Saturday, July 10, 2010


When I was at the beach, Chrissie and I had a conversation about God showing you things and speaking to you in your everyday life and routine. He DOES do that, you know, and I said, "You know, I think He does it a lot more than we think, but we just have to be aware and listen." And I'd prayed that God would open my eyes and ears to that more because I get so busy sometimes with kids, phone calls, schedules, etc that I don't take the time to hear.

Well, this week I've had a little visitor. I've noticed this beautiful butterfly when I've been outside. And by that, I mean EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. The same one has flown up to us on a daily basis for over a week. I noticed how beautiful it was the first day when Sage was like, "WHAT is that?!" I said, "It's a butterfly. Look how pretty." It's not only pretty. It's gorgeous. It has some of my favorite colors in it.

Sage has been gone, so I've spent several days out by the pool alone, and I always see him. So, he likes the pool. Nice. But then....yesterday evening, Travis was building a table out behind the deck towards the woods, and guess who showed up? I had already been thinking, "Ok...God, what's up? I see you." Then when the butterfly came up next to us behind the deck, I said, "Travis, I've seen that butterfly everyday for over a week!" Funny thing is, he'd said he'd noticed it too.

So I went inside and looked up the significance of butterflies: transition, resurrection, new life...hmmm. I can definitely testify that this has been a time of that for us and even for those around me. I'm not exactly sure what all this means or what God is trying to say, but I know He is speaking. And I am listening. And what's even cooler to me is that I know He is here. He is not unaware of where we are or uncaring, but on the contrary, very involved and working for us. I asked Travis to get a picture of it last night, but he didn't succeed. But this morning, he came back inside with his camera and tons of photographs. The butterfly was outside with Travis making one of his daily appearances. He said that the butterfly had even landed on his shoulder. Makes me smile.
That is actually the butterfly drinking a drop of water. He had so many pictures back to back that you could see the entire drop go in its mouth.

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