Sunday, February 13, 2011

Father/Daughter Dance

The reason that we didn't go out to celebrate Travis's birthday was because he had a date that night, and she was the most beautiful date he could have had. Her name is Sage. :) Her school had a father/daughter dance that just happened to fall on his birthday. It also happened to fall right in the middle of the shoot that he was doing in Birmingham, but I was like, "You cannot miss this. This is something she will always remember, and she is SO excited." So, of course, he found a replacement for himself for that night and came home for this dance. She told me the night before, "I've got a busy day tomorrow. I've got looots of places I've got to be." I curled her hair and she was so proud of herself. I have to say that she looked so beautiful.

Their tickets
I just love this picture. What a beautiful girl. She asked if she could wear lipstick. :)Have to say that I sure love this one too. It's one where they are both looking at the camera, which is amazing in itself.

Daddy and his date
Beautiful couple
Then Jaggar and I had to crash. Look at his face. :)

Here's a few that Travis took at the dance.

Sage and her friend, Raven
Doing the limbo
She told me about this arch later and how pretty it was.
Sage and her friend, Kylie
Dancing with another friend, Callie
The happy couple. The next morning, I asked Sage about it again, and she said, "It was A-MA-ZING." And it was.

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