Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Told You So

Travis and I were looking at different blogs and facebook pictures tonight, and I was saying how fascinated I am with how people take pictures of themselves with their phones in mirrors. I said, "I just don't get it. I don't get how they do that." I wasn't talking about the maturity of it (though I do find it funny when people put whole ALBUMS of pics they've taken of themselves), but I was saying that I didn't understand how they PHYSICALLY did it. Ha! So, he said, "Oh it's easy. You just hold your phone beside you, look at the mirror and take it." I was like, "No. It's not easy. I've tried to figure it out. I can't."

So that started the debate, and I can gladly say that I won. It took us forever. Maybe it's my phone. Maybe we're both just dense. Maybe it's a little of both. I don't know, but it took us FOREVER to get anything remotely close. Okay, not forever. We have lives, but obviously we weren't doing anything constructive like putting all the crap away that you see in my room/bathroom. Speaking of all of that, 2 things: don't judge my fat legs or my messy house. It's Sunday, and you know I don't do anything house worthy on Sunday. :) Cheers to a new week!

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