Sunday, July 11, 2010

Poor Bubs

Yesterday evening, my in-laws came over to bring Sage home (FINALLY!) and to hang out for a bit. We were all out in the backyard, and Tim and Travis were working on the lawn mower. Tim asked if we had time to eat a watermelon, and since we always make time for food, we said, "Of course." Travis built a fire pit out of bricks a few years ago, and he put newspaper down on top of it to cut the watermelon up. We saw 2 wasps flying around the side of the fire pit, and I watched them climb into one of the bricks. I asked Travis if he wanted me to get the spray, and he told me, "Not while we are eating."

After we finished eating, I walked a few feet over with Sage and Travis to try to clean her dirty feet off with the hose. Jaggar wasn't too far from us, but I assumed Tim and Eletha were watching him (and they were). All of a sudden, I saw this blur out of the corner of my eyes and heard Jaggar screaming. It all happened so fast. He'd gotten too close to that fire pit...I don't know WHY it happened the way it did because I had just been much closer than he was when I was trying to inspect it, but tons of wasps came out and swarmed him.

Thank God, Thank God, Thank GOD, Tim grabbed him up immediately (it could have been bad...there were a LOT of them), but sweet Jaggar still got stung. I rushed him inside to get him AWAY, make sure there weren't any wasps inside his clothes, and to see how bad it was. Again, thank GOD, he didn't have any reactions because my dad is highly allergic to wasps. In those very few short seconds, he had 5 stings on his little legs. I put some benadryl cream on the stings. Poor, sweet baby. I loved on him, gave him some milk and a cookie, and he was as good as new after a few minutes. Here's a picture of his legs right after the attack. Hope those wasps enjoyed the gasoline they had as their last meal.

4 stings on the left leg and 1 on the right
The one near his ankle was the worst, as it even bled some.

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