Tuesday, October 30, 2012

33 1/2 weeks checkup

I had my 2nd to last 2 week appointment yesterday with Dr. Collins.  I thought that baby felt bigger, but apparently that's just me.  And I mean literally.  Me.  I will have gained more weight this pregnancy than either of my previous 2.   I gained 3 lbs in just 2 weeks, which was shocking.  Especially considering one of those weeks, I was sick as a dog.  What a burn.  I hate this last part, especially this time, as I'm literally seeing the pounds pile on.  Dr Collins said, "Do you think you're NOT supposed to be gaining weight right now?" Granted, I was really small when I started, but I'd hoped that would work in my favor...but apparently your body is just destined to get to a certain place no matter what.  That's what I tell myself. I also told Dr Collins we needed to talk about an induction after all of that.  I thought I'd only gained...(ONLY gained, ha) 19 lbs, but he corrected me and said 22.  OMG.  I could have died.  I gained 23 with Sage and 18 with Jaggar.  With 6-7 weeks left and averaging at 2-3 lbs a week lately, I think it's safe to say I'll surpass that.  I told him I don't want to look like Jessica Simpson, which he laughed and said not even close.  But when I said let's induce, he said, "Not many people are ready at 33 weeks, but we'll talk again at 39."  :)

I took Jaggar with me because Travis had to work, but Jaggar was great.  He did say that he was NOT going but after Dr Collins gave him a tootsie roll pop, he said, "I wish I could go back to the dr."  If he ever goes back with me, he will be asking for a sucker every time.  They are going to do another ultrasound because even with 22 lbs added, I'm still measuring very small.  He ends up doing this with every pregnancy I have because it always ends up like this at the end.  I think the best part of the appointment, though, was I had been meaning to ask him about a regular dr I could use.  Recommendations. It's always depressing to end care with him because I like him and trust him and then have the only option being Cares, so I thought I should ask who he'd suggest.  I was super excited when he said, "Me."  I said, "I love using you, but I can't come in here if I have strep."  He said, "Yeah you can.  Call me."  I was like, "When I was pregnant with my son, I thought I had strep and they said I'd need to see my regular doctor."  He said, "Who are you going to listen to? Them or me?  You need me, call.  I'm an RD, too.  Regular doctor.  I went to the same school they did.  I don't do that for everyone, but I will for you.  Because you're not crazy.  I'd be glad to take care of you."  I'd like it in writing that I'm not crazy.  ;) but yay for that.  That's a problem solved that I've had for years.

Sage is so excited about this baby, but even she is starting to ask his name.  I'm really trying to find one.  I think part of the problem is that I'm asking Travis, and I've never done that.  He said we should just start calling Jaggar by different names and see what we like.  Considering he ignores us even when we say "Jaggar," that wouldn't be a huge issue.  I even asked Jaggar what the name should be.  His answer?  Shark.  Shark Spence.  Has a nice flow, don't you think?
I will say on this day, Sunday, we went to eat at China Luck.  We go there pretty often on Sundays.  And that's pretty much because it's the only place I'm willing to pay for for one meal anymore.  So they know us pretty well in there, and when we were done, the waitress came over to me and said, "How was everything?"  It was just me the kids sitting there because Travis had gone to pay, and I said, "Great."  Then she said, "You gain weight."  ????  *cricket, cricket*  She repeated it.  I said, "Well, I'm having a baby.  In like 6  1/2 weeks."  I'm not sure it even registered with her.  You'd think the desire of a tip would register, but apparently not.  :)  People never cease to amaze me really.  EVER.
Looking back at this from when I first found out I was pregnant...I can see that 22 lbs now.  And apparently, so can China Luck lol.

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