Sunday, November 8, 2009


Even though it was freezing, that didn't stop Sage from setting out across the neighborhood to trick-or-treat. This is a candy-loving kid! Her first plan was that she was going to use 2 halloween bags. I only went with them to 3 houses, and then I took Jaggar home. This was Sage's first year for being such a BIG girl. If you've ever been around her, she has always been painfully shy--until Jaggar was born. At each and every house she said, "Trick-or-treat" followed by a "Thank you!" (PS: What is the deal with Halloween lights?! There were several houses in our neighborhood that had them this year. I just think that's a Christmas thing but whatever.)
Going back to our house with Jaggar.

I went back out with them for a few more houses and then went home to take care of Jaggar and....pass out candy. My mom is always at our house to do that while we take Sage out together. Since I was home, and it's my house, I felt obligated. Wow, what a pain! I was trying to do my checkbook and EVERY TIME I sat down, DING DONG. It took 20 minutes to write one check! For the love of the kids... :)

Look what a big girl she is.
When I went home, it was Sage and Daddy....for about an hour and a half. He called me and told me that a lady had given her a target bag to start filling since her bag was full. Look at that face...
and the ridiculous amount of candy!

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