Thursday, January 20, 2011


Happy 6th Birthday, Sage!!! You are so loved and wanted in this family! I can't believe that you are SIX. I love how you came bounding out of your room to me this morning, half naked, to say, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! I'M SIX!" I remember going to the hospital to have you, and when you were finally born and the way that I felt when they put you in my arms. There isn't another feeling like it in the entire world. Heaven will feel something like that, I think. You are my best achievement, even though you're not really "mine." Keep your tender heart, your innocence and even your shyness. Stay silly. Always hug, love and be proud of your brother the way that you are now. Don't let anyone bring you down with their negative and pessimistic views disguised with a label as "realistic" or "practical." Always dream the way you do now. And always know your mommy is your #1 fan. Daddy is a close 2nd. :)

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