Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Must Have

Okay, this seems lame of me to do myself, but I actually like reading blogs or posts where people throw out suggestions of things they really like, no matter what it is: food, baby products, makeup, books etc. So I'm going to throw out something that I really can't live without: VitaTops, particularly, the chocolate ones. I started buying these last summer and didn't even know they made chocolate. I was getting CranBran and Banana Nut (ehhh, in my opinion) but the chocolate...omg! I absolutely am not a breakfast fan: eggs, bacon, sausage, no thank you. I hate feeling full before the day has even begun, but you give me some chocolate and tell me that it's healthy at only 100 calories, you've got a customer...or in my case, an addict. These things are seriously like crack to me. I eat one for breakfast every morning. You can get them at Target, but the only downfall is that they are 4 something a box with only 4 in a box. I share with Jaggar, as he's the only one in this family with taste like me. Sage and Travis are weird and like things that I wouldn't give the dogs.

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