Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dear, Tooth Fairy

I thought that I'd update on the tooth fairy visit. Sage decided that she wanted to write her a letter weeks ago before the tooth was even out. Here it is (I'm writing it how you would read it). It says, "Love Sage (at the top, followed by) Dear Tooth fairy, I want you to not get my tooth! And bring me a prize." Ha! Read that and then look at her letter, and I promise you will smile. She's working so hard to read and sound words out. She does a pretty good job. Oh, we couldn't just leave a letter, though. We left the following in a ziplock bag: the letter, the tooth, money (a penny), a gumball, and a piece of dental floss--ALL her idea. :) And HERE is what Sage bought with the money that the tooth fairy brought her. I'm amazed at how good she is at this because I didn't teach her, though I was pretty darn good at this back in the day.

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