Thursday, February 17, 2011


This has been the BEST week! Travis just finished a house from hell, and that's an understatement. He left every day before we even woke up and got home when we were ready for bed. Oh, and it took like 12 weeks and was about 45 minutes away one way. We have spent the entire week together doing whatever we wanted! It was bliss. He is currently in Georgia preparing to shoot the B52s concert tomorrow. Love Shack, anyone? :)

I will post pictures (if we're facebook friends, it's redundant) of when we went to the museum. I was feeling so happy that I ate at Top O' The River voluntarily. We all had such a great time. Jaggar is currently cutting about 4 teeth all at once, so that's fun. Fun like a root canal. I'm also branching out and have been going to church on Wednesdays taking a school of the Spirit class by our Pastor that has been fantastic! I am so proud of myself for taking the kids even if Travis was working (which he has 2 of the 3 times so far). I am learning so much and am so excited about the future.

Speaking of facebook (remember that comment about us being fb friends)....okay, I SWORE to myself that I wouldn't do this. Because it's not going to make any sense to anyone, and I'm going to sound like those rednecks that post those mean statuses obviously intended TOWARDS someone but they're never direct. Do you know what I'm saying? I'm going to go redneck for a second though because this is my blog, and I apparently need to put out a disclaimer...okay, wait I need to set it up first. I like facebook. I really do. I like to keep up with you. You keep up with me. I pray for you. You pray for me. I encourage you. You encourage me. I get to see pictures of the food you're eating. Love that, right? This is good stuff, right? HOWEVER, someone very recently used a facebook status of mine that was SO light (I really don't post anything so personal that it would be considered anything but) and made a judgment call that wasn't their's to make about ME. Here's the deal: if you want to get in my "bidness," then please, PLEASE let me know that you're doing it so that you can at least get it accurately. Because if you're going in, you should go all in. Okay! PHEW! So sorry. I'm back on the high road again.

Now take a listen to my favorite. Because something has to take the edge off that. But I'm glad I got that out. ;) Also, more importantly, please continue to pray for my friend, Linda Noe. We are still believing for her complete restoration, but right now, she's on a hard road. I want a supernatural healing for her that takes the ugly load off of her and her family. How 'bout it?

1 comment:

Bill Melton said...

You got it, Julie. Still praying and believing for Linda's complete healing and restoration. It
WILL happen, in Jesus' name.