Monday, November 29, 2010

O Christmas Tree

Well, it's that time! While we were in Louisville, Travis (kindly) got out and set up all the Christmas decorations up to the point of us putting ornaments on the tree. I always want this to be like a Christmas special, and it very well could have been that way had I listened to Travis's advice. I didn't have to sing yesterday, so Sunday was the perfect day to decorate the tree. Both kids took great naps. The scene was set for it, so Travis said, "Would you like me to take Jaggar out somewhere so you all can do this?" "Oh no," I said, "I want him to be a part."

This is the part in my mind where I try to think that Jaggar understands and cares about...well anything. I mean, he loves us, but as far as tradition (see build-a-bear post) goes, he's 1 1/2. So a lot of time was spent keeping him from destroying things. I had about an 80% success rate with that...maybe even 70%. Sage, on the other hand, is just like me: all for it and she's old enough to be trusted not to break things. I did decide WITH my better judgment to not put everything out because I just don't want some things broken by Tornado. I'm already in need of super glue for 3 ornaments. The tree has now been decorated for a little over 24 hours, and I've redecorated the tree ALL day today. Jaggar runs to the tree, and I say, "Jaggar, NO. No. No." And he still takes the ornament(s) off and runs it over to me like, "Here! I got this for you." :) Anyway, here's some pictures of our fun.

First things first: Mid-air jumps. Why? BECAUSE WE CAN. That's how we Spences like to get things started. ;)Ha, sweet Sage. Note: I've got a 'play clothes/nap clothes' type drawer for her, and she gets THAT tank top and an old vest of mine (which you'll see later) EVERY TIME.
He's smiling because he's inching closer to the tree...probably about to remove something.
She loves that Santa hat.
Sage's face is funny here.

She loved putting the ornaments on.
Rediscovering ornaments
The mess. Also, notice Jaggar standing on top of the crate lid.

Jaggar's first Christmas sweet.
And Sage's. How precious was she? To look at this picture and then 2 pictures up is crazy. How time flies.
Of course (obviously these are from Travis's camera)
"Let me stick this in your mouth."

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.
(Oh, here's the vest. She says that she looks like her dance teacher, Ms Jessica, in this.) Here is our finished product.

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