Wednesday, December 17, 2008

On Telling Sage

Well, I have to admit that I kind of dreaded telling Sage that it was a boy. For as long as I've been pregnant, if someone slightly mentioned that it MIGHT be a boy, she'd get upset. I would have rather told Travis it was another girl than told Sage it was a boy. Ha.

It didn't help that as I was walking down the hall to pick her up from her class that 2 different teachers asked if I knew what I was having because Sage told them that day that it was a girl, and we were naming her Carson. She is stuck on that name, and I have no idea where she heard it. Anyway, I wasn't sure of how and where I wanted to tell her, but as we were walking down the hall towards the exit, I just knelt down beside her and said, "Sage, guess what? I found out what the baby is today."

She said, "What is it?" I said, "It's a boy! You're going to have a brother!" Her face frowned and she said, "WHY???!!!" hahaha. But then I said, "Sage, it's still going to be a baby that you can take care of. He won't play with your dolls, and we will still have lots of fun with a boy. HARRISON is a boy, and he's your best friend." She said, "And Isacah." I said, "And who knows? Maybe next time, God will give us a girl, but THIS time, He wanted us to have a boy." Then she smiled and just like that walked on like it was good enough for her. Then when we got home she said, "Chanel, Mayer, aren't you excited it's a boy?!" She also told her tap teacher it's a boy, so I think she's good. Phew! It could've gone either way!

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