mention how BEAUTIFULLY it was decorated for Christmas? I counted at least 5 trees. And the pianist was playing Christmas music. Awww...bliss. How funny is Jaggar's face?
Closer look. I've long ago given up on trying to get him to look at me when I take a picture. If I can just see some general part of his face, I'm good with that.
Then there was dessert. OMG...look at that chocolate cupcake. It was bigger than both of my fists, but I had to try it...and a chocolate chip scone...and whatever kind of caramel cake that was. I came back upstairs and Travis was like, "JULIE." Here's the before pic.
And I was done at this. I know it's wasteful, but I just couldn't eat it, but I had to try it. But Jaggar? He ate over HALF of that cupcake. I don't know how he didn't throw up. It's good to see my sugar coma food habits have been passed on to him because Sage didn't get them at all.
Playing by the chess set. Notice the look of being up to no good. There's a reason for that.
Sage took a pic of Travis and me.
And then the waitress offered to take one. A little blurry but Jaggar is looking.
This one is better minus the fact that Jaggar is not looking.
Beautiful, silvery tree that didn't show up how I wanted it to.
And yet ANOTHER tree
The front window. Wish I had these decorating skills, but I certainly appreciate the talents of those that do! Awesome time.

1 comment:

Bill Melton said...

Awesome pictures! We love Classic. Looks like you all had. A wonderful time. :)