Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Worship Christmas Party.

Tonight was the worship department's Christmas party. This was for anyone involved in any way, shape, or form with the music at church. I actually decided to go. I think sometimes we get in a separation of different teams, so Jen and I decided to step out. :) Travis and the kids came, too, and I was so surprised at how much fun I had and how much I laughed.

Although, I should NEVER be surprised at that with this girl.
WOO. Party! Okay, what makes this picture so hilarious is that this isn't just a crowd shot. Oh NO. This is an AUDIENCE shot to karaoke! HI-LAR-IOUS. I commend people "going for it." Not making fun. But some of the choices were hysterical. They were SERIOUS. Jennifer and I were DYING to find a song that would be FUNNY. We were going to do Single Ladies, but we couldn't do it without the choreography, which probably would've been over the top. I've never karaoked. I always associate it to people that can't sing but think that they can. Not always true. But most of the time...
Exhibit B: LUKE. He was up behind every singer....looking like that. Half the time he was bopping to a beat that wasn't what the person was singing. Jennifer and I thought it was so funny, but we think LUKE is funny. He also told half the people that it started at 6:30, when it was actually 6.
Then there's this. This may give you a feel. Yep, that's a Rihanna song going on. Oh Jen. Watching this back is seriously like watching the Christmas episodes of The Office.

Little J trying to sneak some more grapes. I'm pleased to say that the new recipe I tried today (from finding on pinterest at 4ish--I woke up at 2!!) was completely gone. Miracles abound!

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