Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sage's Birthday: Take One

When Sage woke up this morning, she came flying down the hall towards me and said, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! I'M SIX!" School takes up most of her day, but I was going to let her in on her "surprise" for her birthday with a few gifts before she got ready for the day. First things first though: have to have a doughnut with a candle and sing happy birthday.
I've been telling Sage for a while that I had a surprise for her birthday, and these gifts were going to let her in on that surprise. In this picture, she had already opened up a doll bathing suit, and she liked that. Then she had this outfit for herself. Nice. She liked it. :)
This face is over the next gift that she opened: an outfit for the doll that matches the one she'd just opened. Then we told her to read the tags on them. "A-mer-i....I can't do it," she said. But you WERE doing it. So we helped her again, and she screamed, "AMERICAN GIRL DOLL!" Yes, on Saturday, me, Mom, Sage, Chrissie and Isacah are going to American Girl in Atlanta. She cannot wait!
Ready for school. Such a big girl.

Since the birthday girl was in school, Mom, Jaggar and I went there to eat lunch with her. She was thrilled. I looked at the menu before we went, and "luck" would have it that "cheeseburgers" were the option for the day. Since you'd see a pig fly by before I'd eat that, we stopped at Subway and brought lunch in for us and Sage. It was a treat for her.
Jaggar had a great time entertaining the kids around us who were fascinated with him.
Before we left, she took us back to her class where she had her special birthday hat stored. :)

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