Thursday, November 29, 2012

Iphone Thanksgivng Pics

Here's a few Thanksgiving pics from my iphone.  Travis is in his element here.  He sets his alarm for like 3 am to put the turkey in so that the oven was free to bake other things.  Yeah...he is the best wife.  :)  He told me, "You know, this is your job, but it's my thing, so I don't mind doing it." If he let that be my job, we'd prob have lean cuisines for Thanksgiving.

 Figuring out carbs for Sage so that she could eat whatever she wanted without us having to take 30 minutes to do it while everyone else was making their plates.
 Isn't he the cutest?
 We did a thankful tree this month.  I wasn't 100% consistent with it, but Sage really enjoyed it.  We just drew a tree and each day drew a leaf with what we were each thankful for.  I had to laugh when I saw "Travis--elections" on whatever day we voted.  But this made an impact on Jaggar, and he will still ask what we're thankful for.  NOW he says that.  One day he asked Chrissie, "Hey, Chrissie, what are you tangled for?"  But when you ask Jaggar, he is always thankful for his toys.  One night, he called me back in his room to tell me he was thankful for me.  He knows what to say, that's for sure.  I don't know anyone that couldn't not fall in love with him.
 Travis and I making fun of the regular self portrait takers and purposefully letting half his arm show.  My favorites are the ones that have some random song lyrics as the caption as if that had ANYTHING to do with anything other than the fact that they liked how they looked that day.  I'm going to start doing it and saying, "Aren't I pretty?"
 "Save the neck for me, Clark."  Classic Clark.
 And another family pic.

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