Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring is Here

Spring is here, and that means 70-75 degree gorgeous weather. Sage wants to be outside ALL day long, and I don't blame her. So outside is where we are most of the time lately. Yesterday, she opted to wear her hair down, which NEVER happens. It was a rare but adorable sight.Little Diva
When I first put these shorts on her, she said, "I'm not wearing those. Those are for a boy." I had to show her that they have bows on the pockets and that they MATCH the shirt, which she was okay with because it says, "A is for adorable." She is REALLY into letters and their sounds right now. We constantly hear, "B. buh, buh, buh...ball." Or "C, cuh, cuh, cuh...cat." She is all the way to the letter Q and can write some of them too.
She's pretty.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

She is growing up FAST!!! I have never seen her hair down...it is really cute!