I must confess that my house is pretty wrecked (and these are MY terms...not hoarders bad, okay?) in the mornings because I'm too tired to go back when the children are asleep (the IDEAL time) to clean. Translation: I'd rather be on my ipad, laptop, watching tv, or reading (I've read two NOVELS in 4 days, about to start my 3rd btw...love those Hunger Games). So in the mornings, I walk around aimlessly trying to find a place to start. The best place is my room, the kitchen, or the family room, which are the 3 places we generally LIVE. So as I'm cleaning, I notice that Travis has left his lunchbox on the counter. I also notice that he has left a container of nasty food in it that I proceed to wash. The top part is separate and feels bulky. So I open it expecting to find dishes when I find THIS. First of all, those were MY Dove chocolates in there. You little candy hoarder. Travis is like that. He knows how much I love sugar (though...M&Ms "ain't REALLY my thang"--unless they are the pretzel kind but peanut will do), so he will hide what he wants to keep to himself. I had to laugh. Jackpot. For Jaggar really. I honestly didn't have one because, as I said, the sugar has got ta go, BUT Jaggar? Well....
I'm still not so sure about this one...Jaggar. Something still seems off with him at times. Like the fact that he was up wide awake at 4:30 this morning, never going back to sleep until his nap. And EVERY day at 5:30 am, which is now 6:30 since the time change...unless you count today, which, as I said, was 4:30 in our current time, though a few days ago, would have been 3:30. Are you confused? Tired as I am? DOUBT IT. And he is moody lately...and just not 100% himself. I'm not certain, but if my mind doesn't drop it (that gnawing feeling, you know?), we will be at HIS doctor--where I wanted to be the entire time but his searing pain stopped that--sooner rather than later.
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