Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Motherly Fail

I'm so ashamed that I've done this, but you just DON'T understand! You don't know what it's like! I feel like I'm in an AA meeting making excuses for my problem. ;) Seriously, Jaggar is one busy boy. For example, when we went to Chuck E Cheese, I took him to the bathroom to change him. When I was washing my hands, he was immediately around the corner, out the door (the big, heavy pull door, by the way), and back into play land--laughing the whole way. I never had a child like him. Sage was and still is glued to me half the time. So, I did it: I bought the dreaded "leash for the child." He actually LOVED it...while it was in the box. I haven't actually brought myself to use it in public--yet. We tried it on him, and you can see that he was less than thrilled. That, of course, was probably because SAGE thought that she'd get to drag him around like a puppy. I'll let you know how it goes in the real world.

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