Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rock Star

I hate to brag, but I'm going to brag. :) I have run for 3 days straight now--each day pushing myself further and further. You saw my thoughts on the first day: "NO thank you," and when I woke up the next morning barely able to walk from soreness, you know what I did anyway? Ran again. Further. Then I went inside and played Michael Jackson for 20 more minutes. I am actually really liking it. It clears my head. It's a rare time of just me, God, Britney Spears, John Mayer, Beyonce' and Justin Timberlake, to name a few. I find when I want to quit, I go further. Life lesson, maybe? Today is Sunday, a day of rest, and I had all intentions of it being just that...but when the kids laid down for naps, I changed clothes and went for it. I went over 2 miles in my neighborhood. There are some serious hills in here, too. I don't know what, if anything, this will turn into, but I just have to warn everyone that I could be a possible 15 on a scale of 1-10. ;)

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