Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dance Costumes

It's that time of year: the time when Sage's dance recital costumes start arriving. She's in 3 classes this year, which means 3 different costumes. 2 of the 3 arrived yesterday, and let me just tell you: the tap one is Sage's dream come true. It's seriously over the top for her. Not only is it shorts, BUT it BARES HER STOMACH. Too much for her. She can't even contain her joy. Ha, you think I'm kidding? Where could this come from? She did not want to take it off. Some moms are kind of funny about that kind of thing, but I really think it's in good taste and I love the color. Orange is one of my most favorite colors. I love it as much as pink. Check her out in all of her glory.
Sage and Lydia. Lydia was unsure about it. She kept looking at her stomach like she shouldn't be able to see it while Sage was posing and trying to make sure that her's was exposed to all. That's my girl. Can I tell you how much I love the huge headbands? I am a SUCKER for baby girls in headbands, and from the moment Sage was born, she had the biggest ones on that I could find. Those days are long gone for me, so it was nice for me to see her in that.
And look at the back! Eek! They are dancing to "Teach Me How to Shimmy," so they have to have some tail feathers to shake. :) Sage is arguably the smallest girl in her class, and she always has been. This is the first year that her costume hasn't had to completely be rebuilt.
Here's her ballet costume. So pretty. They are going to rebuild that headpiece to make it big, but I think the color is fantastic. Guess what they are dancing to? Jaggar will freak out if he's there (though I'll prob get a sitter), but it's from Tangled: "I've got a dream," which is his favorite song.
Sheila didn't think Sage's was tight enough (though I thought it was fine), so she is going to sew seams up the back. Told you her's always have to be rebuilt. One out of two isn't bad. So we took the tap home and left the ballet one there. They were going to do pictures this Saturday (which was enough to send me into a panic that I may to do that this weekend), but thank GOD they changed it to a few weeks from now.
So, of course, when we got home, the first thing she put back on was.... We could have issues with this until after recital when the costumes do become play clothes for her. She is in love with this.

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